Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

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To me the graph is visually appealing, sorry if I disappointed lol.

JR - I'm not supplying you with any more information. You are a Newer user on this forum, and your first PM to me was asking for all of the proprietary information behind my lights, which my competitor's have been working very hard to get. You continue to ask me for more technically detailed information than any other user, which sometimes borders again on proprietary info. From my standpoint, you either work for, or are gathering information to report back to, one of my competitors (likely ProSource). Because of the nature of your interactions with me since message one, you will no longer be receiving responses from me on this thread, or via PM. Sorry.

If you want a PAR graph of what a tomato absorbs, look it up! Google works just as EASY for you, as it does for me. I didn't study tomatoes, I just grew one with my light. I don't need a PAR graph to be able to see the results in front of my eyes. You need it why?

PAR is PAR....LOL> Do you know what it is?
Do you have a PAR meter? It is not that expensive, and it tells you a bunch.
You have supplied me no information that is not on your WWW or in this thread...period.
So quit your bullshit. Hell if we wanted to I could buy one of your LED's, but do not need to, to know the information.

To say nothing about the PAR chart, that is bogus, tells me you do not know much about the plants needs.
You are nothing more than a sales person drumming up business.
Do you know what a plasma light is? that is the future.
And NO I do not work for a light do as a sales beenie.
The product you have has NO propriety design or products in it, it is made in CHINA.
What the hell !
Just be truthful, is all.
Hows about contributing something positive to the thread. I think it is too easy to become side-tracked on what the overall goal is here. Relax... Move on...

Any new updates?

Hows about contributing something positive to the thread. I think it is too easy to become side-tracked on what the overall goal is here. Relax... Move on...

Any new updates?


WOW, Did anyone else hear that? I thought there was someone above (not PF) trying to talk more bullshit, but I've already pointed out that I will not respond to that user... Bogus people coming online to try and talk shit... don't you think they should find a new hobby? or at least a new thread? Doesn't seem like too many other people here are having a problem getting along...

Anyhow, I'll get some more pictures tomorrow. It will be the last update for about 8-10 days though, as my wife and I are getting away for our anniversary.
Ledgirl are you a guy or girl just wondering? But anyways leds work very nice for about a light per plant but not for a big seperated grow. My friend used a 90w led ufo per plant and the buds were bigger than just using a 400hps. the smoke was so clean smoking it was like their were no chemicals in the buds but they sure got us high like shit. he had no heat issues and his bill was low. i heard the light given from leds are very clean light than compared to a hps and does not give as much chlorophly than a hps light would do. am liking these shits very nice...
The Truth and nothing but the Truth and she can not answer the questions ! Be wary of sales people making $500/ light, that has NO patented or proprietary item in it.

And lookie is NOT a girl it is a GUY...LMAO.....can't even do that right.
It did not sound like female verbiage anyway.

LEDgirl all we ask for is the truth, not a sales gimmick that you make tons of buck$ on.

You can ignore, but we will be watching and commenting, especially if you are attempting to feed Bull Shit to these folks.
I've gone ahead and made a complaint against JR, for his continued negativity, and now defamatory comments on this thread. It's very apparent that his sole purpose of being here, is to harass users and lie. Even after I publicly ignore him, he continues to try and initiate fights. His behavior is absolutely the most CHILDISH I've seen from anyone thus far on this forum. I ENCOURAGE others of you who feel as I do, to go ahead and press the report button as well. That's what it's there for. His libel behavior is completely unprofessional and immature, not to mention punishable under the law. He is spreading false information, and making false accusations towards me, for the sole reason that I've chosen to ignore him for the way he continues to address me, and behave on this thread. With my job, I can decide who I will and won't speak to, and anyone who chooses to be as much of an asshole as JR, will get the same response from me. It's not that I can't answer a question, but I SURE AS HELL, won't answer yours.

I am a WOMAN, and I have a WIFE. JESUS CHRIST, this is the 21st CENTURY! Have you never heard of a Lesbian before? Did you never hear of PROPOSITION 8, and how California allowed over 18,000 same-sex couples to marry last year? So seriously FUCK OFF.

How the hell can I make $500 on a light, that sells for $399 you idiot!?

