cigarettes and weed?.?.?.?


Well-Known Member
do cigs lower ur high? i was blazin then smoked a cig and kinda felt a reduction in my high?.?.u think it was the smokes? ive been smokin fer a minute but this aint never happened i kinda felt higher i guess, other tymes. i should just quit smokin cigs!


Active Member
i feel like smoking a cig after lifts the buzz to a higher plateau.

but yeah man stop smoking...i'll join you.
shit is bad


Sometimes after smokin grass i crave a cig and it usually gets me higher buh i guess it mite depend on what brand u hav cuz i usually hav newports but last nite i had a marlboro after lightin up and my high was ruined till i smoked again bout haf an hour later =/

grow space

Well-Known Member
My ritual...Always after smoking Mj, i smoke a regular cig as well...It just better and i always do that!!!



Active Member
sadly, this is how i started smoking cigs haha.
i'd smoke one after a blunt or joint.
then i found myself smoking one before and after.
then i just found myself buying a damn pack and smoking it in a week lol

grow space

Well-Known Member
sadly, this is how i started smoking cigs haha.
i'd smoke one after a blunt or joint.
then i found myself smoking one before and after.
then i just found myself buying a damn pack and smoking it in a week lol
I have smoked cigs for about 4 or 5 years...Once quit for about 6 months..felt great..ten went to a trip to France, town called Strasbourgh..Got myself some high grade hash....High as hell, drinking also, and then i discovered, that theres a smoke in my mouth...Havent left smoking still...


Well-Known Member
A person I know will make a huge joint with a whole cigarette in it, smoke the joint and still 'need' a cigarette after it :-S

I smoke cigarettes but I normally don't smoke cigs when I'm smoking weed because I mix tobacco and weed in a joint.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to smoke tobacco, I tried it several times, it does absolutely nothing for me, its addictive bad for you and ive not noticed it doing shit.

Although I have a high tolerance to drugs, often to my deteriment but anyone who starts drinking vodka with me realizes that lol.


Well-Known Member
I will say a joint or bowl followed by 2 Budeweisers then followed by a FRESH (the pack must be just opened) Marlboro RED is a pretty dynamite buzz.

I don't drink or smoke cigs so it is a buzz that I feel VERY rarely.


smoke newports they give you a nice buzz after a session but dont smoke em alot i never seemed to like them alot because they give me a headache and fuck up my throat so when i do smoke one i get a big buzz


Well-Known Member
I smoke a ciggarette after i smoke a blunt/joint like once a month if that..So i never smoke ciggs but when i do smoke a menthol ciggarette after i smoke weed it gets me super lightheaded. Which gives me more of a fucked up feeling i guess.

grow space

Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what i do, especially because weed is illegal so it covers the weed smell.
Yep, its also a perfect cover up...One time, not so long ago, me and my mate was hanging was a shitty weather and we wanted a new, peaceful smoking there was this old van, left behind, doors open, pretty much clean inside..we hoped in and started toking..shortly after that a random dude started to scavange another left behind car really near our spot...i quickly lighted a smoke to cover up the MJ smell(van was full of it :lol::lol::lol:)..then the dude saw us and opened the door asked what we were doing...we said smoking a cig and trying to stay dry...and that was it...Saved by the Cig...



Well-Known Member
I will say a joint or bowl followed by 2 Budeweisers then followed by a FRESH (the pack must be just opened) Marlboro RED is a pretty dynamite buzz.

I don't drink or smoke cigs so it is a buzz that I feel VERY rarely.

when I quit smoking cigs I noticed I'd get higher.


Well-Known Member
ya know what... we had this debate the other day at work... one guy said that the nicotine molecules are bigger than the thc molecules, so when smoking a cigarette it sorta rushes the thc through a lil faster... in that sense you get a stronger buzz, it just doesnt last as long as it would have if you hadnt smoked a joe (cigarette... i just get tired of typing cigarettes, so from here on out i will refer to them as joes...on this forum and any other i happen to mention cigarettes)... if someone agrees or disagrees to this theory or has any factual evidence of any of this, please enlighten me... if not i will stick to this theory till i am proved wrong... thanks homies and keep it green...


Well-Known Member
when I quit smoking cigs I noticed I'd get higher.
To be honest with you I could not tell you if I get any higher; but I can tell you it is a great buzz. The three drugs mix together to create a perfect storm of buzzes.

Just try it.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I smoked cigs from the time i was 16 to the time i was 21. Now it has been 9 months since ive had a cig, the key is not smoking when you drink, i say invest in a tobbacco pipe and smoke it when you drink.

But when i did smoke cigs i would always have to have one after i smoked a bowl, blunt, joint, etc. But i always thought it enhanced my high.