Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Well-Known Member
:clap: so you agree its not really delusional to want another investigation , it is just very hard for us to believe the official report AND very hard for you guys to believe the government could have done this to us. thats good i can do that.....
Danm i took ur advise...... Looks like you did too bongsmilie.
wow, i said that?

wrong. :cry:


New Member
Well, I won't clutter this thread with the VERY EASY job of debunking the 9/11 nonsense. I'll throw it on my thread.

By the way Wyteboi, you seem to be at level 4 .. careful.


Well-Known Member
if you're so convinced you are right, then where is your investigation?

nobody cares dude, that's why you are on rollitup crying about it. bongsmilie

cool to see you figured out how to link a youtube vid. baaaaahhhh

isnt amazing how even though you guys are so absoloutely sure 19 muslims with box cutters managed to take down the united states

the last 3 or so pages of nonsense lacks evidence, no backup

we got fdd trolling, cracker saying a lot but he only posted one link that i saw but from an obviously unreliable source because its already come out popular mechanics modified its data

we got others just saying "its impossible, its impossible"

thats your argument? two words is supposed to null and void 40 or so pages of facts?

litterally laughing out loud

do you come to all debates this unprepared or just the ones on the internet

[youtube]ezIU6ZxYU3A[/youtube] debate


who cares? what did it get them? :roll:
who cares? are you serious? if you dont care then why are you posting

troll troll troll troll no facts no evidence no graphs charts or interviews

have you nothing to contribute to this thread?

your welcome to your opinion, or lack thereof, but you, nor anyone else will ever stop me from telling people about this until a real investigation is esablished

so go ahead, keep trying to discourage me, its just wasted time


Well-Known Member
what percentage of americans now question the events?

what is it like 52%, 53% now? im about to go pick up some swishers

growrebel would you be so kind as to find that number for me

no one asked me. got a link to your source? come on, it's gotta be on youtube somewhere. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
For god's sake, will someone show CrackerJax the link I posted to the 9/11 truth initiative in New York so he'll shut the hell up and go away already? There are 80,000 people backing it. Hardly a tiny number.

you're fingers broken? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
I am almost positive it is 80% or better that question the "report" and over 50% want a new investigation and like 20% demand a new investigation. now that is a guess but its not off by too far , i just seen it not too long ago on the Mainstream media.

you can't find a simple # and you want me to listen to any of this nonsense? you're pretty committed to your cause, eh? :roll:


Well-Known Member
oh yea he is gonna say 80,000 is nothing compared to the ones that dont believe the shit( with NO evidence).......Just like he said he would give me 50 engineers who dont believe it to my one who does ? (he skipped that post too)

still waiting.....:sleep:

you're just spilling with it yourself.

youtube, run!!!!!



Well-Known Member
who cares? are you serious? if you dont care then why are you posting

troll troll troll troll no facts no evidence no graphs charts or interviews

have you nothing to contribute to this thread?

your welcome to your opinion, or lack thereof, but you, nor anyone else will ever stop me from telling people about this until a real investigation is esablished

so go ahead, keep trying to discourage me, its just wasted time

you're as much of a troll as i am. read your post. :roll:

what were you, 10 when this happened? :roll: :mrgreen::mrgreen:


according to wiki's record of the poll

was there a cover up?

42% Cover-up / 10% Not sure

building 7

43% Not Aware / 38% Aware - should have investigated it / 14% Aware - right not to investigate it / 5% Not Sure

new investigation

45% Reinvestigate the attacks / 8% Not Sure



Well-Known Member
Well, I won't clutter this thread with the VERY EASY job of debunking the 9/11 nonsense. I'll throw it on my thread.

By the way Wyteboi, you seem to be at level 4 .. careful.
The fuck is a level 4 ? So you said you would provide 50 engineers and you couldnt do it and just dont care about 911 so why are you in this thread then? I have done NOTHING out of line on this website..... just because i am willing to argue the 911 truth, makes me WRONG ? Go look at all my post on this website and you will see how "caring and helpful" i am to others! level 4 :finger: I guess that means i am gettin banned...... O'well if your gonna kick me out cause of my believes then i guess i went out the way mama told me to.


Well-Known Member
The fuck is a level 4 ? So you said you would provide 50 engineers and you couldnt do it and just dont care about 911 so why are you in this thread then? I have done NOTHING out of line on this website..... just because i am willing to argue the 911 truth, makes me WRONG ? Go look at all my post on this website and you will see how "caring and helpful" i am to others! level 4 :finger: I guess that means i am gettin banned...... O'well if your gonna kick me out cause of my believes then i guess i went out the way mama told me to.
how the fuck would cracker ban you?

shows how paranoid you all really are. hahahahahahahhahahaha


why dont we talk about how the head of the EPA came out on television saying "the air is safe to breathe"

and now thousands of bystanders and first responders are dying because the air was, in fact, not safe to breathe

the government is refusing to aid these dying people with medical costs, even though their "mistake" costs the lives of many, and the number increases daily



Well-Known Member
Engineers and computer scientists at Purdue University have created the first scientifically accurate visualization of the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11. Even though it is an animation it is still intensely engrossing.

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