Field of Dreams (Blue Dream Scrog)


Well-Known Member
Hey there fellow Pot Heads, My Names Lacy Welcome to my custom designed state of the art grow room, grab your meds and kick back!:blsmoke: So here's the beak down;

30 Blue Dream (Dj Short Blueberry X Secret Haze)
3 Rooms 1-flowr 1-lung 1-veg
30 ebb & flow buckets
55 gallon Res
55 gallon RO res
4,000 watts MH then HPS
Sealed Hoods
6" can fan
10" can fan
19,000 combined btu's cooling power
4'x12' Sreen
4 air pumps
electronic and presure dampers
100 dedicated amps
dozens of airstones,
custom shit everywhere
Radiant Barrier isulation
dozens of sheets of 3/4 drywall
dozens of rolls of isulation
thousands of screws and nails
and a lil green blistered thumb:leaf:

Feel free to give me your input, ask questions, or comment! Please no pics unless requested!
This was the original draft did a few things different with the airflow and veg, but pretty much the same!

there you can see all the construction that had to be done! not pictured is my super awesome in wall sliding door for my flower room, its pretty rad! In the next round of pics you will see the set up process. All in all the room took about a month to set up!
Wow Lacy, youre living the dream! Best of luck to you in this endeavour. Just remember, growing it is the easy part. Moving it legitimately is the difficult part. Im looking forward to seeing the finished product!
So, now that the main construction is done, its time to put it all together!

This pic was taken after i put the poly on the walls, mounted the pullys and hoods.

Here you can see my custom fresh air intake, i have it split the left duct supplies my lights with cool air, the right side is going to my a/c.

Here is a shot of the fresh air box to my custom a/c box before i installed the electronic dampers. The way it works is, instead of the a/c unit taking air from the room and blowing it over the compressor coils and venting out o the attic, i sealed the intake with the box, now i have control of the air to take from outside, or from in the room. I learned in my first grow, that the problem with portable a/c units, it creates massive genitive pressure in a room, which can render the a/c useless if you are sucking in hot air from outside into the room your trying to cool, with my custom box i eliminate this problem by bypassing the room and sucking the air from outside, through the a/c over the compressor coils, out the exhaust duct to the attic. are you following me?

here we see the entrance of the flower room, i built a pocket door so i would have no issues with space. On the left you can see one of the pressure dampers, it opens when the a/c takes air from the room instead of outside, this way i'm pulling in fresh cool air from my lung room where i keep my reservoirs.
Insulated hoods, we want absolutely no radiant heat in the flower room! Ballast are also located in a forth room where i have the small a/c for the lung room
that is a lovely setup. you will have big happy plants because of all the time you took to make such a welcoming home. keep us posted on your grow +REP lacy:bigjoint:
Here's a pic of the 6" fan mounted in-between the four lights! this is additional pull for the cooling of the lights, this pulles the hot air to the custom box upstairs with the 10" fan that blows to the attic

that is a lovely setup. you will have big happy plants because of all the time you took to make such a welcoming home. keep us posted on your grow +REP lacy:bigjoint:

Thank you African Herb Man! Glad to see you stopped by!! I have a lot more to share, hope you can stick around!
I've been running BD for a year so I will stay tuned, very impressive set up btw. so how many are you doing total? When I get my 4 banger runnin I plan on doing about 32 per light.