Is Anything Real?

I wonder this all the time, especially when I'm stoned in public. It is like watching life on a TV. I meet people, and they seem real, but their reactions seem preternaturally predictable. Meeting them feels like a movie unfolding. I keep trying to maximize the experience every time it occurs. I see it like I'm an actor in a movie scene and I can improv it in any direction I want...
Ahhh, :-D Now I can relate pretty much exactly with this. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Really, what does it matter, real or fake, you feel shit don't you? As far as we are concerned its real, no matter how artificial it may truly be.


Well-Known Member
One thought that used to really fuck with me was: What would it be like if there was nothing? If there was no universe, no earth, no people, no us. What would there be? Would it be nothing but blackness? But isn't blackness/darkness SOMETHING? Would it be blank white like a clean sheet of paper? But isn't that still SOMETHING?

*Wikid is finally high*

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
what strain are ya'll smokin? because i was tending to the ladies the other day and accidentaly touched the back of my hand to my hps.......DAMN.......its real, my hand is real,the electricity making that bicth hot is real.....:bigjoint:
But how real is real? Thats the question. You may feel pain, but pain is really just an illusion of sorts. Along with everything, everything is just an illusion in opinion.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I wonder this all the time, especially when I'm stoned in public. It is like watching life on a TV. I meet people, and they seem real, but their reactions seem preternaturally predictable. Meeting them feels like a movie unfolding. I keep trying to maximize the experience every time it occurs. I see it like I'm an actor in a movie scene and I can improv it in any direction I want...
I got what your sayin, it works the on the law of attraction theory.

I believe in the law of attraction 100%, and once you understand what it is and how it works you will notice little things all the time, and its like you can almost play with it.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
One thought that used to really fuck with me was: What would it be like if there was nothing? If there was no universe, no earth, no people, no us. What would there be? Would it be nothing but blackness? But isn't blackness/darkness SOMETHING? Would it be blank white like a clean sheet of paper? But isn't that still SOMETHING?

*Wikid is finally high*
Never thought about this but now that you bring that up it really intrigues me.

Hmm color, clean, black, white, paper, all of this was invented by the brain, so there for i really believe that if it were nothing then it would truly be nothing, it cant be something thats nothing?

Got me? kinda confusing shit.
Nothing isnt black or white, it's nothing it lacks anything. Kinda relates to this but, if you made a box with all six sides being made of mirrors, and theres no light inside, what would you see in the mirrors??? Kind of a weird thought.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ya thats crazy to think about. Really i cant come up with an answer cause on one hand i say yes it reflects it but you cant see it, on the other, if you cant see it then whats it reflecting?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Hahaha it is for sure!

You ever wonder if maybe your living more then one life at a time? Maybe in different paralell universe or something.
Scientists say they are fairly sure that there is an infinite number of parallel universes to suit all the infinite possibilites. Get what I'm saying? They also say that the "Big Bang" is caused by parallel universes colliding.


Well-Known Member
You guys ever ponder your selves with questions that cant be answered?

Ya know stuff like

Is life real? How real can life really be?

Is there a god? If there is a god how did he become god? if someone made him god then who made the original god god? And if god made that person god then they must be the ultimate god, and if they are the ultimate god how did they become god?

Shit can really trip ya up

Or do you ever wonder shit like, does anything exist outside our vision? For instance, im sitting in my computer room cant see anything outside this room, is it still really there? Or do we create everything we live in and everything that happens to us as we go along.

People say at maximum we use 10% of our brain power, personally im willing to bet we use more, i wouldnt doubt it if we used 90% of our brain to create our enviroment and 10% to live in it.

These questions are baffleing, and im still drunk from last night and i need this stuff answered!
Yes, life is real. I think, therefore I am.

There probably is not a god.

Yes, things exist outside your vision.

And the 10% of your brain thing is a myth.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
You guys ever ponder your selves with questions that cant be answered?

Ya know stuff like

Is life real? How real can life really be?

Is there a god? If there is a god how did he become god? if someone made him god then who made the original god god? And if god made that person god then they must be the ultimate god, and if they are the ultimate god how did they become god?

Shit can really trip ya up

Or do you ever wonder shit like, does anything exist outside our vision? For instance, im sitting in my computer room cant see anything outside this room, is it still really there? Or do we create everything we live in and everything that happens to us as we go along.

People say at maximum we use 10% of our brain power, personally im willing to bet we use more, i wouldnt doubt it if we used 90% of our brain to create our enviroment and 10% to live in it.

These questions are baffleing, and im still drunk from last night and i need this stuff answered!

My friend, life IS real, in a sense. In that sense though it's beautiful. Read Richard Hawkins work. He explains much in a very easily digestible way. A brilliant man bringing brilliant understanding to those of open mind. Remember though, an open mind is also an always judging and skeptical one. I don't know about theists on this, but I have to WORK to feel something is of momentary truth, and that's merely momentary.

I don't believe in there being a god, I can't say it's impossible, it's just so improbable it is not worth the time of thought in my most honest opinion.(It is only my opinion in this that it is not worth the time of thought. It is very real; the lengths in improbability of god. Sit down and think about this for a second. If theres a god, theres a man, in the background. I mean the BACKGROUND of existence pulling the strings, watching all. Don't you find that a weird thought to ponder? We are so insignificantly ,small compared to everything in the universe. So insignificant, the universe would have a hard time even giving us a thought. Think about an electron, we in proportion to the universe are an immeasurably fraction smaller than an electron proportional to an atom. Nay, even smaller than that. God, came here, to create life and all of the latent 'purpose' for the rest of the 'silly useless junk' surrounding our existence therein resides upon us? Seems horridly far fetched and naive to me. Oh aren't we special. <-- We aren't Purpose is an illusion when context is detached.

', does anything exist outside our vision? For instance, im sitting in my computer room cant see anything outside this room, is it still really there? Or do we create everything we live in and everything that happens to us as we go along.'

Stuff actually DOES exist out side of our 'sensory' this is a very good question, and it's actually been proven already - forgive my ignorance but I cannot remember the article or research paper I was reading about it. when I find it I'll link it to you but rest assured the world does actually exist here as much as we exist to ourselves.

It's all a matter of the information being where it is and how the information is taken in. The whole shtick on 'my blue is your red' is somewhat valid, only in that it's the exact same light, same frequency but your brain could process it slightly different than the next. For all practical purposes in defining it with language though or through any other apparatus, it is the same. Thats how we hallucinate on hard drugs, or part of it at least. Context is taken away or fucked within the information we receive. My point is, context is everything in perception but it does not mean that when it is removed and perception of a particular part of reality is therein removed or skewed the said information disappears. A tree falls and no ones around to hear it does it make a noise? no because noise is a byproduct of our bodies mechanism picking up and digesting information, in this case sound waves. However, a tree falling, IN that as Iv'e said makes these 'sound waves.' Once again,Context.

We use a lot of our brain, 10% is an urban legend spread through email years back, it's nothing more than a myth. The most standardized studies into the human mind have proven that much to say the very least.

Don't believe everything you read or hear on the 'street' so to speak.

Anyways, hope I helped a little. -


Well-Known Member
He means is reality a truth, in a way.
Yup I know, but what is truth but something purely defined off of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation or set of information gathered in said events or situations?

That's why theists don't understand and misuse the fact that science can never 'stick to one answer' Our world is only filled with momentary almost truths, and it's our intellectual duty(Purpose we have given ourselves as a species, not one that has always been. Why, that would be akin to me saying there was a god!)So, our self given purpose is to keep purifying this in a process or progression from refining via study/research unto a state of axiom within our existence and the universe relative is reached.