Good start, where do I go from here??


Alright I started with a bag seed and have been in the Veg stage since early July. I am now rolling into flowering using a 14/10 light and will back it off to 12/12 in about 3 weeks. What are the suggestions from here I have topped it only once above the 7th true node. Will I want to top this again in a few weeks to get more kolas? Can you tell me how many kolas I am gonna get?? And I think this grow has been so slow because I have only been using one 9watt cfl, LOL. I had though it was a 13watter. I switched out the bulb today, to the 13 watt cfl. Will this help or hurt? Should I consider a different bulb? And how many lumens and what color are best for flowering without a MH or HPS bulbs?


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damn, you picked a crappy time to ask questions. you should have read and asked questions before you started. where have you been? i dont mean to be rash, sorry if i sound that way. also you didnt show a pic of the whole plant, so how could i even count the tops? you can count right? count your tops. what else? hmm, 1 cfl? you gatta be fkin kidding me! read read read. 1 cfl wont do anything worth doing. i figured someone needed to tell you the truth. sorry. if you have real questions send pics of whole plant. get more lights. read about growing mj, then ask the questions. had to be stern, but i hope this will inspire you to learn about something before jumping the gun. it seems you topped it. how do you know about topping and be so ameture at obviouse topics? good luck.
Yeah dude what Loola said. You need WAY more light and mixed spectrum or your plant will stretch and be too tall. Actually, it looks like it has already stretched a lot. What method are you using to grow? How long has it been in veg? Also, to switch to flower, just change lighting to 12/12. There's no need to gradually change the lighting. You should really do more research because these are questions you should have know the answer to before you started growing. Don't get me wrong, they look healthy, but you should read anything you can get you hands on. This site is a wealth of knowledge about growing cannabis. If you have more questions, shoot.
loolagigi, I think its a rose"Mary" plant not a "Mary"jane, LOL. im stoned I cant help it. No offense Emerl, but you should have at least read up on basics. Use the search function and theres enough info in there to read for two months straight.
damn, you picked a crappy time to ask questions. you should have read and asked questions before you started. where have you been?

Sorry gent but I have read my ass off for a few years, I asked questions before I started a long time ago its in the forums some where about June or July

i dont mean to be rash, sorry if i sound that way. also you didnt show a pic of the whole plant, so how could i even count the tops?
Sorry my bad on that, one second...Granted I have lost a few leaves since I started..

you can count right? count your tops.
Ok but what is gonna be a top? the two branching from the pinch point? And can I top them later to give more kolas. I have read quite a bit, but dosen't mean asking is gonna hurt any right?? Being helpful instead of harsh goes a lot farther to building trust and compassion for your fellow man.

what else? hmm, 1 cfl? you gatta be fkin kidding me! read read read. 1 cfl wont do anything worth doing. i figured someone needed to tell you the truth. sorry. if you have real questions send pics of whole plant. get more lights. read about growing mj, then ask the questions. had to be stern, but i hope this will inspire you to learn about something before jumping the gun. it seems you topped it. how do you know about topping and be so amateur at obvious topics? good luck.

I'm poor one cfl was all I could afford, Sometimes it dosn't matter weather it is or isn't worth doing, some times it's about the experience and learning.


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Yeah dude what Loola said. You need WAY more light and mixed spectrum or your plant will stretch and be too tall.

Working on that currently, I started with way to few lumen s in the first place which I know. I should have started with at least K2000 but more like K8000 would be best, I did start this grow outside in dirt until is was 5 inches tall then transferred it.

Actually, it looks like it has already stretched a lot. What method are you using to grow? How long has it been in veg? Also, to switch to flower, just change lighting to 12/12.
My growing method is a DWC using GH nutes. i am only using grow and bloom though, no micro in this mix. Have seen statements that the micro can cause salt lock much easier if one dosn't have a ph meter, which I dont have or isn't very well experienced with this style growing.

Seedling to flower was appx. 12 weeks, I am considering my flowering stage to be when I topped it and backed it from 18/6 light to 14/10.

There's no need to gradually change the lighting. You should really do more research because these are questions you should have know the answer to before you started growing. Don't get me wrong, they look healthy, but you should read anything you can get you hands on. This site is a wealth of knowledge about growing cannabis. If you have more questions, shoot.

Lastly as far as lighting goes, I have read quite a bit on various pages and here that switching your light cycle gradually(as oppose to suddenly) is much better and healthier for the plant and the chemical changes it goes through from Veg to flower can offer a far better product. Since mother natures seasons are gradual and light slowly begins to back off from July on, it would be very harsh for the world to go from 16-18hrs of light to instant 12/12 wouldn't you think. Plants are beings to, the breath and eat, science has even shown that music and talking to plants generates far better yields.
hahahahahaha is all i can say. good start dude i understand ur low on money but growin bud isnt worth it unless u can atleast spend like 100. and thats prob a male with ur luck. 9w cfl where do u even buy those? what did u spend like 50 cents? no offense but this is funny and im drunk
a gradual change isn't remotely necessary. Their feelings won't get hurt going from 24/0 to 12/12. They don't even respond rapidly to 12/12. It takes them at least a week to switch to flowering.

Step 1. Spend $10 on a 42watt CFL.
Step 2. Repeat Step 1
Step 3. Repeat Step 1
Step 4. Repeat Step 1

Get some micronutrients in the mix. They may be micro, but they are crucial still. Don't try to prevent nutrient lock by starving it of nutrients.

Get your lights in good and close. Growing with low lumens is like trying to get a tan in the shade.

