US Government nukeing my seeds at the border!!

OK that may not be the case, but In my mind it's the only thing left unless you guys and gals can help me out...

Below is my post about this problem...

Please help!!

I don't think I will be able to handle this again so please help me out Master Roll it up growers. I need real solutions.

Here the deal.. For the past couple of personal grows the plant's leaves start to dry up out of nowhere. Every time at the same time!! I am taking such good care our her and then BAM!!!

This always happens at about 4 weeks into flower. Everything is perfect, buds are nice, tricomes are nice, and then the leaves start developing these brown spots. It is all over the plant. Old leaves, newer leaves, top and bottom.

Here are the stats and below are some leaf pics.

PH - Good - 6.3 (Did light flush today and tested run off)

Nutes- Half strength Canna Terra Flores, Boast, Rizotonic, cannazyme, and a little cal,mag. I have always fed only half strength nutes on this grow because I thought the last two must have been some case of lockout/nuteburn but??

Watering- When dry, about a gallon every 3-4 days.

Light- 400 HPS Hortilux

Soil- Fox Farm Oceans Forest- Run off today after light flush was 400 ppm(Truncheon) last week was 900 ppm.

Temps- 84/Day 76/Night

I really need some help.. Something is up and I need to figure out what. This has happend on 3 plants. Auto AK (Lowlife), (DNA/Reserva) RKS, and now (Violator Kush) every time, on time!!

I am ready for my next girl and she is a Serious Seeds White Russian and I will just cry if this happens to her as well....


PS- The pics are of the leaf with some spots and the another leaf with more and so on.... +1,+2,+3 etc...

PSS- I don't have any bug problems except a fugus gnat every blue moon. I then treat with a light spray of neem on the soil surface. Also no problems with fungi and the Humidity is 40...


New Member
Hard to tell from ur pics but looks like they were starting to yellow of cause of nitrogen deficiency. Its normal to start toward the later part of mid flower.
Hard to tell from ur pics but looks like they were starting to yellow of cause of nitrogen deficiency. Its normal to start toward the later part of mid flower.

Thanks for the reply but its not yellowing I am worried about.. My pics suck I guess.

It's the dry/dead spots that start coming at this time of flowering every time.

Could ajusting the ph with ph up during flowering cause this? After I adds nutes to RO water I adjust it to 6.3 using Botanicare PH up. I then check run off to make sure all is well and it is always between 5.6 and 6.3

Is there a certain type of PH up I should use? Could using this during flowering hurt the plant?
5.6-6.3 is a lil low
especially while in flower
put it up to 6.8
Will do.. I am switching from FF to LC's Promix next time so will that PH still be ok?

I have a white russian that is about to go into what I will now call my torture chamber. Even though I spend countless dollars trying to give the best care possible...

tea tree

Well-Known Member
IT may be a cal mag issue. Do you use ro water? You might try some cal mag. It is a product from Botanicare. Add it a few times during your grow. That is, if that is the prob. Read up!
IT may be a cal mag issue. Do you use ro water? You might try some cal mag. It is a product from Botanicare. Add it a few times during your grow. That is, if that is the prob. Read up!

Got it and just stoped using it... I bought as a part of my next try's nutes and used it for the last two weeks.. Just a little..

This issue has happenend the last three grows.. I have tried to change everything to correct the problem.

The nutes I used in the last grow's were FF, FF+Sup's, now canna terra searis with sup's...

The only constant is the Fox Farm Oceans forest...??

PS-- Yes I use RO water...


New Member
Will do.. I am switching from FF to LC's Promix next time so will that PH still be ok?

I have a white russian that is about to go into what I will now call my torture chamber. Even though I spend countless dollars trying to give the best care possible...
not sure what u mean
the ph should always stay in a certain range