Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

Some strains are pickier than others and may have different nutrient requirements. What's the bubblelicios doing? Put up some pics and maybe we can help.

Yeah, I will later on, although my camera ain't that great - basically yellowing, although I found some "browning" on one of them where the new growth should be - did some research, and apparently BL is fairly susceptible to fungal infections, so I went ahead and sprayed my whole veg tent with a fungicide/insecticide/miticide that I got from Wal-Mart (shockingly enough, all organic).

When I sprayed my outdoor veggies with that they loved it, and I'm guessing my indoor veggies will as well - it really seems to be a "cure-all" for whatever ails plants.

Also still battling root rot (from the week of no light), so went ahead and added 50mL of H2O2 to each bucket.

Need to straighten up this pigsty of a house and then pics will be coming.
All right, so this is where we stand, as best as I can tell:

Right now still up in the air about what to do for flowering, number of plants to flower, the whole nine - thinking 16 buckets in there might not work with the plumbing and necessary air pumps, so wondering if I should give my 4x4 E&F tray a try.

Really, really indecisive about this whole thing, but I'm gonna try to make a test 4 bucket system (came to the conclusion that if I do 16 buckets, it's going to be four buckets to each rez, for four reservoirs). So putting that together will hopefully shine some light on the feasibility of it all.

Also not sure about which mom to use, because my more sativa pheno is clearly the hardier of the two, and in the shower a minute ago, I remembered that my indica pheno had a leaf mutation as a little girl - need to do some research into exactly how big of a deal this is.

If someone were to hold a gun to my head right now, I'd say I'm probably gonna take 10 clones off of each and pick the best 16 out of 20, and flower those, hopefully starting in 2-3 weeks.

So that's that; also unsure about the route I should take for selecting mamas out of the three strains that I bought - originally was going to wait until they started showing preflowers and then flower the ladies out, testing the bud for potency, yield, etc., but then was thinking maybe I'll just flower all of them with my bagseed in a couple of weeks and deal with the lack of efficiency that pulling the males would entail.

Anyways, that's the basic gist of where I'm at.


Removed "most" of the shit from my workout room............doing the rest tonight and tomorrow.


And basically just transferred the mess to my garage..........need to clean that up tomorrow, and I'm gonna use all those ruined buckets as storage (might as well get some use out of them).


This is the fungicide/miticide/insecticide that eveerybody got sprayed with today - all organic, and safe for spraying on veggies even up to the day you're gonna eat them.

Worked wonders on my tomatoes and zucchinis in my outside garden.


Superskunk seedlings, all doing pretty well - at least two if not three are viable as mamas.


NYPD seedlings, about two that could be mamas if all goes well.


And here's the BL - you see the brown where the new growth on the one should be? Might as well throw that one away now, not strong enough to be a mama for me. Also, the pic doesn't do the yellow enough justice - they're noticeably more yellow then the other two strains. Not crazy about this one so far.


My indica dominant mama - cutting her some slack for the new growth because of the weeklong hell I put them all through, but she better get her act together soon.


My sativa pheno - no complaints about her, she's a hardy lady - unless the indica is a much better yielder with much better buds, I'm thinking that she'll be the lady I keep, if I only keep one.
The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking I'll probably go E&F.

Just don't feel like wasting anymore time building something that may or may not work and may or may not leak, and all I need for an E&F is a reservoir, some fittings, and some square pots (already have the tray, hydroton, and pumps).

Would make more sense to run 64 plants in that setup, but I'm thinking I'd probably still go with 16 plants and veg them for a week or 10 days under my 1000 in the flowering tent to get them to either 2 or 4 colas each.

Man am I undecided, somebody decide for me.
Damn Bob, I don't know what to tell you. Being as stoned, and indecisive as I am, I surely can't make the decision for you. I don't know enough about E&F, but I do know that some absurdly bulk grows are done in them and wicked SOG can be accomplished.
Go SOG. Do it.

I think I might save that for my second tent, once I find my best mama for that, and have one tent for variety and one tent for max yields.

