The hippies grow

dimension 2350

New Member
I stopped the grow journal for this thread. I was contacted by a mod and was told " If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies." I'm not gonna say who did it but it was done. For the record the pics were real.


Active Member
You are so full of crap. There is no way a mod told you not to post your DIY cheap thread because your interfering with their advertising revenue. I knew you were weak sauce. I am sure You do not have this communication but if you do post it. I bet the mods would be happy to know you are lying about them.

I stopped the grow journal for this thread. I was contacted by a mod and was told " If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies." I'm not gonna say who did it but it was done. For the record the pics were real.

dimension 2350

New Member
You are so full of crap. There is no way a mod told you not to post your DIY cheap thread because your interfering with their advertising revenue. I knew you were weak sauce. I am sure You do not have this communication but if you do post it. I bet the mods would be happy to know you are lying about them.
I'm not lying. Believe what you want they will probally close this thread anyway. What reason do you have to believe the pics are fake anyways?


Well-Known Member
I stopped the grow journal for this thread. I was contacted by a mod and was told " If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies." I'm not gonna say who did it but it was done. For the record the pics were real.
I call Shenanagans!!


Active Member
in post 50 you show a pic of a seed that was germinated out of the dirt and then said your seeds popped out of the ground in 12 hrs. Do you see where the credability issue is here? also the before and after pics are totaly different.
wht would they close this thread unless you are lying about the mods?

I'm not lying. Believe what you want they will probally close this thread anyway. What reason do you have to believe the pics are fake anyways?

dimension 2350

New Member
in post 50 you show a pic of a seed that was germinated out of the dirt and then said your seeds popped out of the ground in 12 hrs. Do you see where the credability issue is here? also the before and after pics are totaly different.
wht would they close this thread unless you are lying about the mods?
It popped out of soil. It was germed in papertowel method. Then put in soil then came up. There not different just the angles. There probally gonna close it because it already has a lot of info. Then again they may keep it open to make me look like a liar. I'm not lying though. Someone also posted you could go buy a QP and put it on a scale. Who the hell would spend 320.00 to look cool on a website?*


Well-Known Member
I stopped the grow journal for this thread. I was contacted by a mod and was told " If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies." I'm not gonna say who did it but it was done. For the record the pics were real.
Can you copy and paste the e-mail the mod sent you telling you to stop? It would help you!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I stopped the grow journal for this thread. I was contacted by a mod and was told " If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies." I'm not gonna say who did it but it was done. For the record the pics were real.

Im all about not spending money, and using alternative but productive methods to attain the same results

And most equipment, nutes, etc. that are used in relation to grows on this site are not purchased via website advertisers.....

This is a PUBLIC FORUM...... freedom of speech is what this site is based upon

I'm not lying. Believe what you want they will probally close this thread anyway. What reason do you have to believe the pics are fake anyways?
the reasons for why people "believe" your pics are faulty have been posted over and over, and you have yet to dispel any loss of faith in them, read your own thread

It popped out of soil. It was germed in papertowel method. Then put in soil then came up. There not different just the angles. There probally gonna close it because it already has a lot of info. Then again they may keep it open to make me look like a liar. I'm not lying though. Someone also posted you could go buy a QP and put it on a scale. Who the hell would spend 320.00 to look cool on a website?*
A qp costs you 320?? lol..... they are not going to close this thread, otherwise they already would have when they sent you that "message"

Copy and paste the message......

There is nothing wrong with admitting to your lies..... indeed that would be worth forgiving, and you could move on and Really grow some pot ;)

"They are probably going to close it because it already has a lot of info"

What info? Where? you sure as hell didn't post it...... have you even browsed other threads on the site? a lot of them are FULL of info


Well-Known Member
Can you copy and paste the e-mail the mod sent you telling you to stop? It would help you!:peace:
Yes he CAN copy and paste the message (he copied and pasted the pictures right?)

the mods can't "make you look like a liar" by leaving the thread open if you post the message itself..... including the name......

the only thing that has made you look like a liar is......



dimension 2350

New Member
Dear dimension 2350,

This is a formal warning.

Reason: Profit Violation

If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies. This is just a warning but don't continue.


Damn man, I read through this whole 15 page thread because I thought damn there sounds sounds some promise to this method, I myself am a complete beginner, working on my first grow and all I can afford right now are 4 23 watt fcl's I am getting more soon. but I was like wow maybe mine will turn out alright, then I kept reading:spew::spew: It's very obvious at this point that you are bullshitting and even a grow noob like me can tell, you know why? because I may be a grow noob but I'm not a life noob, I spent half of my life in prison actually and I know a lying muthafucka when I hear one, none of your retorts were believable and you simply could have posted regular pictures to prove what you were being accused of but no you simply TRIED to bullshit your way around it and weakly I might add, then the pics you did post were complete bullshit, the first (after the seed germ) wasn't even weed, the second was a seedling in a different grow medium as the first had, and the third was a well developed plant that had preflowers on it, check the 4th actual pic he posted, and the 3rd that had a green plant in it, (because the first was a germinating pic) it has preflowers on it? this was a mere ten days after the start of your thread, that was fuck up number 5, and as well you took super offense to people calling you out by calling them dumb fucks, instead of merely posting more pics properly, lol then the final straw saying a mod messaged you and said dont' do this because it hurts thier advertising, I have never heard such stupid bullshit in all my life, if you look all over this site there are cheap diy techs on how to save money, the mods could care less about that, dude you fail at weed, and more likely at LIFE, so keep getting mad :fire::-P

and posting fake pics, you made yourself look like a fool here no one trusts what you say anymore and anyone with half a brain can tell that your completely full of shit.
okay I've said my say

p.s where I'm from I get qp's (4 ounces) of regular commercial for 250, not 320.


Well-Known Member
Dear dimension 2350,

This is a formal warning.

Reason: Profit Violation

If you continue showing cheaper solutions you are gonna interfere with our advertisers grow supplies. This is just a warning but don't continue.
It was pot roast who sent it

you can edit your posts, but you can't edit the quotes hehehe

And why do you never directly answer or respond to anything I write?


Well-Known Member
To the OP, write your screen name on paper. Then put it by you plant, take picture. Then you should get credit for your pics and plants!:peace: