Need some input (pics)

Alright, basically I need input on whether or not I should flower yet, Here are my specs

Box: 24wx21dx40h

Lights: 7x23w 2700k , 5x23w 5700k *276w total*
(I switched to red spectrum cause I might flower tonight, plan on putting in 4 more 23w 2700ks for a total wattage of 368w)

Medium: personal soil mix 30% top soil, 30% potting soil 40% perlite

Nutes: 10-15-10 flowering nutes, not in use yet

Strain: Shiva (50/50 head high and body high)

I have been vegging for two weeks, the plants are looking great, but I wanna keep 2 maybe 3 plants assuming I get that many females, so they are topped and will begin lst when i flower them

I have about 36" of vertical space, should I flower?



Active Member
I'm in the same boat as you man although my girls have jus sprouted today. Ok I just read that you topped em so yeah I would start flowering tonight. :eyesmoke: Grow on..
thanks for the input, oh and I forgot they are like 13 days old, this may become a journal if things progress well

oh and its at about 83 degrees with the lights on and 26% humidity, jumps up to like 35 after watering


Well-Known Member
No, I'd wait atleast a couple more weeks, Unless your desperate for time and have to finish them asap. Let them babies keep growing imho.
Well I had heard 2 weeks veg if I want more than one plant in this amount of space, if I let them veg like I had a full room I will be pretty fucked for space when I flower


Active Member
let them gro and lst while in veg clone for sex so your not wasting your time and you will produce way more bud by simply vegging a few more weeksand still be able to maintain height issues, look at my grow in my sig and look at my momma plant she is in 3 gallon square tub and 9 weeks old she is only about 4 inches taller than the side of the bucket. just get ruthless with the lst you really cant hurt them and top often.
hmm, true but i want to have 2-3 plants flowering, if i do that i might not have room, i have 8 in veg right now, maybe i will flower 4, and keep vegging 4


Well-Known Member
They do really shoot up when you hit flower. I'de start flowering soon, no later than a week but you could probaly give it that week and still stay within your 3ft limit with training.
Good deal, I will flower 4 maybe 6 of them friday and hold back a few in veg and train the hell out of them till i harvest, then i can pop those into the flower chamber
Have you guys had the problem where you just stare into the cabinet for long lengths of time, as if you would die a lil inside to take your eyes off your babies?

Bonus pic!



Well-Known Member
i's totally bizarre...i'll just sit down in my closet, open the cab and stare at 'em...check out their stocks, look for bugs or parasites, inspect the node spacer...rub my thumb on a leaf and smell it...and do all this over and over and over and over...then just stare some's the only time I've ever displayed signs of obsessive compulsive disorder.


Well-Known Member
I have to put sunglasses on so when I leave the room Im not walking into walls.:mrgreen:
oh fuck...LOL that is so true...i just recently learned to don my sunglasses when i look at the girls...reminds me of an old song "I wear my sunglasses at night..." but with a whole new meaning!!!
Lol I tend to blind myself too lol, the bad part is, I actually have OCD very minor mind you, but still there, and it shows with my plants, I want everything to be perfect for them, you know how scared I was the first time I fimmed?