What is the rarest type of marijuana in the world

sniklefritz ? but thanks for the answer

go watch the movie 'pineapple express'.

i was making a funny.

its kinda an unanswerable question. i have in my garden right now 2 different strains that i can say with 100% certainty not a single other person in the world grows. because they are strains ive made myself. basically unless youve made it yourself there will be hundreds of other growers growing it, seed or clone only.
Do u pollenate different strains together and pop seeds out and grow them, in order to make another strain?
i was just trying to remember what kind of weed i read about once that had some outrageous amount of THC and you could only get it as a clone or some $hit.
like i said cant remember the name or anything just that it is either no longer around or that it is hard to find .
Do u pollenate different strains together and pop seeds out and grow them, in order to make another strain?

yes and no. my 2 i mentioned are what would be called clone-only strains because there are no seeds that would grow into that plant. i made them by taking pollen from one kind and fertilizing another then growing one of the resulting seeds.

in order to make a strain thats stable in seed form(meaning the resulting plants will be somewhat uniform) you would need to cross 2 plants, grow dozens of plants from those seeds, select the two with the charicteristics you desire and breed them....repeat process untill you get uniformity.
Skunky hash.

If somebody EVER had a clone of that in southern Ontario, I'd pay like 40-50 bucks for it straight up.
It's far too good. On par or better then jack herer, tasty smoke, beautiful look, and much much harder to find.
i think what the OP is thinking if is alaskan thunderfuck, supposedly it only exists as a clone and may not even be around anymore.