Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

christians are fucking nuts most the time its sorta sad. always the same circular thinking little free thinking involved what a shame and a waste of ones life.
There is a passage in the bible that states we were given the plants to use. So if you are a christian and follow the bible. It is there in black and white, it is not a sin, rather gods wish. Toke on bro, its gods will.
There is a passage in the bible that states we were given the plants to use. So if you are a christian and follow the bible. It is there in black and white, it is not a sin, rather gods wish. Toke on bro, its gods will.

lol just look at all the sinners not tokin up! bongsmilie

@ Wikid - ...well, br did say "most of the time"... not so much a generalization. I'm pretty much in agreement. How else should I classify someone who believes we walked with dinosaurs? ...unstable? I wouldn't want someone like that looking after a pet.
Maybe thats whats up with the world! All the sinners need to start puffing gods weed. Aint a christian by no means! Probably one of the bigger sinners myself. But i do my bit smoking the weed!
Wow.... This has got to be one of the best threads.. Beside the grows:) Religion tho... . Sum brAinwash... And religion to me is like man made practices... Isn't it bAsically?... I think how cud somthing that can be healing, non violent, more inspiring be wrong.... It was made illegal by man and government, although if it was legal there would still be people who were against it jus like people against alcohol and other things in this world.... I'm pretty sure somewhere way back when holy people prolly drank wine and indulge in cannabis someway or another...
if you have a good head on your shoulders and think freely you can see the obvious farce which organized religion is. if you cant see this educate yourself on the history of mankind. its time to evolve or change past what is one of the major contributars to the destruction of mankind as far as people who cant i try to avoid weak minds they can only teach you how not to live. as far as sweeping generalizations i said most christians but thats being kind unfortunately. then again if you really understand the teachings of good men throughout history you would know the message is all ways the same until its twisted by the power hungry or the stupid. be your own person educate yourself know your own truths use your mind peace.
the supernatural, in all its guises, is for squares.

'you want to know "god", self-sufficient & "unknowable"? then study nature and look inside yourself with the entheogen of your preference!

(and that rabble-rouser from nazareth can suck it)

I asked a good friend of mine a while back... good friend of mine, known him for about 6 years now, Christain boy as I called him... been into the religion thing the majority of his life.. was raised on it.. has his faith on it.. knows the bible like I know World of Warcraft (fuckin inside and out alliance mage ftw!)... And I asked him one day if he could point to me in the bible where it says "Thou shalt not smoke weed"... or anything like that... and he couldn't tell me :-P...... If God really made earth and everything in it... then he put weed here for us... now I believe in God and all, but I don't know the bible worth a shit... but what I DO know is that God only told "adam and eve" (quotes because i don't believe in those characters) that there was only ONE DAMN PEICE OF FRUIT not to eat... everything else was golden.. So i say smoke away damnit!

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Abusing is bad. Doing harm to your body is bad. I am in full denial and try to beleive its okay for Christian's to smoke but deep inside i do kinda feel that it isnt the right thing to do. But i always want to believe it is ok.. Kinda tricky thoughts.
CHristian's doesnt smoke or drink. Catholics drink and smoke. I dont understand that either. I guess thats why its all belief. But i do believe that there is only one God and i think thats whats most important.
Genesis 1:29
(29)Then God Said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. (30)And to all the beasts of the earth and birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant unto you." And it was so.

Exodus 3:2
(2)There the angel of the Lord appeared to him within a burning bush...
Christianity has many branches. Protestants are christians, they smoke and drink. The bible is no longer relevant in modern society, was a way of controlling simple people.
I'm not a Christian but the argument i hear from most Christian smokers (and correct me if its wrong) is tht the bible expressively puts down drinking and alcohol but doesnt mention or at least doesnt directly repove smoking..

i say light up and enjoy ;)
If you beleive all that "stuff"

God made weed

He wants you to get high.

He's high.

And he's just knocked over the bong....