The other day at the gym ...


New Member
I walked into the gym the other morning and was handed a note at the front desk that said FOX news would no longer be played on the TVs. It seems that one person (a Nazi liberal no doubt) had complained about the content. To make a long story short, several people quit the gym immediately and a ton of others wrote letters to the management. The very next day, FOX was back on the TVs.

Note to the far Left ... we are on to your bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Lol that's great.

I never understood that whole "I don't like this so nobody else should enjoy it" attitude people have.

Cloud City

New Member
You have to understand that not everyone wants to watch FOX news 24/7. Some folks find it offensive or annoying and it is common respect and decency that they should not have to be subjected to things like FOX news in public places. And that is coming from a far right Conservative who watches FOX daily so you could just imagine how some of the more moderate folks feel. Don't get me wrong, I like FOX but their reporting is one sided and they are extremely rightwing.


New Member
Cloud you might as well stop trying to perpetuate the fallacy that you are a "far right Conservative". As I and quite a few others destroyed your pathetic lie in the "Is Obama Competent" thread, you might as well give it up. You are just one of MANY douchebags that have tried to masquerade as a Conservative, to somehow lend credence to your liberal horse shit. NO ONE is buying it no matter how many times you type it... you may well be a Republican, but you sure as hell ain't no Conservative.

And as to your laughable post, if I have to see the LEFT WING Networks and the "in the tank for Obama" liberal MSM everywhere I go, and it is completely offensive to me and "REAL" Conservatives, well then tough shit to anybody who doesn't like Fox News. Since it is the LAST bastion of journalism left, I think we'll start banning the MSM long before we ban Fox.


Illegal Smile

A restaurant I used to go to often used to have CNN and Fox on on alternating days. Then it started being all CNN. I haven't gone back since but I do stop in now and then and when they try to seat me I say, "I see you still have CNN on. I'll go somewhere else."

South Texas

Well-Known Member
A restaurant I used to go to often used to have CNN and Fox on on alternating days. Then it started being all CNN. I haven't gone back since but I do stop in now and then and when they try to seat me I say, "I see you still have CNN on. I'll go somewhere else."
Good for You. All I ask for is the dammned TRUTH. I don't care shit about who or what, just the truth & what's best for the hard working Folks. Glen Beck is tearing up some ass with the truth. They can't compete with the truth. That is a shame.


Well-Known Member
You have to understand that not everyone wants to watch FOX news 24/7. Some folks find it offensive or annoying and it is common respect and decency that they should not have to be subjected to things like FOX news in public places.
wouldn't it be common decency for those few who found fox so "offensive" to graciously allow the rest of the patrons the freedom to enjoy their preferred entertainment? obviously there were more folks that wanted to watch fox than that were "offended" by it and catering to the whims of those few that are so easily offended is not only bad business, but foolish as well. though the rights of any minority must be protected, i don't really think that extends to such trivial annoyances as which channel to watch.

censorship is a cornerstone of any totalitarian regime. if freedom of choice is not upheld we find our rights more and more limited, until we soon have no choice at all. in this case, the choice is obvious. those tender hearted souls who cannot tolerate the fox bias are free to ignore it, wear headphones and listen to yanni or the collected works of maya angelou, or they may go elsewhere. if there was enough outcry against fox and the establishment felt it necessary to ban the channel, the shoe would be on the other foot and fox afficionados would have those same choices. we cannot and should not be forced to live our lives by political correctness.

Illegal Smile

They were doing you a favour. FOX = Retarded scare mongering news
Soon the government will do us all a favor and remove everything from the air that we shouldn't watch. Proably burn books we shouldn't read too. MMMM...mmmm....mmmmm.


Well-Known Member
Soon the government will do us all a favor and remove everything from the air that we shouldn't watch. Probably burn books we shouldn't read too. MMMM...mmmm....mmmmm.
that's the ticket. ban some shows, burn some books, keep us all safe from the evils of too much knowledge and choice. wow, i'm feeling more and more like a liberal with each passing moment. it's so liberating to be brain-dead.
Soon the government will do us all a favor and remove everything from the air that we shouldn't watch. Proably burn books we shouldn't read too. MMMM...mmmm....mmmmm.
The american media is supportive of the government, there might be little nuances. But by and large they spread the paranoia and the scare mongering, the government wants.


Active Member
i knew it!!!...that guy at your gym is proof-positive of a vast NAZI-liberal conspiracy to illegalize foxnews!!1

jeff f

New Member
i knew it!!!...that guy at your gym is proof-positive of a vast NAZI-liberal conspiracy to illegalize foxnews!!1
no, that would have been the whitehouse. why else would they spend all day sunday saying that fox was fake and resembles the anti-christ? oops, there i go pointing out those little things called FACTS. shame on me.

jeff f

New Member
:finger: smoking with folks on the far left/far right will blow your high!
unless they are the only ones that have weed. but if you ever run dry, i would suggest you ask a conservative first. they usually have a little money put back and generally dont have to rely on someone comming in and "redistributing" weed. they just go buy it. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You all must have cheap ass gyms. The gym I belong to has individual televisions on their cardio equipment and 6 large screens near the weight equipment that airs FOX, CNN, 2 screens of the daycare room, one that plays music videos and promotes the club, and then one other one, but I don't remember what they show on that one. . . maybe PMSNBC?

Cloud City

New Member
wouldn't it be common decency for those few who found fox so "offensive" to graciously allow the rest of the patrons the freedom to enjoy their preferred entertainment? obviously there were more folks that wanted to watch fox than that were "offended" by it and catering to the whims of those few that are so easily offended is not only bad business, but foolish as well. though the rights of any minority must be protected, i don't really think that extends to such trivial annoyances as which channel to watch.

censorship is a cornerstone of any totalitarian regime. if freedom of choice is not upheld we find our rights more and more limited, until we soon have no choice at all. in this case, the choice is obvious. those tender hearted souls who cannot tolerate the fox bias are free to ignore it, wear headphones and listen to yanni or the collected works of maya angelou, or they may go elsewhere. if there was enough outcry against fox and the establishment felt it necessary to ban the channel, the shoe would be on the other foot and fox afficionados would have those same choices. we cannot and should not be forced to live our lives by political correctness.

Watching FOX news in public is like smoking in a public building where there's far more folks who don't smoke than do. Should they have to breathe polluted air just so a few selfish people can smoke inside and ruin the atmosphere?