My Acid Experience


Active Member
Well i only took it 1 time and quite wasn't sure where to place it..I didn't really "trip out" though. I only took 1 paper tab and sat on my couch and started watching tv. There was probably about 3 other of my friends who did it all with me to. i was the only 1 who really felt anything at all. the only thing i noticed..which was probably for about 10 or so maybe 15 minutes is that my legs got real long (considering i was in a recliner) and everything looked like a pop up book to me.....well that was almost a year ago and now i wanna do it again. i was told the reason why i didn't trip out is because i sat the whole time thinking about when it will hit me.which makes sence it easy to trip yourself out though? becuas ei just wanna have more of a heads up of what im going up against.

Im more of an outdoors type of person myself. Thats where i always smoke at. Whether its behind me house or in the woods near the train tracks. i just dontwanna get chased for some crazy ass reason whatever it may be and just start trippin real bad..any input is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if you and a few friends dropped acid....there is no way in hell you wouldnt know it. I dont care if you were all laying on the ground. Either they didnt do it or you had bogus stuff. At the very minimum, all of your jaws should have been sore from smiling so hard.

Sr. Verde

Dude, if you and a few friends dropped acid....there is no way in hell you wouldnt know it. I dont care if you were all laying on the ground. Either they didnt do it or you hade bogus stuff. At the very minimum, all of your jaws should have been sore from smiling so hard.

Yeah, of the hallucinogens I've experienced there's no possible way to stop a trip. Those chemicals start working in your brain and your rolling balls.

You probably had bunk tabs.

Brick Top

New Member
The closest I ever came to an acid trip like was mentioned in the initial message in this thread was when on time some friends of mine chipped in and bought an entire sheet of 4-way windowpane. We cut it into the normal little squares and it was fantastic … other than one time.
What we decided must have happened is that particular time the squares of paper the windowpane was taped to came from the outer edge of the sheet and the tape that held the acid in place was not only on the top but also wrapped around the back (underside of the sheet) and we figured that is sealed it in enough that it worked more like a slow time release drug and could not dissolve fast enough so the acid entered our system at a very slow pace.
The trip was longer than normal but it was mild, it was not at all intense, so the extended duration is part of what made us come to the conclusion that something, likely the double tape, caused a very slow release. That might not have been the case but at least at the time it seemed to be the most plausible answer we could come up with.
Now one of the very best trips I ever took was with 4 way windowpane from the very same sheet, in fact it was the day following the weak trip. My friends and I were at some dunes on Lake Michigan and we were lying in the sun on the top of a dune and a bi-plane started doing aerobatic maneuvers just offshore over the lake.
It did barrel rolls and wing-overs and immelmanns and other aerobatic maneuvers. It was really cool!


Active Member
yeah acid is 1 drug i really dont know to much about at all..just what goes around from word of mouth.would i be able to have a normal conversation with somebody if i was trippin? they couldn't tell if it took it.

Brick Top

New Member
yeah acid is 1 drug i really dont know to much about at all..just what goes around from word of mouth.would i be able to have a normal conversation with somebody if i was trippin? they couldn't tell if it took it.

Normal is a relative thing to each individual. What might be a normal conversation for one would be anything but for another.
With that being said I would have to say it would be highly unlikely that you would be able to carry on a truly normal conversation while tripping unless you were in the very early stage or very late stage of your trip.

It may appear to be normal to you while involved in the conversation but that would only be an illusion.

There are far to many things happening to grab your attention and shift your focus to be able to remain on topic and lucid at the same time.
Just try carrying on a normal lucid conversation while the trees you see look like the ones in the "Wizard of Oz" that talked and pulled off their own fruit and threw it or the salt you just spilled on the table appears to be jumping around like Mexican jumping beans. How about driving down the road and suddenly ‘seeing’ your vehicle surrounded by a herd of bison? Do you think that might possibly effect your current conversation?
Things like that will break your train of thought and you will later realize that your boxcars were empty.


Active Member
i seriously can't wait to do it again..alot of my friends say its not worth it though cause u can get fucked up and "stay like that forever" but i just told them.gettin bad acid like that is gettin bad laced weed..i really doubt off 1 hit i'll be trippin balls to the point of insanity


Active Member
i have done loads of acid with loads of people and i haven't ever met anyone who "got stuck", its possible figuratively but its most likely a myth. if you only ate 1 paper tab then you aren't doing it right. if you want to trip then you need to take multiple doses in a short period of time. some people just like to take 1 or 2 and be "there" but others (like me) like to do it right and get that spiritual experience. you WILL know when you are tripping and there will never be a doubt. when that happens, smile and ride the wave. Sack up and take a few doses though, it won't hurt ya. You hurting yourself is another matter entirely though.

Brick Top

New Member
if you only ate 1 paper tab then you aren't doing it right. if you want to trip then you need to take multiple doses in a short period of time.

Maybe that is true with today’s acid but not about the acid from the 60’s and the 70’s. One tab of 4-way windowpane could be cut into fourths and all four people taking it would trip their butts off. That is where the 4-way part came in.
If someone could find the real deal LSD-25 like we used to get in sugar cubes, one would be plenty if you wanted to trip. Microdot was another that multiple doses were not at all needed and neither were multiple doses needed for orange or barrel acid or any other type of acid of that era that I ever dropped.
Regardless of what many wish to believe the acid of today is not the same as the acid of the past.



New Member
I gave up taking acid about 6 years ago after crashing a hire car, when we took it back it was all coverd in grass and turf, i felt as though i was only going 30mph, but i must have been going faster when my C'o Pilot put his feet up on the dash board as we headed for a junction, it all happend in slow motion, well to me anyway, all i did after it was shake, my acid journey at that very moment was over, this track always minds me of those times.


Active Member
idk, it's all about who you know. I have taken some paper tabs where 1 got my friends off and 2 had me watching the sky change colors and trees bend over to the ground.

I've also gotten stuff where it took 5 tabs to hit.

Most of the discrepancy has to do with how the blotter was handled and how old it is.

Plus, after the Pickard bust the domestic supply in the US has been waning.

I'd rather trip shrooms as it seems to have more "personality" than sid.


Active Member
Maybe that is true with today’s acid but not about the acid from the 60’s and the 70’s. One tab of 4-way windowpane could be cut into fourths and all four people taking it would trip their butts off. That is where the 4-way part came in.
If someone could find the real deal LSD-25 like we used to get in sugar cubes, one would be plenty if you wanted to trip. Microdot was another that multiple doses were not at all needed and neither were multiple doses needed for orange or barrel acid or any other type of acid of that era that I ever dropped.
Regardless of what many wish to believe the acid of today is not the same as the acid of the past.

I couldn't agree more. I've had stuff that i wouldn't recommend most people take too much of but that doesn't really seem the case here so i didn't go that route. I should have mentioned it though. Sounds like he's getting some random street paper which has probably been handled incorrectly and degraded/diluted though. (which in my experience is the most likely scenario)

Personally, I really enjoy sugar cubes. Alice in Wonderland (paper) was always a great visual ride every time though.
i stopped tripping after my house got raided! dooohhh! 10 sheets=6 years. only 1 0z or less of da greens for me from now on.