Been brainstorming all night, and gonna try some ideas out in the next couple of days, hopefully with stuff I already have to at least build a reservoir system, but hopefully a (slowly) recirculating system.

Then, play it by ear from there, and if it seems like I can build one I'm happy with, great, and if not, I'll just do an E&F for this one, but I'd really prefer not to - not great for working with different strains, which I'll be doing for at least the next couple of harvests.
tough call. you have so many choices. If you have a lot of time on your hands, you could do an 8 plant, 5 gal Scrog, with individual per bucket scrog, so removal of any males is easy.
I think that you aren't letting yourself realize how long the process is. We all tell each other all the time that it's a learning process, and it really is. You have a large space and damn near all the possibilities are endless. Some of us are cramped in a closet and have to make due, but you can honestly do whatever you want. You can have 3 different small systems running at once, one big one, two medium etc. You can also just do something for this grow, and a different style with another one. I think that the 16 bucket system is a little intense, and maybe you can mix it up a bit. I love 5 gallon buckets though, they are the shit. I like your 4 bucket to 1 reservoir setup, I think that can work out really nicely. You can also get independent screens to scrog each individual bucket if you wanted. You could run clones in E&F and then transfer them to independent buckets for flowering or something.

I dunno man, I would say just start making shit haha.
tough call. you have so many choices. If you have a lot of time on your hands, you could do an 8 plant, 5 gal Scrog, with individual per bucket scrog, so removal of any males is easy.

Yeah, don't think I'm gonna be flowering any males soon, in all honesty - gonna wait until my seedlings show preflowers before I mess with them, or at least throw a batch of clones right in there just to sex them and then toss them.

Also, I hate not being efficient with my space by maximizing it.

Just really, really hate it, so unfortunately, there's going to be at least 16 plants going in the flowering tent.

Just need to figure out if it's gonna be in buckets or an E&F tray or something else.

Still thinking buckets, though, assuming I can put together a prototype that doesn't leak AND I can find space in the tent to fit the sixteen air pumps.

Figure I can definitely put together a passive one, and if I can make it active, which I'm optimistically thinking I can, then that's just a bonus.

Two reservoirs, 16 buckets.
I think that you aren't letting yourself realize how long the process is. We all tell each other all the time that it's a learning process, and it really is. You have a large space and damn near all the possibilities are endless. Some of us are cramped in a closet and have to make due, but you can honestly do whatever you want. You can have 3 different small systems running at once, one big one, two medium etc. You can also just do something for this grow, and a different style with another one. I think that the 16 bucket system is a little intense, and maybe you can mix it up a bit. I love 5 gallon buckets though, they are the shit. I like your 4 bucket to 1 reservoir setup, I think that can work out really nicely. You can also get independent screens to scrog each individual bucket if you wanted. You could run clones in E&F and then transfer them to independent buckets for flowering or something.

I dunno man, I would say just start making shit haha.

Lol, I got that dude, which is why I was looking for some other people's opinions :P

Basically what I'm going for is what's gonna cost me the least amount of time and money to get up and running and that I'm fairly familiar with, so I'm thinking buckets (although this nagging fucking root rot has me wondering).

Well, enough talking, going to try and setup these two eight bucket systems but might have to go to 4 four bucket systems, we'll see.

Oh, and I decided last night (around 3:30am) that instead of one more 4x4 flowering tent with a 1000 watter, my next tent is gonna be an 8x4 with 2 1000's.
Yeah, don't think I'm gonna be flowering any males soon, in all honesty - gonna wait until my seedlings show preflowers before I mess with them, or at least throw a batch of clones right in there just to sex them and then toss them.

Also, I hate not being efficient with my space by maximizing it.

Just really, really hate it, so unfortunately, there's going to be at least 16 plants going in the flowering tent.

Just need to figure out if it's gonna be in buckets or an E&F tray or something else.

Still thinking buckets, though, assuming I can put together a prototype that doesn't leak AND I can find space in the tent to fit the sixteen air pumps.

Figure I can definitely put together a passive one, and if I can make it active, which I'm optimistically thinking I can, then that's just a bonus.