MODS - get him the hell of this thread. It only takes reading 2 or 3 of his posts to see that he has absolutely NOTHING POSITIVE to add to this thread.
I've gone ahead and made a complaint against JR, for his continued negativity, and now defamatory comments on this thread. It's very apparent that his sole purpose of being here, is to harass users and lie. Even after I ignore him, he continues to try and start a fight, and this behavior is absolutely the most CHILDISH I've seen from anyone thus far on this forum. I ENCOURAGE others of you who feel as I do, to go ahead and press the report button as well. That's what it's there for. His libel behavior is completely unprofessional and immature, not to mention punishable under the law. He is spreading false information, and making false accusations towards me, for the sole reason that I've chosen to ignore him for the way he continues to address me, and behave on this thread. With my job, I can decide who I will and won't speak to, and anyone who chooses to be as much of an asshole as JR, will get the same response from me. It's not that I can't answer a question, but I SURE AS HELL, won't answer yours.

I am a WOMAN, and I have a WIFE. JESUS CHRIST, this is the 21st CENTURY! Have you never heard of a Lesbian before? Did you never hear of PROPOSITION 8, and how California allowed over 18,000 same-sex couples to marry last year? So seriously FUCK OFF.

How the hell can I make $500 on a light, that sells for $399 you idiot!?

MODS - get him the hell of this thread. It only takes reading 2 or 3 of his posts to see that he has absolutely NOTHING POSITIVE to add to this thread.

I am going to stand behind you C. Even though I have not always posted the most contributing factors in threads, this LED situation that is among us all should be highly sought after. This is priceless information, and the thread should be kept alive with informative posts with real results. Non-believers and people who simply wish to criticize can just go elsewhere.

I don't mean to hijack, simply to add to what you are saying. I find this very important.

Thanks C.

Led girl and everybody else I just skimmed through all 21 pages. On page 1 we see some pictures of a nice grow. Page 2 through 21 is about people debating HPS VS LED, or just bitching. The thing I find funny on all MJ forums is that when someone talks about alternative light source,HPS growers come out of the wood work to defend HPS. HPS does not need defending it is by far the best light source for the commercial growers, I do not think that is even debatable. However for the people who are growing for personal use, I think HPS is a good choice but other options should be consider. So basically what Im saying here is we all know HPS is great and instead of comparing HPS VS LED can we just learn about the damn grow and see the results.
So basically what Im saying here is we all know HPS is great and instead of comparing HPS VS LED can we just learn about the damn grow and see the results.

That is what I would like to see too! I'm watching this thread to learn more about LEDs and their effectiveness. LEDgirl has done a really awesome job with providing information on LEDs as well as how MJ uses light. It kind of sucks having to flip through posts saying well this is cool, but HPS is better. That's great go use it. We want to learn about LEDs in this thread and the results they produce.
Led girl and everybody else I just skimmed through all 21 pages. On page 1 we see some pictures of a nice grow. Page 2 through 21 is about people debating HPS VS LED, or just bitching. The thing I find funny on all MJ forums is that when someone talks about alternative light source,HPS growers come out of the wood work to defend HPS. HPS does not need defending it is by far the best light source for the commercial growers, I do not think that is even debatable. However for the people who are growing for personal use, I think HPS is a good choice but other options should be consider. So basically what Im saying here is we all know HPS is great and instead of comparing HPS VS LED can we just learn about the damn grow and see the results.

Thank you to the 4 of you for your remarks. I agree with you 100%, so let's keep on with this thread in a positive way. ;)

I'll be posting more pictures tomorrow, and then I'll be gone for 8 days, so the final week pictures should be great when I get back! :leaf:
I've gone ahead and made a complaint against JR, for his continued negativity, and now defamatory comments on this thread. It's very apparent that his sole purpose of being here, is to harass users and lie. Even after I publicly ignore him, he continues to try and initiate fights. His behavior is absolutely the most CHILDISH I've seen from anyone thus far on this forum. I ENCOURAGE others of you who feel as I do, to go ahead and press the report button as well. That's what it's there for. His libel behavior is completely unprofessional and immature, not to mention punishable under the law. He is spreading false information, and making false accusations towards me, for the sole reason that I've chosen to ignore him for the way he continues to address me, and behave on this thread. With my job, I can decide who I will and won't speak to, and anyone who chooses to be as much of an asshole as JR, will get the same response from me. It's not that I can't answer a question, but I SURE AS HELL, won't answer yours.

