what do you find disrespectful?

people who think they are special enough to talk on their cellphone during a movie.
people who think they are too special to shovel snow, then have the nerve to ask why you didn't dig out their car.
not using turn signals.
people who tip less than 15%.
Oh man, great topic!

(most of this applies to a drive thru)
-when people are smoking a cig when they roll up to pay for shit
-when they can't keep their kid or animal quiet for 5 seconds
-when they don't know what they want and sit at the mic for 5 minutes holding everything up
-when they ask a million questions about the pastries
-when bitches don't even LOOK at you when they pay!

-when idiots drive like their mother is being taken off life support! Seriously, you'd think a stoner would just chill the hell out and listen to some music and cruise, but this guy I know drives like 90 the entire trip, weeving in and out of traffic, high as a kite... I've seen too many car accidents to think shit like that is funny..

-when people expect to be blazed out..

-when friends cancel plans because of their boyfriend/girlfriend

...shit I could keep going, but I'll stop there..

hahaha i always smoke a cig when i pull up to the window. i blow it out the opposite window. If you dont like it sucks cause a drive through is the only way i can smoke and get food, since im not allowed to smoke inside. Its the point of the drive through. Maybe if someone smoked and blew it in but otherwise suck it up
how corporate and greedy walmart is and how they treat their workers. and yea women bitchin and startin gossip also sucks balls.. old man balls..
I hate people that bitch about tipping... seriously it's your job, don't like the pay? find something else... I ALWAYS tip, if i spent $10 i tip $3 but jesus christ don't whine about it, it's not our fault you're to lazy to fill out an application at a better place. I don't even have a problem with tips it's just don't expect shit cause youll get your feelings hurt.
yea tips are bullshit, unless my glass is full of soda the entire time i wont give you much. I expect top of the line service if you want a tip. Your serving food, get over yourself. It might be different if you cooked the food and served it but all you do is bring a plate across a room.
I hate people that bitch about tipping... seriously it's your job, don't like the pay? find something else... I ALWAYS tip, if i spent $10 i tip $3 but jesus christ don't whine about it, it's not our fault you're to lazy to fill out an application at a better place. I don't even have a problem with tips it's just don't expect shit cause youll get your feelings hurt.

I don't work at a job that gets tips, so point your vitriol someplace else. but thanks for revealing that bit about yourself. You are obviously a stand-up guy that everyone likes. oh wait, i mean the opposite of that.
I don't work at a job that gets tips, so point your vitriol someplace else. but thanks for revealing that bit about yourself. You are obviously a stand-up guy that everyone likes. oh wait, i mean the opposite of that.

haha then why you getting all mad?

what's minimum wage in the uk?

even so, the minimum wage here blows. SO a waiter bitches about getting paid minimum wage and not getting tips. What about the million other jobs that get minimum wage and no tips. Would you tip the cashier at walmart cause they get paid minimum wage? fuck tips
and it doesnt mean that im a mean person at all.
My line of work often requires that i run a cash register, or a returns register.

...a side note about people on their cell phones at the register...

i just talk so loudly to the customer that the person they are talking to can clearly hear me. Typically when you do this the person on the cell phone can't hear who they are talking to so they do the whole "ugh, i'm going to have to call you back, im at the cash register..."

It's always amusing because the next couple people in line will all comment on how rude it is to be on your phone at the check out.
I hate it when the check out person at the grocery store comments on something I've purchased. "Ooh, that looks good", or "Is this good? I've never tried it". STFU and scan my shit.
I hate it when the check out person at the grocery store comments on something I've purchased. "Ooh, that looks good", or "Is this good? I've never tried it". STFU and scan my shit.

....and we wish people like you would lighten up a little.

if you want to avoid a little friendly conversation (god forbid a cashier talk to any customer in 8 hours!) then use a self check out!
I hate it when the check out person at the grocery store comments on something I've purchased. "Ooh, that looks good", or "Is this good? I've never tried it". STFU and scan my shit.

haha oh damn that was so funny +REP!!!

shit i couldnt have said it any better myself,

i hate that too, even at fast food its like aight calm down, im trying to get out of this freak show as fast as i can

like In N Out, that place is a nazi camp, they brain wash those people, your not supposed be that happy serving me food
People who snub you when you go out of your way to say good morning, or hello.

I hate this shit.
and to be honest i find this sort of thing practised by people who are getting old,
not exclusivly.
also i hate when the cashier fucks the change on the counter.when people do not talk directly to you but rather ask the question to someone else while in ur presence:cuss:.. theres actually loads. but i have never actually confronted sumone and said 'STOP..Thats rude :|'
its gunna happen sum day tho! Lol.:blsmoke: