first grow.will it work?


Well-Known Member
By no means am i an expert grower, actually just going through my first ever indoor grow.. I too started with MG potting soil and too ran into the problems you're running into..

I knew MG had nutes in it, but I found out the hard way that it's "time-released", so the only time your plants get fed is when they are watered.. And when they're less than 2 weeks old, getting hit w/ nutes all at once when watered burns the hell out of them..

As Grizzly suggested, Fox Farms Ocean Forrest is a good soil to use along w/ the trio of Fox Farms nutrients.. Due to the stress that was caused on your babies, you need to atleast purchase the Fox Farms Grow Big nutrients, which is good for veg w/ a lot of Nitrogen... You don't have to, but you're yield and quality won't be what you're probably looking for without it..

No matter how you do it, you're going to have MG soil in your pots because you're rootball is going to be nothing but it.. I'm in the same boat, repotted w/ FFOF and some Grow Big and they are really turning lush and green...

Good Luck to ya', ur on the right track so far!!!


Well-Known Member
ok thx good info. i think im gonna go head and kick out a couple dollars for the grow big nutes. the only reason i didnt is cause my store only sell the big ass bottles of everything. how long are u waiting to flower.


Well-Known Member
ok thx good info. i think im gonna go head and kick out a couple dollars for the grow big nutes. the only reason i didnt is cause my store only sell the big ass bottles of everything. how long are u waiting to flower.
Remember, w/ the Grow Big you are only mixing teaspoons to a gallon of water.. The bottle will last more than 1 grow.. especially if each grow only has a few plants.. In the end, it's worth the $15 for some better yields and higher quality stuff..

Well, i'm at 22 days from sprout today.. my plants are anywhere from 6-9 inches tall.. I plan to hold off until I can get atleast 2 more doses of Grow Big into the soil... Reccommended to feed every other watering (and i'm watering every 2-4 days), so i'd say around 1-2 weeks and i'll be flowering.. I want to see how much of a yield I can get from veggin' for 1 month... Keep in mind, i've been using a 250 watt hps for the last 8 days, doubt I could flower after a month w/ just the flouresents I was using.. If all goes well, I will continue to veg under floursents for 2 weeks, veg under hps for 2 weeks, and then flower for around 2 months..

Here's a pic, this was taken 2 days ago... not the greatest pic though...



Active Member
wat up bra i c we did the same thing with soil and the ph kit i went and got that fox farm with some terra vegg and some root rhizotonic ive been doing better ever since i need to take more pics but to stone to.but im still posted on your outcome so good luck



Well-Known Member
thx for the info very helpful .my bottom leaves look almost white. can i add the big grow now or should i let my plants start to look better. or will the big grow make them look better my plants are a month now and the tallest are 9 in .i will post pics tomm

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
thx for the info very helpful .my bottom leaves look almost white. can i add the big grow now or should i let my plants start to look better. or will the big grow make them look better my plants are a month now and the tallest are 9 in .i will post pics tomm
They don't look too bad, but I'd wait for them to perk up before adding fertilizer.

Are you over watering, or is the heat high and humidity too low? Something is causing that droopiness, but not sure what. Maybe back the lights off a couple inches for starters if the temp under the light is above 80? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
its best to cut MG soil down some with something. perlite or peat moss or both works well. i have burned the hell out of seedlings with MG soil. do not overwater it if its straight MG and you should be ok. if you overwater at all or your pots have bad drainage you will probably end up burned.
i agree i use mg myself and mix 50/50 wit humus+ manure and it werks gr8 for me


Well-Known Member
new pics my first 4 are 37 days or so from sprout the smaller 3 are 11 days one of them is growing really fast so i planted 3 more of the same seed they sprouted today.some of the pics are from a couple days ago u can tell the older pics. how long should i wait before i flower my first 4 i want to start soon.:-o:leaf:



Well-Known Member
You can flower now if you want, but I would wait till you get your plants more healthy. It looks like you've got quite a few problems going on with them still. Are you still using MG? Do you ever test the PH of your run-off? Whats the temp in your grow area? A couple of the plants almost look like heat stress. Do you have any ventilation? A fan to keep plants cool?

Im not trying to be a dick, but actually researching how to grow pot before _growing_ it would have helped you a ton, and you would have been able to avoid some of these problems.

Heres a couple of links to help you out.


Well-Known Member
You can flower now if you want, but I would wait till you get your plants more healthy. It looks like you've got quite a few problems going on with them still. Are you still using MG? Do you ever test the PH of your run-off? Whats the temp in your grow area? A couple of the plants almost look like heat stress. Do you have any ventilation? A fan to keep plants cool?

Im not trying to be a dick, but actually researching how to grow pot before _growing_ it would have helped you a ton, and you would have been able to avoid some of these problems.

Heres a couple of links to help you out.
no i took everybody advice and got out of the mg all my plants are in fox first 4 still has mg is the ph is fine .my temp is fine i have my plants in a big closet with a fan. i control temp by opening window in room.i think my prob was either the mg in my roots or humidity.if u look at my pics the newer pics my plants a looking a little better they are not as droppy.some of my leaves are burnt from the lights being to close that could have been one of my probs too. i have springtails in my soil but i have been told that they are other plants that are in ocean forest are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
i did do some research but when i started i wasent to serious didnt think i would get far. so i didnt do everything like i was supposed to. but as i go i been learning and gettin the right euip. next on my list might be a dehumidifier. any suggest.
ps i + rep any and all info.


Well-Known Member
i did do some research but when i started i wasent to serious didnt think i would get far. so i didnt do everything like i was supposed to. but as i go i been learning and gettin the right euip. next on my list might be a dehumidifier. any suggest.
ps i + rep any and all info.
How high is your humidity right now? Id aim for 50% or lower during flowering. You may not even need it if you live in a dry climate.


Well-Known Member
o ok i maybe i dont need a dehumidifier. i ill just wait till my 4 look a better and then flower i got 6 2700k bulbs on standby.


Well-Known Member
new pics the big ones are 41 days the smaller 3 are 15 days i just gave my 4 some big grow i wanna feed one more time before i flower but i might not have patience i prob flower after next water



Well-Known Member
Buy a small digital thermometer, it's like 15 bucks and you can sit it right by your plant and it will tell you the temperature and humidity of your room.
My plant was stressing a bit, but its because after I got a humidity tester it was saying "LO" which meant less than 15% Humidity in the air... I bought a $20 humidifier, and I keep the humidity at a constant mid 50% and my plant seems to LOVE it.

Also, you wanna keep the temp at about 75 F during "lights out" and about 82-85F during lights on.
Peace! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
this is the first time i watered them since the tranplant saturday. the one i think ur talking about i watered today. the others i watered yesterday.yesterday i gave them 1tsp of grow big to a gallon today i fed the 1 plant with 2tsp to agallon. my run off from the last plant was 5.4 my plants have been droppy for a while they seem to be getting better since the transplant,no more yellow. but they still look funny compared to other peoples plants. im gonna blame it mostly on the mg because my other plants are doing fine so far