There are infinite amount of ways to make crack and i doubt your "friend" had problems making it , rather he wasnt introducing enough heat while smoking.
Its the most common mistake people do.
MDMA , Cocaine , Meth and speed... i don't see why they should not be allowed in this forum if other , much more hardcore drugs like opiates are allowed.
Remember though ,- the faster your introduce the drug to your system the more likely you are to experience cravings and Psychological addiction will develop VERY EFFING FAST. I don't think there is any drug out there that is as dangerous as crack in terms of the development of psychological addiction.
Its not exactly the high but the fact that your are repeatedly fast dozing yourself for a relatively short lasting high. Similar to tobacco but with a much higher rate of pleasure addiction and stronger withdrawals.
Fast method of dozing , fast acting drug with short half-life , fast tolerance building. - Its all 3 of the most dangerous combos.
Even so , thats nothing compared to the opiates everyone is chewing on in this forum.
and benzocrack is known to cause heartfailures and id advice anyone to be cautions of mixing uppers and downers. Especially when both are relatively strong.
You might as well be snowballing for that last sprint.
Just my 10cents <.<