Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member
:-? again with the name-calling. You really are quite hypocritical, you know.

"Don't call each other names you bunch of retards!"

again, i did not call you any names. :roll:

see it as you will though.

"YOU are an idiot." now that would be name calling. see there is a direct person it was meant for "you". the "are" states it as yours. the "idiot" is the name. it's english stuff. 9th grade maybe.

"you're a fool IF" leaves a lot of doubt. it is NOT an insult.


Well-Known Member
you're a fool if you think i'll argue with you about man VS animal. :dunce:

you're brought nothing. :(
You won't argue, because your OPINION that "man" is not an animal is not based on any scientific fact. Rather, it's based on your perceived self-importance and need to be the "dominant" species.

Perfectly understandable position for a mouth breather.


New Member
I'm simply pointing out that ppl shouldn't judge gays as "other" ppl. They are just ppl.

This same sort of thing happened in the 50's with another discriminated group as I recall.

The Constitution declares at least that if you are an American citizen, you are created equal. Now they didn't mean equal as in the same as others, just equal under the law of the society. Treated the SAME. That's all they want, to be treated the same.


Well-Known Member
You won't argue, because your OPINION that "man" is not an animal is not based on any scientific fact. Rather, it's based on your perceived self-importance and need to be the "dominant" species.

Perfectly understandable position for a mouth breather.
and the fact we fly airplanes and shit. :dunce:

have fun being an animal; i guess whatever it takes to justice gayness. hahahahhahaha


Well-Known Member
I'm simply pointing out that ppl shouldn't judge gays as "other" ppl. They are just ppl.

This same sort of thing happened in the 50's with another discriminated group as I recall.

The Constitution declares at least that if you are an American citizen, you are created equal. Now they didn't mean equal as in the same as others, just equal under the law of the society. Treated the SAME. That's all they want, to be treated the same.
and i fully agree. obviously under different pretenses, but i agree. i said this 20 pages ago. :)


Well-Known Member
maybe you shoudln't get "rights" just because you are married.

there are more than one ways around this issue.


lets put aside the whole "gay/straight" thing and just give EVERYBODY the same rights. stop separating yourself as a "gay" then ask to be treated equal. it doesn't work.

we are ALL different, but EQUAL. it's the differences that people can't admit to that kills me.


Well-Known Member
you're comparing animals to humans and you ask me if i'm on meth? HA :eyesmoke:
Dude, we're mammals - just like those elephants.

I'd argue there are a lot of humans who don't know how to balance checkbooks, either, but I'd probably be wasting my breath with you.


Well-Known Member
ROFL!!!! You don't know? REally??!!


A human is a member of a species of bipedal primates in the family Hominidae

"Human" is a derivative of "Hominidae" which is the family homo sapiens belongs to.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates

This doesn't look familiar to you?
really? wow, third grade all over again.

so animals kill each other. why is murder wrong? tiger eat other animals. why is jeffery dahmer dead?

if you people can't understand the separation between man and animal then maybe you were born gay. :)

i really don't care about any of this. it's politics and i'm bored. it effects my life in NO way at this time so it's all meaningless to me. i'm not stopping any gay marriages. if it comes back to ballot i will vote how i feel at the time. right now we are just bantering meaningless nonsense. :eyesmoke:

it is fun though. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dude, we're mammals - just like those elephants.

I'd argue there are a lot of humans who don't know how to balance checkbooks, either, but I'd probably be wasting my breath with you.

wtf does this have to do with being gay? oh wait, gays are animals. now i get it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it's NOT a black thing, as much as you all want it to be, it's not. sorry. :(
Who said it was? It's about equal treatment for all people. I made a comparison. I'm sure you're smart enough to understand what I meant.

What if the laws didn't allow people with dark skin to marry, would you tell them to go to Office Depot and get a 10 cent will, and be satisfied with that?


Well-Known Member
Who said it was? It's about equal treatment for all people. I made a comparison. I'm sure you're smart enough to understand what I meant.

What if the laws didn't allow people with dark skin to marry, would you tell them to go to Office Depot and get a 10 cent will, and be satisfied with that?

you're comparing being black to being gay. sexual preference and skin color. you can hide gayness. it doesn't work for me, sorry. could you explain it differently? :eyesmoke:

i will say it again, everyone should have the same rights. I may just be against ALL marriage, anyone bothered to ask?