Look what you can buy at Walmart!


Well-Known Member
haha, i've seen it before. I believe to make use of it you would need the extract.. am I wrong? anyone?


Active Member
the flowers are supposed to be beautiful! work must be done to have any fun.... << I just realized how lame I sounded...but it rhymed! lol


Well-Known Member
well salvia is legal where i live, so id assume its legal to sell the plant

but still, good find


Well-Known Member
I don't think that is salvia divinorum. There are a bunch of other salvia plants.



Well-Known Member
I don't think that is salvia divinorum. There are a bunch of other salvia plants.

i find my mind filled with thoughts of alaskan dairy products.....:hump:


Well-Known Member
i first thought you was gonna show some growin supplies...lol...

they sell those salvia plants here also...

iv triped on salvia 3 times... onces on 10x and twice on 20x....

im waitin to get a vid. camrea so i can get recorded trippin on it..

so i can post a youtube link then embed on here so yall can crack on me...hehe...

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
well i know the purple ones are salvia divinorium and no pnuggle the leaves have the chemical you just wouldent trip as hard as one with extract


New Member
you can buy salvia anywere.. even at the nursery by my house... but i dont belieive its the kind you can smoke.. if they wanted to maker some reall money they should sell the seeds or plants so ppl can grow it forethem selves...


Well-Known Member
you can buy salvia anywere.. even at the nursery by my house... but i dont belieive its the kind you can smoke.. if they wanted to maker some reall money they should sell the seeds or plants so ppl can grow it forethem selves...
its walmart, i think they got the whole "real money" thing down.

welcome to RIU.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I was trippin thinking this was a new thread, but I knew I had seen that pic before. Then I looked at the date of the OP and I realized it was in THIS thread that I've seen that pic before :razz: