Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
hahahah im a space cadet today! this missus refused my gurning advances and i sent a lot of complete nonsense txts to me pal about javelins or some shit. bring on the meow... im a tiger
tanks man,ive had a moment today...
i got a call off my boy as usuall a week before the crop is ready sayin can i get it early, so i said yeah n let him have an oscar on ticktill payday 1st
the dope is cheese n psycho nd its knockout. the lads me bestmate but hes wanting the mates rate for single ozzies n giving me jip bout it not being bone dry when hes asked for it early instead
Tell him to grow his own weed next time. Thats one of the reasons i dunt sell, that and id rather smoke it lol.
no a very possible reality lol
yeah i told him straight. telling me 140 is a kanny expensive O, lol hes had it kushy for so long. hed get a reet shock if he tried to buy good gear in the real world.He wants it early and on tick and cheap? Then gives gives you clog about it being damp, mates eh? i'd tell him to fuck right off and not to ask again.
tar muchly! tho i dont have em any more lolVery nice lookin nugs you got there sir.
People like that deserve to smoke bagseed... mates 'n all.
What a lack of appreciation
That's like giving a 17 year old a 7 year old bottle of cab sav'.
What a waste...