
Well-Known Member
I don't even use rollitup anymore... but i got an email for this forum... so i figured... hell why not... in 7 days 3 weeks ago i went through a ten strip of cid, half oz of mushies, 3 2c-e doses, and a dose of molly

The Wookie

Active Member
last time i dropped acid was at electric Daisy carnival this year. i dosed 3 or 4 different time thru-out the night. The last tabs i ate lasted me soooo long which led me to wonder if it was DOB or sum shit cause i know that last alot long than acid. My vision stayed warped for days after this. Id be outside smoking a bowl on my porch watching the patterens on my sidewalk and stucco shift and breath. I wasnt sure if i was going to come down after this one hahaha it was definately a dank fry tho. Intense visuals and body fry. o and i guess i ate 6 thizz pills the first night too tho


Well-Known Member
fuk u meth takers and lsd fuk u stay gANJA other 1ns fuk ur life up

Seems like the weed has fucked up you.

May be you should stay away from even marijuana. As seeing it has fucked up your grammar skills, and ability to have a solid argument . :hump:

Next time you say shit like that remember.....

Not all of us are addicts, we simply use for the use of recreational purposes.
We have our fun and continue on with our live not doing damage to society, as many government and political people say.

We carry on with our everyday lives and go to work, school, tend to our children or what ever.

Just cause we do something other than smoke dope, doesn't make us criminal, bad people or useless.

Go to a rehab clinic and preach your little 'tid bit criticism there.


Well-Known Member
Seems like the weed has fucked up you.

May be you should stay away from even marijuana. As seeing it has fucked up your grammar skills, and ability to have a solid argument . :hump:

Next time you say shit like that remember.....

Not all of us are addicts, we simply use for the use of recreational purposes.
We have our fun and continue on with our live not doing damage to society, as many government and political people say.

We carry on with our everyday lives and go to work, school, tend to our children or what ever.

Just cause we do something other than smoke dope, doesn't make us criminal, bad people or useless.

Go to a rehab clinic and preach your little 'tid bit criticism there.
Owned like a slave.
Hmmm, Well I've had some crazy times with pills. Most ecstasy I ever took in one session was 7 1/2, and I did that twice. In my entire life, I only mixed colored pills once. The first time I did 7 1/2 was with my Ex Girlfriend, and they were Orange Glocks, The cleanest pills I ever had. That lasted from exactly 12:25 in the afternoon, and I was actually in the middle of the comedown at 7-8:30pm. The 2nd time was Blue Transformers, The MDMA kind not the Meth kind. I was so smacked that night I was hallucinating haha. I remember I was on like 5 already, and before I went home with my girlfriend in my smacked stupidity, I railed another hole pill. She said I was laying in bed and I would fall asleep, wake up and stare at her and ask where the plane tickets were and shit and all types of questions.

With shrooms, I think the longest I tripped was from 5pm to 7 in the morning. I had a bad trip off eating an 8th by myself, the first day of summer in my room on the phone with my ex girlfriend. All was going well until I noticed that the effects were getting really strong [Though I had taken an eigth before it was overwhelming]. Like, Within 10 minutes it seemed like the effects had tripled. I was up all night, and at one point so comatose on my bed just stuck in a bad trip, i was still coming down at like 7...When my parents were going to work haha.



Well-Known Member
These are the sort of trips that sound exxagerated and offkey:


Hmmm, Well I've had some crazy times with pills. Most ecstasy I ever took in one session was 7 1/2, and I did that twice. In my entire life, I only mixed colored pills once. The first time I did 7 1/2 was with my Ex Girlfriend, and they were Orange Glocks, The cleanest pills I ever had. That lasted from exactly 12:25 in the afternoon, and I was actually in the middle of the comedown at 7-8:30pm. The 2nd time was Blue Transformers, The MDMA kind not the Meth kind. I was so smacked that night I was hallucinating haha. I remember I was on like 5 already, and before I went home with my girlfriend in my smacked stupidity, I railed another hole pill. She said I was laying in bed and I would fall asleep, wake up and stare at her and ask where the plane tickets were and shit and all types of questions.

