Why the hell are people against free health care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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New Member
Tell us why you think health care should be a right? America has gone on with the free market for so long and know you want to socialize health care. Stop crying about a right, that everyone else works so hard to have. Yes we need reform and more competition but goverment stepping in to do the job is bad. The more the gov steps in the more choices that are takin away from us. I want freedom and the gov to stay out of the way. Yes Im a well off white guy! lol
What rights would they be taking away? It's not mandatory.


Well-Known Member
Just because you're "satisfied" with our clusterfuck of a health insurance system, doesn't mean we can't do better.

We're talking about INSURANCE here, not HEALTH CARE. There's a difference.


Well-Known Member
You can predict the future of health care it affects both Insurance and Health care, I guess we are screwed when it comes to the pill throwing doctors nowaday's, Hey man I'm a doctor Now, ya wan't some,,I got a buddy at the parmic co,,,try these lol. as long as doctors get paid they will still be doctors and healers if there good peoples.


Well-Known Member
Tell us why you think health care should be a right? America has gone on with the free market for so long and know you want to socialize health care. Stop crying about a right, that everyone else works so hard to have. Yes we need reform and more competition but goverment stepping in to do the job is bad. The more the gov steps in the more choices that are takin away from us. I want freedom and the gov to stay out of the way. Yes Im a well off white guy! lol
I think that health care should be a right, same as I think roads and electricity should be a right. If you cannot be able to do your job to contribute to society we should do something to make it available. Why, because in a nation as wealthy as ours, we can!

If you can be healthy and productive you will help the society more than is you are sick and unable to be productive.

And the only reason why the government is in the position to step in is due to the fact that these huge holes are in the system now. If the health insurance and rest of the health industry would have not left these holes in the name of profits it would never have came up.


New Member
Why is it people are coming on here making it sound like it's gonna be mandatory? When you tell them it won't be they don't respond.


Well-Known Member
Because they sincerely think it is going to be. If you ever watch Glen Beck or listen to the crazy rantings of any other 'independent' that is what they are selling it.

And all this misinformation is coming from the republicans so that they can gain back power.


Well-Known Member
Nice,,know that feeling ,,,LOL, I'm usually anti-Political but I 'm so sick of the Shit Nowaday's, I quite watching the news much, cause it's All BS both sides,,I just look at my own experiences and The REPUBLICANS are full of Shit,,It;s so clear and they still will fight,,Ha Ha arogant Mouthafo's. They are SO full of Hate,,,Comn' People we are all the same. Peace


New Member
Nice,,know that feeling ,,,LOL, I'm usually anti-Political but I 'm so sick of the Shit Nowaday's, I quite watching the news much, cause it's All BS both sides,,I just look at my own experiences and The REPUBLICANS are full of Shit,,It;s so clear and they still will fight,,Ha Ha arogant Mouthafo's. They are SO full of Hate,,,Comn' People we are all the same. Peace
It's christians ruining this country I'm positive of it


the reason i personally dont want it is because it brings us one step closer to fascism

which we already are damn close to...

fascism = merging of state and corporate powers

banks and mortgage companies - government take over

car companies - government take over

health care industry - government take over

whats next? cause you KNOW they arent going to stop there

the founding fathers would shit bricks if they saw what the government they created, which was supposed to protect our freedoms and our rights, is slow eroding them away

while at the same time they turn around and spin it so it looks like a good idea, til you read all of the crap they sneak in with each and every piece of legislation

congress doesnt read the bills, multiple members have even admitted to not reading them, while others complain they arent allowed to see it, OR

they do the sneak attack (climate change bill) where at the very last second they add 1000+ pages to the bill so its virtually impossible for one man to read it

then you have the ones saying that its useless reading whats in the bills

our government is not doing its job, which is to preserve the best interests of the people

instead its going after the best interests of its own level of power as well as the thickness of their own wallets

its not longer a government of, for, and by the people

its a government for the ruling of the people, the taxing of the people, and the ultimate control of the pople

the most dangerous kind of tyranny is one where the people dont know its a tyranny

and there really is no way that my mind can be changed, its all in history.... the real history not the indoctrinated history in the school text books

"if there is one thing we learned from history, its that we didnt learn shit"


New Member
the reason i personally dont want it is because it brings us one step closer to fascism

which we already are damn close to...

fascism = merging of state and corporate powers

banks and mortgage companies - government take over

car companies - government take over

health care industry - government take over

whats next? cause you KNOW they arent going to stop there

the founding fathers would shit bricks if they saw what the government they created, which was supposed to protect our freedoms and our rights, is slow eroding them away

while at the same time they turn around and spin it so it looks like a good idea, til you read all of the crap they sneak in with each and every piece of legislation

congress doesnt read the bills, multiple members have even admitted to not reading them, while others complain they arent allowed to see it, OR

they do the sneak attack (climate change bill) where at the very last second they add 1000+ pages to the bill so its virtually impossible for one man to read it

then you have the ones saying that its useless reading whats in the bills

our government is not doing its job, which is to preserve the best interests of the people

instead its going after the best interests of its own level of power as well as the thickness of their own wallets

its not longer a government of, for, and by the people

its a government for the ruling of the people, the taxing of the people, and the ultimate control of the pople

the most dangerous kind of tyranny is one where the people dont know its a tyranny

and there really is no way that my mind can be changed, its all in history.... the real history not the indoctrinated history in the school text books

"if there is one thing we learned from history, its that we didnt learn shit"
The companies asked for the help. They then took most of the money for personal use when they should of used it all towards the companies. Health care is something they been trying to do for years. The only difference is he is getting it done. He's not saying you have to have it or who you can see. I'm Bi- Partisan but I see no valid points made by republicans. Also independants are making the bill look bad by putting there own words in stuff instead of Obama. If I see a good valid point why this bill shouldn't go through I will change my mind. Until then I'm all for it.
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