Good luck!
Look, I'm tired of being berated and people being negative. What I am using and how I am growing is my own choice, if you aren't gonna be helpful or appreciative and are gonna be negative then feck off. (I know somewhere on this web site there are good decent people, I've talked to them) I am trying to go for 2 dried grams per watt as a start to an experiment. Just because someone has a low amount of posts and there a newb doesn't mean there stupid, and just because you have a lot of posts and experience dosen't mean your all knowing. It's a time difference some people cant comprehend that. My family has been growing crops and weed since my great grandfathers time, it's in my blood line. I may not be doing what OTHERS say is what you have to do, but there's "more than one way to skin a cat." This was a creative grow from start to finish with one cfl bulb THAT'S WHAT I WANTED. I have not gotten salt lock, no bugs or disease has hurt my plant, I had a small Mg defieceny but it's bouncing back now, and just so you know, it's a she look at the pics. If you cant tell the difference by now SyNik4l then you my friend need to take advice from loolagigi.
Cheers, Gimpy!!
ok, ok. no need to be upset. if thats all you have to use to grow with i cant blame ya. but if you have been reading since july about growing mj you must relize that this is a waste of time. your plant looks streched, but it looks healthy. you can switch right to 12/12, no need to slowely do it. and if you want advice from good people here, take it, dont argue. you might get 2 grams off that plant, but god, you wanna wait all that time for 2 grams? people that want to share advice cringe when they see you asking questions about a 9 watt cfl 2 gram plant. i have never used 1 9 watt cfl, so i guess that excludes me from answering any questions about your 2 gram grow. I WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU, BUY SOME DECENT LIGHTS, AND READ MORE!. GATTA GET LIGHTS BROTHER. UNTIL THEN I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO SHARE WITH YOU. CANT GROW MJ WITH 1 9 WATT CFL, NOT ENOUGH TO GET ME TO TRY AND TELL YOU HOW TO GROW. CANT HELP BUT BE HARSH, EVEN WHEN I STARTED THIS I SAID OK, OK. BUT THEN I GET UPSET YOU WONT TAKE ADVICE, YOU JUST ARGUE. GET MORE CFL'S NO MORE 9 WATTERS, LOL HAVE A GREAT DAY
Look, I'm tired of being berated and people being negative. What I am using and how I am growing is my own choice, if you aren't gonna be helpful or appreciative and are gonna be negative then feck off. (I know somewhere on this web site there are good decent people, I've talked to them) I am trying to go for 2 dried grams per watt as a start to an experiment. Just because someone has a low amount of posts and there a newb doesn't mean there stupid, and just because you have a lot of posts and experience dosen't mean your all knowing. It's a time difference some people cant comprehend that. My family has been growing crops and weed since my great grandfathers time, it's in my blood line. I may not be doing what OTHERS say is what you have to do, but there's "more than one way to skin a cat." This was a creative grow from start to finish with one cfl bulb THAT'S WHAT I WANTED. I have not gotten salt lock, no bugs or disease has hurt my plant, I had a small Mg defieceny but it's bouncing back now, and just so you know, it's a she look at the pics. If you cant tell the difference by now SyNik4l then you my friend need to take advice from loolagigi.
Cheers, Gimpy!!

Its in your blood line? WTF? This has to be a joke. Why not read and see what everyone else is doing and mimick them? You just decided to do it your own way? Did your blood line make you think of using a 9 watt cfl?
everyone is trying to help dude, read the posts. they understand u want to grow with the one cfl... but its just not feasible. get a couple more, it wont hurt ur electric bill that much.
So moving on from this charade of mimicry, I changed my 9watt cfl to my 13 the other day. Wasen't aware that the 9watt was in it all this time, so I switched. Avg. harvest for one plant (of any genetics) is roughly 20 to 50 grams. This litlle experiment of mine was to see if a really slow patient person could grow a nice decent female to clone from and start 4 plants in a completely seperate fashion. I may appx. get 18g to 30g from this little one. I am in no hurry, am not trying to sell to anyone and have plenty of suggestions from many fine people. When I move up from one plant (in my own time) I will change over to something more beneficial. IE; buying lowryder or ak47 seeds that auto flower. Switching light for any girls wont be a task then. And growing them in good quality soil wont take nearly as long as what I have waited now. But I tend to be a very patient person.
Cheers, Gimpy!!
Its in your blood line? WTF? This has to be a joke. Why not read and see what everyone else is doing and mimick them? You just decided to do it your own way? Did your blood line make you think of using a 9 watt cfl?

I'm my own person, not just some mindless go with the flow fool..
You need to move this ground breaking experiment to

I'm sure nobody has seen a 13 watt CFL generate 20-50 grams of bud. You'll be a star.

Seriously, though, in your first post you asked what bulb you should use and what you should have done differently. You got answers, albeit some a bit harsh. Why so harsh? Every other thread on here is "I'm growing with 9 watt cfl. Can you tell if this seedling is a female? How much will it yeild?"

I don't believe you've been reading on the subject for a few years. Basics such as light spectrum and lumens shouldn't escape you. And why do you think any quality soil would be faster than DWC?

You called someone out on the fact that your plant is a female. Which picture did you post shows female flowers?

I've been on here 3 years but don't have a lot of posts. I know what I'm doing and I try to help others when they are receptive. I started with 1 plant and 1 bulb. I asked questions and never got an attitude when my first several answers came back "Use the Search feature dumbass!". My last grow consisted of around 60 plants in three different setups as "my experiment". I've used almost every feasible light setup, and some that weren't worth their time. I've grown soil, DWC and in SOG, ScOG. I've topped, I've fimmed, I've LST'd, I've broken stalks and repaired them, I've experienced just about every deficiency at one point in time and learned to correct mistakes.

If your bloodline makes you such a superior grower, why bother asking questions. Why not just jump straight into schooling us how it's done. If I could get 20-50 grams per 13 watt bulb, I'll string up a room with them like christmas lights.:roll: