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Why do we talk about god, and the ridiculous notion of worshiping the main character in a book of fiction?

Because religious assholes keep trying to put their murderous deity in our schools and government.
Because religious assholes think it's okay to deny people equal rights because of a passage in a 2000 year old book written by racists and homophobes.
Because religious assholes have murdered people throughout history for the singular fact that they did not worship their god.

I think those three points by themselves are an excellent case for discussing the total abolishment of this dogmatic bullshit, and the hypocrisy and sickness of it all.

When religion stops forcing itself on us, we'll stop pushing back.

* and although not all religious people are asshole, their adherence to a book that promotes exactly those asshole values puts them right in the category with the other pricks.
When religion stops forcing itself on us, we'll stop pushing back. !!!!

I have to admit I was deeply moved by your candor and honesty. Thank you for admitting to the atheists crusade and agenda. It's obvious to everyone else....... just god to hear you say so.

* and although not all religious people are asshole, their adherence to a book that promotes exactly those asshole values puts them right in the category with the other pricks.

This is what I mean by you are a coward. You try to add that little "not all religious people are assholes", as if you are fooling anyone with that nugget of insight. Yeah, no one see the contempt you have for all things spiritual. You are just fine, that was so smooth.
I'm not an atheist. I was; until I realized I could not be certain of anything in the affirmative.

Agnostic does the trick for me. All that means is I have seen no proof either way. Until I see solid proof I am comfortable with "Don't know" even "None of the above" for an answer.

And like a multiple choice question, I can eliminate the obviously wrong answers first.

Which means I do not have invisible friends.
I'm in the same boat JO. I don't know what created everything we are aware of. It's okay to admit you don't know.

The probability that a G*D created the universe for us and G*D is watching everything we do and judging all of our deeds.....that I simply place at the bottom of probability.

Besides, that's why we have Obama. He judges us all, he's making a list, and checking it twice.....wait I cross myth'd... sorry.
Mauihund, You're one of the zombies, so I really don't care what you think.

As long as you believe in fairies and leprechauns and invisible men in the sky you're still a six year old.
@JO and CJ

Same boat here. I don't see any reason to believe in a deistic cause for the universe, but I'm open to it should evidence appear.

On the other hand this biblical nonsense which claims to know God, Xenu, or Joseph Smith's angelic buddies is just a collection of poseurs trying to make it seem like they have the number of the red phone in the office of creation.
I'm not an atheist.

Then why are you posting on a thread about atheism?

I'm beginning to see a theme. Act one way, then say the opposite:

Obsess over God, his word, his creation, then say you don't believe.

Argue and debate the lack of God's existence, then state that you are ignorant of the matter (Agnostic means ignoramus).

If you were really ignorant, you would have no right to hold an opinion.

Which is it? Are you an ignoramus, or not?

Who are you trying to fool?
Mauihund, You're one of the zombies, so I really don't care what you think.

As long as you believe in fairies and leprechauns and invisible men in the sky you're still a six year old.

You are saying this to everyone on RIU (except the superior witted atheists).

Nope, just you.
There are people who go all their lives believing the lies of religion, and then one day stop to question a single point, and then shortly thereafter have found so many flaws in its reasoning (and lack thereof) that they just walk away.

And there's people who aren't really religious, but that's what's expected of them so they go through the motions.

And then there are the zombies, wandering through life hoping to suck on god's teat for as long as they can, because the thought of this life ending, with no Angels to snuggle with and cherubs to molest, scares the hell out of them.

Keep on trucking, zombie boy.

(I'd include Brazko too, but I don't think he's one of the zombies. He's just posting to make noise and get his count up)

You are saying this to everyone on RIU (except the superior witted atheists).
Then why are you posting on a thread about atheism?
One could ask you the same question.

I will post anywhere I choose on this forum. Thank you very much.
I'm beginning to see a theme. Act one way, then say the opposite:

Obsess over God, his word, his creation, then say you don't believe.

Argue and debate the lack of God's existence, then state that you are ignorant of the matter (Agnostic means ignoramus).

If you were really ignorant, you would have no right to hold an opinion
You're actually suggesting I do not have the right to express my opinion?
Which is it? Are you an ignoramus, or not?
If those are my only two options, I'll take ignoramus.