Two reservoirs, 16 buckets.
just as a side note on planning, If you get good air pumps, you only need a couple. I can run 8 buckets on one of my pumps no problem, and as long as your setup is close to right, root rot shouldnt be a problem.
just as a side note on planning, If you get good air pumps, you only need a couple. I can run 8 buckets on one of my pumps no problem, and as long as your setup is close to right, root rot shouldnt be a problem.

Yeah, the root rot's lingering from a couple of weeks ago when I had them in Rubbermaids and was freely letting in light without worrying about it.

My mamas are fine - just the seedlings are having some issues (not even, the growth is fine, just looks like somebody's been using the buckets as spittoons), but once I clone them and figure out who the ladies are, I'm gonna do a full clean (and probably before that, as I still have to build a veg system that I like).

Still cleaning up that disaster in the garage before I can start putting anything together; this is taking forever.

Edit: as far as the air pumps, I just hook up one of the $10 Wal-Mart ones to each bucket - was thinking about it, and can (and probably will) just rest it on the lid of the bucket.
I'm sure you'd be much better off getting a pump like this:
or even one like this:
It is a lot easier to run air hoses the outlets. Are you going for 5 extension cords just for air pumps. And I've used the little pumps, and unless you have a rez chiller, i wouldnt leave my plants with so little air. The dual diaphram is what I use. I have 1 for my 6 mothers, 1 for my clones, and 2 for my flower tub. When it comes to air in dwc, overkill is always better.
I'm sure you'd be much better off getting a pump like this:
or even one like this:
It is a lot easier to run air hoses the outlets. Are you going for 5 extension cords just for air pumps. And I've used the little pumps, and unless you have a rez chiller, i wouldnt leave my plants with so little air. The dual diaphram is what I use. I have 1 for my 6 mothers, 1 for my clones, and 2 for my flower tub. When it comes to air in dwc, overkill is always better.

Couldn't agree with you more regarding more air is always better, but that's why I do what I do - I take a Wal-Mart dual outlet pump rated for 20-60 gallons, and turn the dual outlet into a single outlet via a "T" connector (because it always seems to me that one of the outlets pumps more air then the other), and then run that single line to my circular 6" micro bubble airstones.

And yeah, I'll probably have four surge protectors in there just for the pumps, but they'll be located outside of the "spill zone" of my tent, so I'm not too worried about it.

Plus, a pump that big wouldn't fit between the buckets, methinks.
the dual isnt that big and kicks out more air to 4 buckets than that pump can to one. Which would also make it more cost effective. The dual is also not that big. only about the size of a cd case, but about 3-4 inches tall. The reason I bought it was also because it is owner rebuildable. If it ever craps out, grab a new set of diaphrams and rebuild it. I'm not saying switch your whole setup to that immediately, but you might want to consider grabbing one, and comparing, and letting the results make the decision for you.
the dual isnt that big and kicks out more air to 4 buckets than that pump can to one. Which would also make it more cost effective. The dual is also not that big. only about the size of a cd case, but about 3-4 inches tall. The reason I bought it was also because it is owner rebuildable. If it ever craps out, grab a new set of diaphrams and rebuild it.

Lol.............regarding the rebuilding, you have been following this thread, right? :P

FYI, I'm not the handiest............but I'm learning.

I appreciate the tips, and that pump may be a better idea for future systems, but I'm gonna go with the 20ish Walmart ones I have now, if for no other reason then laziness.
You missed the edit i did to my post. Slightly relavant. I know that pupm is $60, but it does the work of $80 worth of walmart pumps. Again, I' not saying trade all your equipment in, just sharing info. How do you like those premium discs? I contemplated them, but didnt have the money for this run. If you colud, take a pic of one in a res running with your cameras iso setting higher than normal, and I could get a good idea of how they spresd air. Thanks bob if you do or dont. I know you have a lot of work on your hands. Hope it starts going easier for you. Keep us updaed and I wana see some pics of plants in buckets filling out your room. NOW!jk. Take your time.