Hehe, good catch its a pure Landrace Afghani, you will love it. Heavy stuff..traditional Hashplants. We are having a bit of a Harvest Thanksgiving sale there, lots of lines 25 bucks, good fun and good genes.
My top picks based on positive experiences:
Attitude Seeds http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/
Hemp Depot http://www.hempdepot.ca/
WorldWide Marijuana Seeds (The Single Seed Center) http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/
Hemcy Seed Company http://www.hemcy.com/
Legends http://www.legendsseeds.com/
PeakSeedsBC http://www.peakseedsbc.com/
I was looking at them a few months back, but a few complaints about mediocre potency scared me away. Which of their strains do you recommend?The other one, PeakSeedsBC is only lower because they have a very limited line. They sell their own line and that is it, (that is unless something has changed there since I last visited) so I guess in a way they are not really what I would call a traditional seedbank but they have some darn good genetics and are great to deal with.