why no buds


Well-Known Member
no mate not really unless you started 12/12 at a very young age. how old is the plant wen did u start veg gt any pics?


i started flowering at about 1 month and a week old. i have no idea the strain its just a first grow. i will put up a pic in a sec


Well-Known Member
i would move your lights closer. it looks like it stative dominate so it going to take longer then 8 weeks. BE PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
she looks nice an healthy m8, stick with her she looks like she will produce.def a sativa so u cud be lookin at anything from 10 -16 weeks flowering period dep on strain, but def worth it m8 lovely leaves


its this sunleaves light, (4X24 watts) with red spectrum bulbs in it for flowering. and thanks man, wow i had no idea it would take that long for it to flower completely. I am growing it stealth so i dont have that much room im my room, how much taller do u think it will get?


Well-Known Member
Ding ding ding...tell'em what he's won Bob? Nothing....that's not enough light. Good for veg, but it's not going to produce much during flowering. That plant doesn't look all that Sativa to me and I'd bet it has an 8-10 week flower at most. Just not enough light my friend.


Well-Known Member
It's never really too late. Can you go out and get a bigger light? Floro's aren't great for flowering, CFL's MAYBE, but they still don't compare to HPS. Can you get a 150w HPS for your space? Should work better than what you've got. A 250w or 400w would really be ideal though.

Brick Top

New Member
okay so what should i do now or is it too late at this point?

You said you are on week 4 of flowering and I would say the plant looks like a sativa/indica cross that most likely fits as was mentioned in the 8 to 10 week range for flowering so that means if you can WAY increase your lighting you still have between 4 weeks and 6 weeks to add some weight to your plant. It cannot make up for what has already been lost but it sure would make a big difference in what is yet to come.


Yeah i know HPS are the ones to use and thats what ill use in my future grows after this one. honestly i dont think i could get a HPS right now due to money and space. however i have another spot i will start to use for my future grows in my house that i will have enough space for a hps grow room. if i moved my light that i have now closer to my plant and just finished it with this light, how much of a yield do you think i could get?


Actually nevermind, my friend is lending me his 400 watt hps light and ballast and everything so i will hook it up tomorrow and see if things get better


Well-Known Member
Take pictures before you hook it up. Then take a picture only once a week...different world.

Should be able to get something out of this with an HPS, but those floro's won't product much if anything. Maybe an oz total, maybe less. But with a 400w you'll probably get at least a couple out of this one and many out of the next one.


okay cool ill post some pictures of the plant in a few weeks to see how it improved, thanks for all the fast replies.


one more question: If i change my light to a 400W HPS what is the closest i can have the top of the plant to the bulb without burning the plant?


Well-Known Member
That's really going to depend on how well you can ventilate the heat out. If it's an air cooled light you'll be surprised how close you can get it. If it's not I would start it up high and find a way to monitor the temps at the top of the canopy. Lower it as much as possible until the temps stay in the range you need them in. I try to keep the top of my canopy no more than 82 degrees. Try to keep the ambient room temp in the 70's. Usually 79, but it's in the 70's.

People have always harped on my temps saying i keep it a bit warm, but if my room has a 400w light and the temps only get to say 75 ambient, I go get a bigger light :).