Between sanctimonious blowhard and pompous narrow-minded fool - which are you?
Who are you trying to fool?
Certainly not you. Apparently you have all the answers. :rolleyes:
I have to admit I was deeply moved by your candor and honesty. Thank you for admitting to the atheists crusade and agenda. It's obvious to everyone else....... just god to hear you say so.

wow, that's nice you are impressed. Are you also impressed our crusade doesn't involve invading countries and murdering those that refuse to believe? How many people have died in the atheist crusades? it's ok i'll wait. Now in a former post you called atheism a religion which would be nice cause i could use the tax break but alas it isn't I also don't pay tithing and am able to decide what morality is to me not from some infallable asshole in a stupid hat, or some equally ridiculous self proclaimed prophet. If religions had their way we would still believe in spontaneous generation FFS!

This is what I mean by you are a coward. You try to add that little "not all religious people are assholes", as if you are fooling anyone with that nugget of insight. Yeah, no one see the contempt you have for all things spiritual. You are just fine, that was so smooth.

I can see how you would deem that cowardly because in religion that's all that exists is blanket statements like all atheists are stupid assholes. I personally don't believe that all religious people are assholes i do find you to be one though. It isn't contempt we have for spirituality it is doubt we have for the supernatural. bottom line is until an atheist comes to your door with a "free book" at 10 am wanting to analyze your life then you can bitch. until then STFU about atheism being a religion it is in fact by definition the exact opposite. morgentaler: I agree with your reasoning to not rule out the supernatural but I too would need some proof. If the bible is so true and it is proven and it is that evolution happened how come god wouldn't acknowledge this in his writings through other people highly suspect. anyway that is for another time.
Still trying to preach your religion I see. All atheists are narcissitic cowards.

You don't just hate God and christians, you hate anything spiritual. And everone who thinks otherwise is considered ignorant and a fool (like 99% of people on this site and in the world, ever). Very sad for you to be so condisending.

You call the spiritual farytails, but you get so damn passionate in your arguments, you prove you really do beleive in a spiritual life. You simply chose to have contempt for spiritual things. That is the definition of atheism.

No one ever started a thread called "Why Tinkerbell?!.....Why?!" as an excuse to piss and moan about her lack of existence.

And why is that? Because Tink is one individual that TRULY does not exist, and everyone knows it. If you don't believe in God, than why do you spend so much energy talking about him? If you did not believe in His existence (like Tinkerbell) the point should be moot. You are all so clever.

Want to prove you believe God doesn't exist? Stop obsessing about Him. Then I may believe you. Nah. You're all still a bunch of narcissistic cowards.

Atheism is a religion much like fundamental christianity. Nobody is permitted to see things differently. If they do, they are just ignorant, fools, lost. And you are here to save us from our foolishness. All hail the atheists from whom salvation flows! You will deliver us from our ignorance! Bless your heart.

The dyslexic atheist went to hell and found out there really was a Dog.

God exists, and you agree. Too bad you can't see it.

Maui, you don't have any idea what atheism means. That much is clear.

Atheism is as much a religion as bald is a hair color.

I really didn't think this was necessary, but since you obviously don't understand the difference, let me draw it out for you... Tinkerbell, Santa, the Easter Bunny... nobody starts threads about them not because it's obvious they don't exist, but because there aren't 4.4 BILLION SHEEP walking around claiming they do, passing legislation or getting their symbols FORCED onto me in my life.

I spend so much time and energy talking about God and religion because it is so dangerous to mankind. That is the bottom line. I'm not happy about our current living situation here on planet earth, I think we owe it to the future generations to come to try to give them the best future possible. The best possible future I can imagine is one without organized religion making everyones decisions for them. If you can't understand that, that's not my problem.

This idea that God MUST exist for anyone to talk about him is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anyone use as an argument for the existence of God. No seriously, THE STUPIDEST. And I've been doing this for almost 4 years, that's saying something...

I won't stop "obsessing" about God till the direct and indirect consequences of having billions of blind believers follow said God stops. Not that I feel like I have shit to prove to you or anyone else anyway.

There's a big difference between the believer who reads his religious text and gets a basic code of ethics out of it, they interpret it as metaphors and anecdotes because they know snakes don't talk and people don't live to be 900 years old, they might get a decent idea of right and wrong, and the believer who reads his religious text, interprets it word for word as the litteral word of his God, actively DENIES established knowledge because it contradicts what the religious text says, preaches in open forums about his rights to FORCE his beliefs down everyone who disagrees throats, then BITCHES endlessly about "tolerance" because atheists are BRAVE enough to call RETARDS out on their BULLSHIT. We don't face the threat of death anymore, knowledge is my weapon and you can't defeat it. Hate to break it to you, but you do not have some of these "rights" you seem to think you have, simply because you think your magic sky daddy is more special than everyone elses... Sorry, don't work that way...

