That molasses stuff is awesome


Well-Known Member
pj- Have you noticed a considerable difference between before you ever used molasses and now that you use it? I am starting my 7th week flowering (Im thinking 3 more to go) and want to try it out. 2 tbl spoons per gallon once a week. Is it really as good as everyone says?
Don't use it if your that close to harvest. Trust me. It will fuck up the taste of your bud. I quit using it at about 2-3 weeks until harvest.


Well-Known Member
maybe a stupid question but would i benefit by using molasses in my indoor soil grow even though im using GH 3 part solution? like add the molasses after i mixed the nutes?


Well-Known Member
maybe a stupid question but would i benefit by using molasses in my indoor soil grow even though im using GH 3 part solution? like add the molasses after i mixed the nutes?
Use the molasses on days u don't use the nutes. That's what I was told anyways, I never tried mixing molasses and nutes together in the water.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I believe in it as I use things like sweet, or sugar daddy, or carbo load, and sweet leaf in my aero grows as straight molasses in an aero grow is a non no I verified that one for the team here.But they all are derived from the same stuff..Blackstrap molasses each adding different carbs and sugars along with varied amounts of micro nutrients the plants use to produce resin and food via photosynthesis.I would say its safe up til the last week of flower but give that 1 week to flsuh it out as the unused stuff can taste a little funny but the used amount is good.You can mix it with nutes just do it a little different like take a qt of warm water away from your fresh nute mix ie if your adding 2 gallons of water before adding nutes take 1 qt out mix the nutes for the full 2 gallons but have the warm water sset aside and dsiolve the molasses in for the 2 gallons then add that so its disolves better.then water away


Well-Known Member
im still a little bit skepticle about this, has anyone ever tried to do a control without mollasses and one with? I know that buds do fatten up at the end of the flowering cycle that is why i asked.

I think it really works. Considering we are growing under cfl's, she got fat pretty fast.. take a look of the plant just 5 days ago.



Well-Known Member
alright thanks for the info on mixing it with nutes.. this is my first grow so i wont have anythign to compare it to but im gonna pick some up this weekend and start using it as i am 2 weeks into flower. if it helps fatten up the buds i dont see why not.

thanks for the help and advice!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info filth...
roll it up is the shit. you guys definitely helped throughout this grow...



Well-Known Member
about how old can u start giving your plant mollasses and how often...right now my plant just started to show female with white hairs, can i start using it now?


Well-Known Member
you can start as soon as you start In veg once a week but when you flower you can do it more often, but stop the week before harvesting. or keep it up to sweeten your bud. we just started using it, and she looks fatter everyday.


Well-Known Member
Ive read up on molasses in the past and also read that brown cane sugar can be used. Does anybody have eperience with it because the stores here dont sell molasses. Try asking a clerk here if they have something called "molasses" and theyll just stare at you in confusion.


Well-Known Member
you can get molasses at any grocery store by the maple syrup... walk around yourself first.. we had to ask to an old lady that was in the store... she said "it should be next to the pancake syrup" .. and there it was!!!



Well-Known Member
well.. it worked out for us... we did some research about it and it seems to be proven that works.. Farmers use the stuff, not just marijuana growers..
Molasses feeds the microbes living in your soil to create a healthier, more suitable growing environment - which makes it easier for your plants to fight off disease and absorb the nutrients they need. Molasses is also packed with sulfur, potash, iron and B vitamins. So I guess molasses along with nuts should be great. The increased soil life drive the bugs away too.
sure thing MJ is just a plant and it shouldn't be complicated to take care of, but if the stuff is good and obviously improves your grow then why not?
keep in mind... not everyone has the luxury of being able to grow like that outdoors and get the benefits of the sunlight. so I am just trying to help my plant on her journey to get me high.


Well-Known Member
Green, I believe the general rule is it's a soil-only thing, but then again I think there may be some hydroers that use it too. Can't remember for sure though; I'm blazed:)But anyway, how long does it usually take after feeding molasses to actually notice the buds reaping the benefits of it? I probably even gave a strong dose for the amount of water...