so why do you watch/listen?Either the guy is a loon, or has no conscience
His rhetoric is dangerous at best, an insinuation to violence at worst.
For the love of god, where do people get the idea that we can't be a republic (which is just a term for a country without a monarchy) and a democracy at the same time?freedom of speech.
gotta love it.
"If you dont love it, leave it" was a line from the 1970(long before bush years) hit single Fightin side of me from Merle Haggard
the same guy that remembers when a joint was a bad place to be.
but its bs.
it is possible to love your country and hate your government as our founding fathers have explained.
The Constitution and The Declaration didn't mention the word democracy one time.
This country was set up to be a Constitutional Republic.
democracy is the problem. We should have never strayed.
Bush, Obama, same shit.
CNN Fox same shit
Civilized????????? since when have you been civilized?????The Founding fathers never used the words hate. They used disagree. There's a difference. The difference of being civilized. Al Queda hates.