You are still speaking to J R. Libel tho? Know what libel is, or is that the female in you coming out? Stand up to the scrutiny.
You can blow your top, but you are unable to answer the questions pertaining to LEDs, and this concerns me. Why? I have been ripped off several $1000 on LEDs that do not work or work mediocre. I use them but still need HPS with the LEDs.

I am a WOMAN, and I have a WIFE. JESUS CHRIST, this is the 21st CENTURY! Have you never heard of a Lesbian before? Did you never hear of PROPOSITION 8, and how California allowed over 18,000 same-sex couples to marry last year? So seriously FUCK OFF.

Could care less about your sexual orientation. I hear in Bango Bango yo can get married to a baboon!

How the hell can I make $500 on a light, that sells for $399 you idiot!?

On the 300 Watt unit...more than $500, been around the whirl a couple times.

MODS - get him the hell of this thread. It only takes reading 2 or 3 of his posts to see that he has absolutely NOTHING POSITIVE to add to this thread.

I will be here, and, I hope your LEDs do grow MMJ, because then they will be a selling item.
So relax and go forth and explain and show your grow.

If your unable to stand up to the scrutiny, start your own private blog.
This is a public forum, being used by you to sell product.
Happy Anniversary.
I'm glad I get to contribute to this thread just as its starting to go in a more positive direction, subscribed!

LEDGirl, this thread has been a wealth of knowledge so far about LED technology. I, for one, am finding this information useful as I determine what kind of lighting to set up in a new grow room.
Assuming I had decided on an LED lighting setup, what would you suggest for nine (9) sativas in a 10' x 10' room (actually a 9' x 9' grow area, as I like to have some room to walk around my ladies...)?

Keep up the great work, thank you for the knowledge and info, safe travels and can't wait to see the pictures when you get back! ...oh, and don't mind the haters!
"Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off." :joint:
If your unable to stand up to the scrutiny, start your own private blog.
This is a public forum, being used by you to sell product.
Happy Anniversary.

First I need to point out again, that I'm not here on the forums to sell a product, that's what I do on my website. I am here only to share information, and to post results using a product I developed, from multiple different growers over time. If I were using this forum as a sales generator, I wouldn't request for people to stop making references to selling, or my website, etc... I would also have a link to my site in my signature, and refer people freely, but I don't.

NOW, just because I'm using this forum as a "display" if you will for my grows/friends' grows/Ed's grow, it doesn't mean that I won't eventually profit from the thread, as there will certainly be people who find the information and results interesting enough to try a light for themselves. So again, let's keep sales talk off the forum, keep the forum for information, questions, and pictures, and if people end up buying lights, cool. If all they do is gain information, great!

Anyhow, I do have my own "blog", it's called my web page, but I don't like to link to it on this forum. Thank you for wishing us a happy anniversary, and thank you for changing your tone on this thread. I hope we can all continue on in this manner :)
LEDGirl, this thread has been a wealth of knowledge so far about LED technology. I, for one, am finding this information useful as I determine what kind of lighting to set up in a new grow room.
Assuming I had decided on an LED lighting setup, what would you suggest for nine (9) sativas in a 10' x 10' room (actually a 9' x 9' grow area, as I like to have some room to walk around my ladies...)?

As you know, yield is dependent on a lot of conditions, the most of which is light. The more light you have per plant, the more your capable yield will be. With that said, how much do you want to yield per plant? If you're doing 9 plants, in a 9' x 9' area, I'm guessing those are some BIG girls! So how tall are they? How wide are they? Once I have those three answers, I can make a good recommendation.
Hello Everyone! Glad this thread has picked back up. I have a question, has yourself, or anybody else who flowers using only LED's seen any difference in trichome production? Resins? Etc?

Ok, you're right JR,

I do love this thread. Thank you LED Girl, for not sharing any useful info with this community.


you are here to talk up your lights. You are invested, and excited. However, this is not a small entrepreneurs resource. This is a community. You must share.

If sharing means you have to give up i.p. - Then why are you posting?

I have to finish reading i'll get back to you.
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