One more thing, I'm loving the irony of your use of the word "coward" when describing atheism. Yes, it's the atheist whose the coward. The ones who want peace on earth, the ones that think all human beings are equal, the ones who strive for knowledge and progress, the ones who accept that life is not eternal, the ones who are not afraid of death, yes, we're the cowards... :wall:

Let go of the fairy tale man, take it from me, life is much more enjoyable than you could ever imagine when your mind is free to think wherever it pleases.
I wouldn't even so much use the word supernatural. An unknown with a natural cause more likely.

Like Dawkins points out, even if there is a being of creation, it had to evolve to become that complex :)

There's even one matrix-like posit, that we're all just part of a complex simulation, and the creator could just be the equivalent of a graduate student running cycles.

I would at least hope the grad student has better things to do than order others to kill us because we don't believe in him :)

I wonder if his Hell level is like Doom.

morgentaler: I agree with your reasoning to not rule out the supernatural but I too would need some proof. If the bible is so true and it is proven and it is that evolution happened how come god wouldn't acknowledge this in his writings through other people highly suspect. anyway that is for another time.
By the way, Mauihund....

I want a refund on all the property taxes I have paid which have subsidized houses of organized religion; which do not pay property taxes.

Further, I wish an income tax refund on all taxes paid, in turn, which subsidized houses of worship; which are classified as non-profits.

Are you still in the dark as to why I obsess? It's because blind, dogmatic, bible-thumpers such as yourself have had a free reign in this culture of ours for far too long.

You're losing your stranglehold on society and all you can do is rant.

Carry on... for we will carry the day.

One more thing, kindly remove your fucking Ten Commandments monument from the grounds of my state capitol because it ain't Constitutional.
Religion is the opium of the people

This is probably the best-known quotation by Karl Marx, the German economist and Communist political philosopher. The origin German text, in Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, 1843 is:
Die Religion... ist das Opium des Volkes
This has been translated variously as 'religion is the opiate of the masses', 'religion is the opium of the masses' and, in a version which German scholars prefer 'religion is the opium of the people'. The context the phrase appears is this:
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people."

Religion is the opium of the people... I can see that..

They both have their own houses.
They both have their own pushers.
Too much of either is toxic.
and both are used to create an artificial sense of well being.
Techincally speaking wouldn't being atheist be the opposite of enlightenment?

No, not really.

education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge

To reach 'enlightenment' is too vague of a statement to make, what will you be enlightened about? everything? impossible, you cannot recreate a simulation of an equally complex universe just as much as you can't fathom the actual size of our planet in relevance to the rest of the universe. You cannot 'know' everything, according to even our most modern sciences, it's actually rather quite impossible on many fundamental levels. I made this post in another thread and It somewhat applies here.

I think it is just as easy to know there is a god as it is for me to know there is a small black kettle orbiting a sun in the crab nebula.

The probability is so seemingly small, so tiny and insignificant that the idea is brushed aside. Yes, as improbable and not impossible, but tell me then;

English breakfast or earl gray? Find me a proof for that and I'll believe in your 'God.'

the point of posting this snipit is this: The hypothetical of god existing isn't worth much of your time on the path of 'enlightenment.'

To truly be 'enlightened' in the concept or meaning that it is generally used, is to understand why. To understand that, you need to know How as well, these things come with a thorough education in the sciences of the universe, and the philosophy and psychology of man.

Only then will we be able to fathom what the universe is, and what it means to us.

This is truly enlightenment.
I think it is just as easy to know there is a god as it is for me to know there is a small black kettle orbiting a sun in the crab nebula.

Ooooh, you're one of those!
I happen to know that it's a silver teapot orbiting that sun.
You and your protestant kettle-ites are always stirring up trouble.
There is only the silver teapot, and if you don't believe you shall be very thirsty in the long, dark, tea time of the soul.
Ooooh, you're one of those!
I happen to know that it's a silver teapot orbiting that sun.
You and your protestant kettle-ites are always stirring up trouble.
There is only the silver teapot, and if you don't believe you shall be very thirsty in the long, dark, tea time of the soul.

*Tosses back random snarkey Hipster retort in rebuttal of your claims towards there being a greater deep space tea deity than my own.* THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

*Screams about other nonsense incoherently*