yes tried it,no not loud.
in my experience using porcelain is VERY loud. and i always hit the spark plug with a hammer.
the pocalin man.
you asked what part of plug shatters,i said the porcalin part,i dont understand the question i guess.ive laid it out for you as best i could,allright u just lost me now
have u ever threw porcalin at a window?
the words, 'in my experience' would lead one to believe that i have wouldnt they?
the words, 'in my experience' would lead one to believe that i have wouldnt they?
im glad my ex never shoped on line,mind you i wish she did,because she would miss my car window with the rock and hit my house,my car door my head lights,my neibhors house,so if she had fdd,s gizmo i would of paid a lot less insurance.
Sounds like your kids just go talk to his parents and tell them you want your stuff. Or have the cops talk to him. If its really yours you will get it back that way. Dont go breaking windows it only makes you look like your up to something. Id rather tell the cops my story and not have part of it be "and just after I cut all the wires you pulled up but really im not stealing anything" What do you think the chances pf that working would be?
alright i just want to break the window without it being loud and thats probly the best and fastest way to get in his car