First grow journal

So don't take clones until 2 weeks before flowering??
Yes wait 2 weeks before going 12/12 and clone everything under the fim. Clone them all so you will have a better % of rooters.
The reason I wait so long is so the cutting I take are mature and can be flowered as soon as they are rooted. Although I do give them a proper veg (11 weeks).
If you are not sure about your cloneing skills start slowly 3 weeks before going 12/12 and just keep at it.

i only want 2 clones from each plant, due to space issues.... but heres some recent pix


Yeah wny not. Want you want to think about is the more you top the more of the bottom will grow up and bush out with tops.
Once that is all tops (2 weeks) then you can fim all the tops.
Hey Cleveland I would count 4 nodes (branches) high, and top just above there. Then clone the first 2 from bottom up after 2 weeks or more. Now you have 4 soon to be Tops. Wait 2-3 weeks and fim all 4.
Hey man good topping. Watch the magic happen!
U can try and clone the top, why not? I would not keep it though. It would always be a slow grower.