Very nice setup you have! But a rug on the flood is a bad idea, if you drop water or nutes it will easily creates mold under the rug so you better remove it or put some black and white over it to avoid mess.
Plants are day 3 of flowering, resting just under a foot from the 1000 watt glass above. I wonder if you can put a 1000 watt to close, closer than 12 inches? , even with temps under 79? what u think?
Looking good man.... i will be watching .....was wondering if you have a hard time raising your lights ?? been working on my light setup and got a few ideas from others .......... put my lights on a pulley setup, LacyLePlant has a nice setup, he used a bike pulley setup just wanted to share
Here I created some Mylar walls that are hooked up to a pully system. I cant upload video on here, but on, my site, I uploaded them for people to see. JustThinkBig is my user name. Thanks for all your info, and ideas. Keep them comming
I like the setup alot, but I agree with *who ever mentioned it first* that you should lay down something on the floor. just some visqueen from home depot would work.
Well I have been growing in this room for 2 and a half years now, so far so good. I try and watch myself very carefully. I'm in no rush with my ladies when I water. I hope to remove the carpet all together. Will the visqueen hold u think?
they make different thickeness' it will def hold, but if your removing the carpet then i wouldnt worry. large spills get moldy, not the little splashes so much. looks good
I hope to have worked out a solution for lost light. I made Mylar walls to stop light from bleeding into the room. It is setup on a pulley system. There is links to video of my room on Please I want all your input on all of this that I do.
In the video you can see how much light is caught by the two walls...they must absolutely love it
Looking great man woo hoo and a video gotta love them makes me feel like i am right in the room with you........very nice room and setup for just three plants, ..... ?? do you have a veg room ??, that closet in the room would work..........other then that man rooms looking great. The little bit of light thats in the room and not on the plants should not be a big deal since you have a light for each plant and its placed right above it and now with those walls they even get more ..... NOTE just thinking and as the plants get bigger those mylar walls might get in the way so if you have some extra mylar might want to go from the floor up the wall with it a little for when they get big not a must just not to much to say man doing a good job over there ............ keep it up i will be watching
Here is some photos from how I pull the hot air out of the air-cooled hoods. Click the link below to see VIDEO on my website and descriptions of how I did it.
No CO2 yet, haven't introduced that to my growing yet....what are your thoughts? What does it do for you? What do you think it could do for me? Disadvantages?