

Well-Known Member
hi everyone just woundering why dos the light have to be so close to the plant thank's for reply's


Active Member
Lumens spread out in a sphere pattern over distances of space, and as they do this the amount of lumens per square inch or foot is depleted. Tadaaa


Well-Known Member
well professor
how about a simple answer what is the purpose of the light being so close
That is VERY SIMPLE answer

Intensity = Light at Source/ Distance squared

600w at source = 95,000 lumens
Let's suggest distance 2 feet

Intensity= 95,000/ 2 feet ^2(4)
Intensity = 95,000/4= 23750

Now put it at 3 feet away
Intensity = 95,000/3 feet^2
Intensity = 95,000/9=10,555



Well-Known Member
very funning look maybe i am not making my self clear or maybe my question is to simple for you collage boy's. what is the PURPOSE not the mathematical equation
the purpose of doing this is what i need to know not the math [meaning what does this do to the plant


Well-Known Member
very funning look maybe i am not making my self clear or maybe my question is to simple for you collage boy's. what is the PURPOSE not the mathematical equation
the purpose of doing this is what i need to know not the math [meaning what does this do to the plant
Plants need as much light as they can get to help with photosynthesis (process of converting light into energy).

The closer the light the more intense the light. The further away the light, the less intense it is.

This is something you should learn in grade school science if not everyday observation that is why we might have assumed you knew this.



Well-Known Member
well potllike some of us old timer's didn't have mommy and daddy giving us money all the time so we could go to school tell we had to get a job some of us had to quit and get a job and grow up quick and grade school i dought that. and if i know something i wont wast time asking that would just be stupid! also this site was made to help those who do not and get useful info not smart ass comments. ps thank's cerberus


Well-Known Member
well potllike some of us old timer's didn't have mommy and daddy giving us money all the time so we could go to school tell we had to get a job some of us had to quit and get a job and grow up quick and grade school i dought that. and if i know something i wont wast time asking that would just be stupid! also this site was made to help those who do not and get useful info not smart ass comments. ps thank's cerberus

WOW the guy truly comes out to help you and you just attack him, Im sure he will be willing to help you in the future. I know im gonna try to help you since you so nice to those that try. Good luck with life.

Also, don't you think its wrong to blame his parents for your shortcomings?


Well-Known Member
well potllike some of us old timer's didn't have mommy and daddy giving us money all the time so we could go to school tell we had to get a job some of us had to quit and get a job and grow up quick and grade school i dought that. and if i know something i wont wast time asking that would just be stupid! also this site was made to help those who do not and get useful info not smart ass comments. ps thank's cerberus
You ignorant son of a bitch where the fuck do you get off judging me? I worked until I was 24 to be able to pay for college and worked the whole way through, btw I'm still paying it off. Mommy and daddy didn't give me money. Also, if you got off your lazy ass and looked you would see there are plenty of federal programs that assist w/ college loans.... I know I have them out the asshole.

I was being nice before and helping.... but you are a moron to NOT be able to understand that more light = more growth. Some people are just ungrateful.

Know who the fuck you are talking to before you judge... and learn how to spell past a 3rd grade education please. You can go back to fucking your donkey now, you ignorant prick.



Well-Known Member
in order to understand why the light needs to be close you need to have the mindset of learning, asking a somewhat complicated question and getting a similar response is inevitable. if you are too stupid to use context clues (reference 2-5th grade) then i recommend you trail your questions with: "im a complete moron with no intelligence, so please answer the question in such a way that a 14 yr old would understand". As for your jealousy of the higher educated, its just that, jealousy. no one is flaunting higher learning, but you seem to have a chip on your shoulder. just because you had a shitty up bringing, doesnt mean thats the standard or the norm or any sort of determinant for the rest of us. in closing, next time you ask for help, dont get mad if you are too stupid to understand the answer.


Well-Known Member
WOW the guy truly comes out to help you and you just attack him, Im sure he will be willing to help you in the future. I know im gonna try to help you since you so nice to those that try. Good luck with life.

Also, don't you think its wrong to blame his parents for your shortcomings?
no nodrama that was not help all potlike did was repeat the first reply's answer just in a simpler form and if that's the kind of help you or potlike gives i dont need it


Well-Known Member
You ignorant son of a bitch where the fuck do you get off judging me? I worked until I was 24 to be able to pay for college and worked the whole way through, btw I'm still paying it off. Mommy and daddy didn't give me money. Also, if you got off your lazy ass and looked you would see there are plenty of federal programs that assist w/ college loans.... I know I have them out the asshole.

I was being nice before and helping.... but you are a moron to NOT be able to understand that more light = more growth. Some people are just ungrateful.

Know who the fuck you are talking to before you judge... and learn how to spell past a 3rd grade education please. You can go back to fucking your donkey now, you ignorant prick.

maybe you collage boys should read the question before you answer so go show your girl friend your math equation
and your collage degree maybe she well be impress i am not!!! and try to keep your story straight did you work to pay for collage or did you get loans ps fuck you


Well-Known Member
wow dude its like no one can discuss anything on here wit out flaming each other this sites maturity level has really dropped


Well-Known Member
hey dgk i just wanted a simple answer to a simple question but all i got was a math lesson and two ass holes [ugzkmk,dingbang] with smart ass remarks. so i ask some people who know what this site is all about and how to help and their answer was as follow's to keep the plant from stretching and to get denser bud's thats the perpose of getting your light close to your plant not for math equation


Well-Known Member
yes close lights will prevent stretching, and provide more intense light for better growth.. feel free to pm me wit any questions and let the kindergarden kids poke each other


Active Member
In the wild, plants use WATER and SUNLIGHT to go through the photosynthetic process, and then use Nutrients for growth. When growing indoors, your light EMULATES the SUUUN. Since indoor lights are not exactly as powerful as the SUN, we move them closer to get the most ENERGY out of them! Nap time anyone?


Well-Known Member
maybe you collage boys should read the question before you answer so go show your girl friend your math equation
and your collage degree maybe she well be impress i am not!!! and try to keep your story straight did you work to pay for collage or did you get loans ps fuck you
It's not my fault you're a fucking retard and have to be explained things at a 6th grade level but I did it for you anyways and yes I did BOTH. I did not get a collage degree I got a college degree; learn to spell.

I answered your question the way you asked it, if you wanted to ask something different then you need to ask the right question. I answered the question as it read.

I guess the old adage is true: You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think.

Please grow the fuck up and stop acting like a 12 year old. You should be thankful anyone is helping you. If you don't like an answer or if something is a difficult concept for you to grasp ask if we can rephrase. Everyone in the world is new to things at one time and the best way to learn is ask, but be respectful.
