entrapment at Barnes and Noble


Active Member
So this weekend I went to a B&N (in Texas) to look for some generic indoor gardening books, and what do I see right in their midst? About 7 cannabis books, including the Cannabible (one big volume, and also 3 smaller volumes), Marijuana Horticulture, a couple of "grow bibles", etc.

Is it just me or is this insane? I'm sure not going to walk up to the cashier with a handful of Marijuana Grow Bibles. I mean, this *is* Texas, where you can legally walk up and down the street with a loaded shotgun (granted, you may not get very far without being questioned, but it's still legal), but PLEASE! Even if I pay in cash, they've got security monitors recording everything, and the clerks are probably trained to notify someone or press a special red button if anybody purchases one of these books. I thought it was technically a crime to give anyone grow advice, so how is a book any different? In any event, it sure does tip them off as to what you have in mind.

Or am I just overly paranoid? :confused:


Active Member
yeah, they are obviously there to be bought buy people who are interested. Seriously, don't worry at all. It's normal.


Well-Known Member
I remember a while back, has to be at least 15 years, Anarchist's Cookbook required ID to purchase.

And yeah your paranoid.


you are way too paranoid. you can buy books on how to make massive homemade explosives and these are completely safe also. it is what you do with the information that matters. you have the right to know how to commit crime, just not the right to do it. freedom of speech and press


Active Member
Yeah a little paranoid. i mean it may be a lil sketchy, but its a book, and if anyone says something to you just say you like to read, or its for a friend. If it makes you feel better


Well-Known Member
I got mine at Borders Books. As long as you dont steal them, It's all legal and they appreciate your business. If it makes you feel any better you can always pay in untraceable cash!


thinking about it man, the only growbook i ever bought was Cervantes's medical grow bible, which i got from, you guessed it Barnes and Nobles. i even had to get a lady to help me find the right section, felt awkward, and the cashier looked at me goofy, but screw em, you're doin a paper on the ridiculous availability of cultivation guides for an illegal plant. right?


Just some idiot
If you are this paranoid about buying a book, what are you going to do when you have plants? Don't get me wrong it's OK to be a little paranoid but you're going to have a nervous breakdown...lol. Loosen up a little, and like the last guy said...cash is untraceable.


Well-Known Member
I went to borders and bought a bunch of grow guides a while back and the cashier grinned and said good luck. Normally though if I'm getting a high times or cc they don't even seem to react to it, probably because they smoke the reefer too:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the cashier at the convenience store where i used to buy high times would show me notable pics and articles.. we'd talk about it sometimes too. go canada


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you go in with tin foil on your head so the CIA can't track your thoughts and you should be good.


Active Member
yeah i bought the anarchist cookbook some years ago, and the feds have yet to find me
just chill out man. its a book.


Active Member
Paranoid. Nothing to worry.

So When are you going to go to the Sea of Green store and get your lights and fertilizers? Make sure you take a friend with dread locks like I did. :wink: