Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Wrong!! The official explanation for building 7 was " We don't know".

If you've got this tiny bit wrong....what else is wrong?

The fall of the 47-story World Trade Center building 7 (WTC 7) in New York City late in the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, was primarily due to fires, the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced today following an extensive, three-year scientific and technical building and fire safety investigation. This was the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building, the agency stated as it released for public comment its WTC investigation report and 13 recommendations for improving building and fire safety.
Yah, just forget that Jones has been discredited by his own alma mater
You mean being put on leave with pay ... yeah ... that really discredits him :roll:

.... sure.... heads in the sand over here!!!
At last ... a true statement from you! :clap:

The scholars who know him best have tossed him to the curb
No proof of that ... no surprises here.

...... yepper, heads in the sand alright!!!
Again ... another correct statement ... I think I may faint. :neutral:

If you've got this tiny bit wrong....what else is wrong?
The fall of the 47-story World Trade Center building 7 (WTC 7) in New York City late in the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, was primarily due to fires,
Once again you prove you have no credibility what so ever ....
I posted this back on page 208 post #2074 right from NIST ...
NIST Response To Request
Right on page 3 big as life ...
we are unable to provide a full explanation - of the total collapse.
So much for your disinformation from a bogus report.
If you've got this tiny bit wrong....what else is wrong?

The fall of the 47-story World Trade Center building 7 (WTC 7) in New York City late in the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, was primarily due to fires, the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced today following an extensive, three-year scientific and technical building and fire safety investigation. This was the first known instance of fire causing the total collapse of a tall building, the agency stated as it released for public comment its WTC investigation report and 13 recommendations for improving building and fire safety.

The NIST is not the "Official" report, the 911 commission report is the Official version and it basically states they don't know. (page 26 of the report)
Paid leave is NOT early retirement.

Jones was put on early retirement.

That means they held open the exit door and ASKED HIM to leave.

It wasn't Jones' idea to leave.... it was his own University and PEERS which did the deciding.

Paid or not.... asked to get the heck out!!
Paid leave is NOT early retirement.

Jones was put on early retirement.

That means they held open the exit door and ASKED HIM to leave.

It wasn't Jones' idea to leave.... it was his own University and PEERS which did the deciding.

Paid or not.... asked to get the heck out!!

cracker so your saying that because large institutions with little to no desire for that kind of media attention, and they remove people who raise questions, that makes them wrong?

im pretty sure anyone who goes so far as to cover up the truth as to have people fired, and or removed from their postitions shows me that its pretty obvious what the truth is
Oh, now who's making stuff up!!! You THINK that's why huh? Convenient.

His peers in the science dpts. all didn't want "that kind" of media attention?

What kind? Mockery? Having a professor who shows an inability to use good science? That kind of attention?

They were embarrassed...... and still are.
This has become a joke. GR is asking for proof that Jone's peers have turned their back on him. This should be easy.

From Wikipedia:

Steven Earl Jones is an American physicist. For most of his career, Jones was known mainly for his work on muon-catalyzed fusion. In the fall of 2006, amid controversy surrounding his work on the collapse of the World Trade Center, he was relieved of his teaching duties and placed on paid leave from Brigham Young University.

Jones has published several papers suggesting that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives, but his 2005 paper, "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?" was his first paper on the topic and was considered controversial both for its content and its claims to scientific rigor.[29] Jones' early critics included members of BYU's engineering faculty;[30] shortly after he made his views public, the BYU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the faculty of structural engineering issued statements in which they distanced themselves from Jones' work. They noted that Jones' "hypotheses and interpretations of evidence were being questioned by scholars and practitioners," and expressed doubts about whether they had been "submitted to relevant scientific venues that would ensure rigorous technical peer review."[31]

Jones maintained that the paper was peer-reviewed prior to publication within a book "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out" by D.R. Griffin[32] The paper was published in the online peer-reviewed, "Journal of 9/11 Studies", a journal co-founded and co-edited by Jones for the purpose of "covering the whole of research related to 9/11/2001." The paper also appeared in Global Outlook,[33] a magazine "seeking to reveal the truth About 9/11"[34] and in a volume of essays edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott.[35]
In April 2008, Jones, along with four other authors, published a letter in The Bentham Open Civil Engineering Journal, titled, 'Fourteen Points of Agreement with

Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction'[36]. In August 2008, Jones, along with Kevin Ryan and James Gourley, published a peer-reviewed article in The Environmentalist, titled, 'Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for energetic materials'.[37] And in April 2009, Jones, along with Niels H. Harrit and 7 other authors published a paper in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, titled, 'Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe'.[38] The editor of the journal, Professor Marie-Paule Pileni, an expert in explosives[39] and nano-technology[40], resigned as she received media inquiries about the article shortly after its publication. [41] Also of note, Bentham Publishing's peer review process has been drawn into question.

