Living in texas


Active Member
its should start to be getting pretty close 12 and 12 light cycle over here and i was wondering if and when the pre-flowers would show. Also will she finish before it gets to cold outside


Well-Known Member
i've seen some plants in the dallas area that have nice fat buds and close to harvest


go to this site put in your zip, scroll down to the astronomy section and look at the length of visible light and length of day. I am in full on bud and nowhere near 12/12.

PS edit, the length of day and visible light is less than that of New England so I don't know why she isn't showing. How long has she been outside?


Well-Known Member
eqinox is on the 21 if im not mistaken and my plants are already starting to bud.. ur plant must be small just grow it as long as u possibly can.


Well-Known Member
12/12 has nothing to do with growing outdoors. End of story. This has to be the biggest myth of MJ cultivation.

12/12 is a an indoor technique which has precious little to do with outdoor cultivation.

By the time 12/12 has occurred in nature, harvest has most likely already come and gone.


Active Member
Damn bro you getting any white hairs yet atleast???? one of mines a late starter too she grew alotta future bud sites and shot out the white hairs in those spots but kept growing she started flowering at 3Ft and has grown an additional foot in heighth but is technically in flower no actual Bud formation yet though.

and I'm out in the Humble/Atascocita area


Active Member
Damn bro you getting any white hairs yet atleast???? one of mines a late starter too she grew alotta future bud sites and shot out the white hairs in those spots but kept growing she started flowering at 3Ft and has grown an additional foot in heighth but is technically in flower no actual Bud formation yet though.

and I'm out in the Humble/Atascocita area
This is my first grow and i messed up quite a bit in the beginning mabye i stunted it. I like in the clear lake area.


Active Member
Well what I've found is when they get freaked out/Stressed Stop feeding them.....just give them clean chlorine/chloramine free water and make sure they have adequate drainage Drainage is key you don't want the soil to retain alot of water to the point of being mud consistency cause then the roots can't breath and on top of that the roots start to rot.... get some Fish tank Gravel and put it at the bottom of the pots to make absolutely sure your getting adequate draining of the soil you want the soil Moist not soaked.


Active Member
make sure not to physically touch the roots with your hands I think it's something about the oils in your skin. Anyway lol thats all I can think of. Do they have any good hydro shops where you at in clearlake man??? if not PM me and I'll hook you up with a phone number to one over here in Humble it's literally right off Beltway 8 almost at 59........point being they sell shit thats a stress reducer that might help too. Cause I know how it feels to go through all that work nurturing them and then to have them take a turn for the worse!!! PEACE man let me know if ya need the Hydro shop number PM me and Let me know


also from the webster area..theres one headshop in bay area blvd.. called high times i think, never been there ,not into bongs and stuff, i just roll a spliff and thats it :joint:


never been there but i think i saw one called high times..

theres another one called Southside Smoke shop close to almeda mall..10711 Gulf Fwy Houston