With shrooms, I think the longest I tripped was from 5pm to 7 in the morning. I had a bad trip off eating an 8th by myself, the first day of summer in my room on the phone with my ex girlfriend. All was going well until I noticed that the effects were getting really strong [Though I had taken an eigth before it was overwhelming]. Like, Within 10 minutes it seemed like the effects had tripled. I was up all night, and at one point so comatose on my bed just stuck in a bad trip, i was still coming down at like 7...When my parents were going to work haha.


No matter what pressed pills you receive... you'll never roll for 8hrs... thats twice the trip rate... normally by stacking up on pills.. the most you'll extend your roll is for another 2hrs or so. Serontonin is much different than dopamine... methamphetamine can keep on stimulating domapine for hrs and days to come... where serontonin is a very limited neurontransmitter in the brain and lining of the stomach. I am from Southern Cali. myself and I've had the priviledge of consuming the finest rolls in North America. The orange glocks are mediocre... not great... I have taken orange, purple, yellow, blue glocks.... I've probably popped over 50 glocks.. so I am very familiar with them... their very smacky and somewhat energetic. The best rolls I have taken in press form are the pink dolphins of 07'... DUDE, look those up on pillreports... they were the pills of the year.

As far as meth goes... yuck... I wouldn't even qualify that as a trip! All people know you lack sleep and hunger... and those are the two epotimized outcomes that cause the trip!

Personally, the longest trip was from a standard combination of 1.5 orange maseratis... and 1.5 cubensis mexicanas... took the shrooms first... waited 30 minutes... then popped the rolls... hippyflip is the way to go! The visuals were greatly intensified... and emotion was just pouring out... the trip ruffly lasted about 7 hrs... residual effects 2hrs... so in total 9hrs.


Well-Known Member
i dont think his trip is exaggerated at all.... and offkey? wtf?
That's the difference between you and me homeboy!

I have been their, done that... and know how long your brain... can sustain such a high!

I'm not totally ragging on his post... orange glocks are some good rolls... but rolling for nearly 8 hrs is one huge farce! I have probably consumed about 600mg of mdma in one night.. so do the math... thats about 8 mediocre rolls... or 6 powerful ones... and the most I have ever gone with that is 6hrs... 4hrs of that was total bliss... the rest was a letdown. I dont have the time to go through the way physiological and metabolic stages of mdma....

But unless proved otherwise, I stand corrected!


Well-Known Member
That's the difference between you and me homeboy!

I have been their, done that... and know how long your brain... can sustain such a high!

I'm not totally ragging on his post... orange glocks are some good rolls... but rolling for nearly 8 hrs is one huge farce! I have probably consumed about 600mg of mdma in one night.. so do the math... thats about 8 mediocre rolls... or 6 powerful ones... and the most I have ever gone with that is 6hrs... 4hrs of that was total bliss... the rest was a letdown. I dont have the time to go through the way physiological and metabolic stages of mdma....

But unless proved otherwise, I stand corrected!
we got a doctor in the house lol hey doc chill out take another pill and shut up.. longest time i have tripped 2 days shrooms, strawberry x, and a bit of blow for the hell of it


Well-Known Member
we got a doctor in the house lol hey doc chill out take another pill and shut up.. longest time i have tripped 2 days shrooms, strawberry x, and a bit of blow for the hell of it
Yeah I might pop a zanzibar!

I'm not trying to drag anybody down... but come on! If your trying to be comical... great, you provided us with a few giggles.... but to set things straight... the mind doesn't have the ability to react to such stimuli over a certain course of time.

Combining blow with mdma... good job... circuit break your receptors why dont you....


Well-Known Member
and what is everybody on this fellows bandwagon... trying to protect him... when Im just trying to relay some accurate info... I haven't reached my asshole tolerance yet ;)


Well-Known Member
dude you dont know how long someone else can trip for just because you havent experienced the same thing. everyone is different. its is possible to roll for 8 hours, i know because ive done it myself. so post proven.


a little less then 2 days off 4 blotters of acid. was cool for the first 12 hours or so but after a day and a half i just wanted to sleep but couldnt