Sensi Star growing

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
So, LoadedDragon, would you say Sensi Star yields way above normal? Cause everything I grow is dissapointing in the yield department since starting out growing Sensi Star on first grow... since then I just havent had that kind of weight on anything else Ive tried.... maybe ill just grow the sensi star... I have a pack of Nebula Im psyched to try


Active Member
Ok, so after taking pics of the ladies I was a lil sad to see the growth of the plants was minimal. This was all because I did not have a proper mh light on them. I am taking the first month as a loss since this is the first grow didnt know much more than water and let grow. Little did I know I was going to be here on RIU giving everyone here a update. (Best place I have ever been onling)

All pics were taking on 9-26

1st pic is Sensi star that started to strech out due to low levels of light.
2nd in line is the shortest of the sensi ladies. Looks like she could use some Nitrogen in my opinion what do yall think?
3rd clone is sesi number 3. if you look closely to the leaf on the left looks like there are starting to be white specs towards the tip.
4th mendo purp that was kept under 1000w mh for 1st month of its life (this was before I aquired it) she is looking lush and pretty.

sensi stars are 4.5weeks old from being cut They have been transplanted for about 10days now. Like I said the mendo purps is about 4.5 weeks old from seed.

The sensi stars were feed yesterday with flora nova grow 1/4 strength. Mendo will be flushed since it looks like it might have some nute burn (id rather flush for a week and start it on my feeding schedule so I know exacly what it is being feed) One of the leaves on it is burnt at the tip and is curling upwards. I dont know why could that be nute burn?

temps are between 75-78 with a nice breeze for the ladies I was real excited about that. Watering for the SS is 500ml every 2days.
Light is a 400w conversion mh and sits about 13 in above canopy.

Cant think of anything else right now. Any questions or comments would be helpful. Thanks again for helping out.

+rep for great advice that reminds me.......



Active Member
Hey Lonely! Yes, I fed them at full strength according to the chart that they came with. I mixed all my nutes in same water. They really ate it up. I also gave them mollassass. I did not use mollassas over the summer cuz i was scared it would attract insects... I dont know if the lack of mollassass or my high temps were the cause for my low yields over the summer, but Im feedingmy girls mollassass now and they are looking great. I dont know if the mollassass is a wives tale or what but it sure doesnt seem to hurt them. I also had my temps in low to mid-70s when I did the sensi stars... they really thrived

Ok good to hear that everything can go into the same water. I want to start up mollassas too. I have heard that it helps and also that it doesn't. As long as it doesn't hurt them I am willing to give it a try. Good to hear that the temp in the mid 70s worked well for them. thats exactly where I have my temp right now.


Active Member
usually (unless you live right on the ocean) you'll need to keep your nute levels at about half of what the manufacturer recommends. I use my "sensi" products at between 5 and 6 mil(of both part A and part B) per gallon (which combined is about 1000ppm) through all stages of growth. that gives me room to add all of my other supplements and enhancers without having to worry about too much of anything.
Those sensi product you use were they grow or bloom? I will be using bloom once I start to flower. When you say you don't have to worry about much more like what? ppms' being to high?


Active Member
I am a little stumped right now......
#1-- I just read if you use hydrated dolomite lime it will change the soil ph lvl to 7. Im sure they meant slowly but is that true??
#2-- Feels kinda shitty but I think I want to buy some FF products. The reason I feel shitty is because I feel as if I am just following the crowd, the thing is that the crowd seems to have nice gardens...
#3-- PH testers soil and water don't have much money but want some kind of quality???

Every ones thoughts should be heard. Keep it 100:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ive had GREAT success with both the advanced nutrients sensigrow/sensibloom. and the General Hydroponic Floranova grow and bloom.

i currently use the advanced because i think it works the best.

and yes, to answer your question, grow and bloom during their respective phases, and yes keep the base nutrient fairly low so, after you add all the other supplements, you won't have to worry about your ppm being too high.


Active Member

I use FF products, and am satisfied..... I don't use all their products...... and I choose certain other products for my own reasons...... its all up to you and those ladies bud...... but it is very very easy to use :).

there are a couple different conversion methods to find your TDS..... there are a few others than the link above, but it describes a lot of useful info ;)
Thanks for that info dragon. I have been doing a ton of research on Blue mountain organics and the shit looks good real good. I want to stay 100% organic and it looks like this stuff is great and very inexpensive. Which is just great for me. I know to big yields you have to put in the time and money I have the time just not the money. From what I understand I should keep a pH of about 5.7-6.2 for my soiless mix? Sound about right?

Ive had GREAT success with both the advanced nutrients sensigrow/sensibloom. and the General Hydroponic Floranova grow and bloom.

i currently use the advanced because i think it works the best.

and yes, to answer your question, grow and bloom during their respective phases, and yes keep the base nutrient fairly low so, after you add all the other supplements, you won't have to worry about your ppm being too high.
Hey there steadmanclan thanks again for the good advice. I have been getting good response to questions that I have asked. As you can see I am looking into BMO. The stuff looks intriguing and super inexpensive (right up my ally). Like I said before this is my first hands on grow and am really just wanting as much experience as possible. That way in the end I will be happy with a small or huge harvest. If you know anything about BMO let me know your thoughts on it.

again guys that are here watching me go I really appreicate it. I dont know where I would be on this grow without your thoughts and experience. Keep up the good grows. Ill be watching

happy growings to all.:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Active Member
Hey there everyone thanks again for stopping by and all the advice you guys have for me.

So the pics, the first 6 are of the SS and the last one is the mendo purp. Img_53 or the (5th pic) On this SS I am showing you guys the mature leaf on the right. If you look close you can see some spotting that is starting to occur looks white from the middle out. Now there may be a few different things wrong which really sucks. I am fighting spider mites at the moment but am not sure if this is the cause. The new growth on all the SS are yellow as you can tell. Not sure if this is part of the same problem or maybe a deficency of some sort. All the SS are showing this spotting and its on older leaves none of it has spread to new growth yet thats why I think it is a deficency. Any thoughts?

I am using Flora Nova Grow- 7-4-10 Cal 4%,Mg1.5%, sulfur 2%, iron.1% Hope that helps.

I am going to pick up some kind of organic nutrient that delivers trace elements because that Flora Nova doesnt have enough vital elements in it.

On the upside the plants have just taken off! they have grown so much since the new light set up has been here. Looks like they started streching so I dropped the light in hopes that the nodes start growing closer together.

One last thing on the 5th pic agian what does it mean when leaves dont grow in unison to eachother? hope that makes sense...



Well-Known Member
Yes, if I'm takin the whole unison thing correctly.
The leaves don't need to be perfectly symmetrical. As long as they are growing out new leaves to absorb the light energy, in my opinion, that is what needs to be happenin.
Your grow looks superb!! especially compared to mine LOL
Great first grow I must say so myself. Hope you get that spider mite shit taken care of.
Yeah man, over all I think your grow is coming along quit nicely indeed. :big joint:


Well-Known Member
when plants from seed reach maturity they no longer grow symmetrically, its like saying, "hey, Im ready to drop some balls, or grow some pussy hair...." lol