Well, it sure seems like most of the academic and scientific community want nothing to do with this guy. Anyone have any 911 proof from sources not associated with Jones?
This has become a joke.
It is pretty funny ... you deniers simply can't accept the fact we are going to continue the pressure and post information concerning 911 ... too bad ... so sad.:cry:

GR is asking for proof that Jone's peers have turned their back on him. This should be easy.
Doesn't look like it's working too well.

From Wikipedia:
Oh you mean the place were anyone can post and edit anything at wikipedia ... that place?:roll:

Steven Earl Jones is an American physicist. For most of his career, Jones was known mainly for his work on muon-catalyzed fusion. In the fall of 2006, amid controversy surrounding his work on the collapse of the World Trade Center, he was relieved of his teaching duties and placed on paid leave from Brigham Young University.
Yawn ... still trying to discredit Jones because you can't refute the evidence ... how's that working out for ya?

Well, it sure seems like most of the academic and scientific community want nothing to do with this guy. Anyone have any 911 proof from sources not associated with Jones?
Well it seems like the deniers are doing all they can to distance themselves from refuting the evidence ... It's not working ... but they keep trying just the same.

And guess what! People STILL want a real investigation of 911 ... too bad ... so sad.:neutral:
http://truthalliance.net/Archive/tabid/67/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/3790/Default.aspxMore background on art students in WTC on 9/11 and the Israeli "art students" spy ring.
Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What makes him stand out, is that he was listed as being an art student who was apart of the World Views program, which was in the World Trade Center on floors 90 and 91 in the Lower Manhatten Cultural Council. Although he is not listed by Gelitin as a member of “The B-Thing,” the listing of the identities of the other 14 students who were on floor 91 at the time was never released to the public, neither was the total list of those involved in the stunt which numbers at a minimum of 6.
It should be noted that 1 member of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council died on 9/11 while working in his studio on the 91st floor. His name appears on the list of those who were in the building when it came down.
Hanan was an "art student" who was a former Israeli military intelligence officer who rented two Hollywood apartments close to the mail drop and apartment of Mohammed Atta and four other hijackers.

Yes, that certainly makes up for all the incorrect and convoluted drivel U've posted so far. Everything is connected!!!! :lol: Hooboy!!! Look his shirt was red!!! :lol: That means something!!! :lol:
More background on art students in WTC on 9/11 and the Israeli "art students" spy ring.
Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What makes him stand out, is that he was listed as being an art student who was apart of the World Views program, which was in the World Trade Center on floors 90 and 91 in the Lower Manhatten Cultural Council. Although he is not listed by Gelitin as a member of “The B-Thing,” the listing of the identities of the other 14 students who were on floor 91 at the time was never released to the public, neither was the total list of those involved in the stunt which numbers at a minimum of 6.
It should be noted that 1 member of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council died on 9/11 while working in his studio on the 91st floor. His name appears on the list of those who were in the building when it came down.
Hanan was an "art student" who was a former Israeli military intelligence officer who rented two Hollywood apartments close to the mail drop and apartment of Mohammed Atta and four other hijackers.

GR, honestly, how old are you? Please don't give a smart ass answer; we really want to know how old you are. I'm guessing you are probably around 15.
GR, honestly, how old are you? Please don't give a smart ass answer; we really want to know how old you are. I'm guessing you are probably around 15.
As usual that has nothing to do with the issue or the evidence presented ... stop trying to side step the issue ... haven't you learn by now it doesn't work.:sleep:
...oh ... and people STILL want a real investigation. No matter how much disinformation you put out. Too bad ... so sad.:neutral:
grow rebel do you know for a fact 9/11 was an inside job? or do you think its highly probable but not definate?
grow rebel do you know for a fact 9/11 was an inside job? or do you think its highly probable but not definate?

No ... I don't know for a fact ... but yes I believe it is highly probable, the fact that the government doesn't want a real investigation is a real indication they are covering up ... and all the unanswered questions more that warrants a real investigation with subpoena power, testifying under oath with prison time for perjury. People want that kind of investigation and will not stop until we get one. Ventura is right when he said it has to come from the grass roots. I believe that to be the case. I also believe that because of the pressure ... we have prevent them from staging another false flag attack, and they want to do it very badly. The government knows that if a real investigation takes place high level members of government and the elite crowd would be charged with treason ... and they just can't have that ... not for the death of some peons.:neutral:
No ... I don't know for a fact ... but yes I believe it is highly probable, the fact that the government doesn't want a real investigation is a real indication they are covering up ... and all the unanswered questions more that warrants a real investigation with subpoena power, testifying under oath with prison time for perjury. People want that kind of investigation and will not stop until we get one. Ventura is right when he said it has to come from the grass roots. I believe that to be the case. I also believe that because of the pressure ... we have prevent them from staging another false flag attack, and they want to do it very badly. The government knows that if a real investigation takes place high level members of government and the elite crowd would be charged with treason ... and they just can't have that ... not for the death of some peons.:neutral:

understood, I dont know for sure and you dont know for sure. I think its highly doubtful you think its highly probable

its was a good debate.

+rep for sticking to your guns & good luck on your journey, if you find 100% proof I will be the first to stap myself with explosives and run and hug first official i see:shock:

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