Hard work for real men?? Are you friggin kidding me??
Hard work is usually for the dumb asses and degenerates who were to stupid to go or finish college.
Plus, a hard working job is not the type of job you can retire on.
Chicks might of been into it 20-30 years ago when you were able to graduate high school and land into a high paying steel industry job,or the auto industry.
I got news for ya, those jobs all went to mexico, or some other 3rd world nation.
To be able to make a decent income that where you'll be able to have the american dream someday, you'll have to get an education.
Plus, what would are you gonna do if your back goes out.....Live off a shitty disability check for the rest of your life.
In this day and age. Chicks like guys who are refined, know how to dress, know how to look presentable, and are secure within their jobs to where they have a future.
At least this is true for the chicks that I like to be with.
Maybe you're talking about hood rats, and skanky bitches that will screw anything that has a ding-a-ling.
LOL.... I dont even know where to start with this one.
Hard work for real men?? Are you friggin kidding me??
ummm no I'm not.... lol
Hard work is usually for the dumb asses and degenerates who were to stupid to go or finish college.
You lazy fuck. I cant belive you even said that it makes me laugh so hard. Although I will say I've seen some coal miners from Camron, WV that fit that description....lol (sorry George you do look like a retard)
This does make me wonder whats the hardest work you have ever done. If I was to guess it would be lifting a couch for your mother to sweep under...lol.
Ok moving on you just emaressed yourself enough here.
Plus, a hard working job is not the type of job you can retire on.
Oh come on, you should really do some research before you open your mouth.
Any Mine (at least in this area) will take care of you untill you die!!!
Also you save some on your own to (this is what smart people do collage boy). As for your salary in a Coal Mine here, depending on your level and company, you can make $35+ hr and lets not forget over time pay (that time and a half normal pay) Saturdays (thats twice normal pay) and sundays (that three time your normal pay)!!!!!!!! O and buy the way a normal shift is 10 hours. SO think about it $35x10hrsxsunday = $1050 (and thats not if you were in over time) Thats oinly a days work. Sounds a little nicer doesnt it....lol
Chicks might of been into it 20-30 years ago when you were able to graduate high school and land into a high paying steel industry job,or the auto industry.
Finally, I get to this one. Every girl loves an all american country boy. Because we are the ones that can make the muscles and actually use them. Yes thats right ours is not just for show. Ours work!!
I dont even need to start on the "high paying" part I think I covered that one well.
I got news for ya, those jobs all went to mexico, or some other 3rd world nation.
I got news for you, those jobs are still here and not only that but they are apart of what keeps your job intack because with out the coal you can not have your job what ever it is. Coal provides the world with 93% of it energy the rest is hydro and nuclear. only less than 1% is the wind and sun power (but I do support the development of these alt. energy sources).
So go ahead try to turn on your computer with out the coal mine or even cook you food every day, watch tv, charge your cell phone, turn on the light in the dark, or even grow your dope in doors!!!! You need to research before you type something!!!!
To be able to make a decent income that where you'll be able to have the american dream someday, you'll have to get an education.
O really well I dont know when the last time you looked at the class offered by your local collage but coal mineing is one of them and guess what I have been there and done that I have all the certifaction to work in any coal mine in the USA.
And as for the "decent income" once agian I covered that really well.
Plus, what would are you gonna do if your back goes out.....Live off a shitty disability check for the rest of your life.
Dude seriously, if your are to get hurt in that type of way its you own fault not only that but if you were unable to work yes the coal mine pays you to live greatly...lol You need to research!!!!
and are secure within their jobs to where they have a future.
Yea ok, I wander what it is that you are so "secure" in....lol
At least this is true for the chicks that I like to be with.
Yea ok, tell your dream girl I will be over to pick her up in my truck.
Maybe you're talking about hood rats, and skanky bitches that will screw anything that has a ding-a-ling.
Hood rats...lol.....There is no "hood" where I live and and the only bitches like that around here like what you have described will love you.... lol
11. Ok now that I have gone over all this, you really need to think before you type. as for the college thing and calling me a degenerate, I could not think as slow as you if I tried. For someone who clames to of a decent intelligence YOU CAN EVEN RESEARCH WORTH A DAMN!!!
Now "excusse me while I light my spliff" -Bob Marley