that plant is in the ground.,.,.,its been outside its whole life.,.,i just moved into this house about,6months ago.,.,first thing i did was sow a seed .,.,i had the plant laying on its side for a go0d portion of its life.,.,i top'd it and then let it up,then i top'd the side sho0ts that resultes from the original toping.,.,it bushed out and grew crazy.,.,.rite now im lo0king for a hermie sac the other day i trimed some of the lowest branches that were geting no lite and grasshoppers were feasting on .and i found a seed but.,got a early quarter ounce harvst prob. will dry to a eighth.,.,was thinking about trying a water cure with them.,.,.,and to snortkill im a legal grower i dont care who see's ini grow or tat,but thanks i feel you.,.,thanks to everyone giving theyre constructive comments.,and shot out to rob ure as weird as i.,.,.,lol,.,.,.to ralston i just started flowering two weeks ago.,.,THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS .,.I JUST WOKE UP FROM A EDIBLE AND CONCENTRATES COMA.ATE TO MANY THINGS AND SMOKED TO MANY CONCENTRATES AT ONCE,,.,I THOUGHT IT WAS TOMAROW TODAY,LOL.,.I WILL TAKE FRESH PICS 3MRW.,.,AND 4WARD ON.,.,SMOKE UP DONT COME DOWN,WHERE A SMILE NOTTA FROWN.,.,SAID IM THE MASSIVE DREAD ROUND TOWN.,.,IN MY MUSICAL TROLLEY IM GREATER THAN MUHAMMAD ALI.,SHARPER THAN THE RAZOR JOE FRAIZER.,.,i have came to the conclusion to give her a dose of nutes and its normal for those leaves to fall off thank you for ure input i love you