StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!


Well-Known Member
next time you could embed the youtube vid in your page by just adding the following

[*youtube] the last part of the youtube link in this case: FZwVjys2bQI should be placed here [*/youtube]

take out the *'s
I wanted to use a video from a site other than youtube and it doesnt have the nembers at the end. Does that mean I cant do it?


Active Member
This is all redundant from the BH threads. But To all my NON BH homboyz!!

Check out the latest in my Flower Power Tent. But first, a small harvest. I took down my only dirt plant. She was nine weeks in, and I'm out of room in there. So no more typing. here are all the pix. lemme know whatcha think?



Active Member
This is all redundant from the BH threads. But To all my NON BH homboyz!!

Check out the latest in my Flower Power Tent. But first, a small harvest. I took down my only dirt plant. She was nine weeks in, and I'm out of room in there. So no more typing. here are all the pix. lemme know whatcha think?

Pic Bump........


Well-Known Member
i like it i like it a lot. haha. how many weeks flower on the younger plants.....and it looks like the bud you chopped could have sat for 2 more weeks....did you smoke it yet?


Active Member
Nice buds was that from just one plant? Looks sweet man.
Thanx, Just one plant, my very first girl!

i like it i like it a lot. haha. how many weeks flower on the younger plants.....and it looks like the bud you chopped could have sat for 2 more weeks....did you smoke it yet?
Thanx Loola, lol. The big one is about 4 weeks in, and her sister to the right is about 3 weeks in.(hasn't done stretching yet) and yes, the girl I chopped could have gone longer, but I needed the room and she was my last dirt girl.(and I'm runnin out of pot) so you know the story...... lol.


Active Member
Looking good, looks like you'll get a good yield out of your ScrOG, enough to hold you over to the next harvest. Got to love growing your own!


Active Member
Looking good, looks like you'll get a good yield out of your ScrOG, enough to hold you over to the next harvest. Got to love growing your own!
very nice! that nug looks sweet. and so do your girls.

Thanx guyz. I've got a nice flow of plants goin now so I'm hoping to slowly never run out again. That's the goal right? I'm shifting the lights and adding another plant to the flower tent later today. I'll post pix when it's done..


Active Member
Thanx NP.

Update tomorrow after I do my routine water changes. The good news, I revived my almost dead WW. She's growin nice and healthy at the moment, and is goin to her new momma home pretty soon here...


Active Member
Things are looking UP! the WW is healing nicely! All the new growth is healthy and green. That being said, I definitely stunted her so I'll just have to be patient and treat her gently.. =) I'm still using 1/4 nutes on her, with the addition of cal mag and superthrive now. I set her up in a BP bucket pictured below..(so incredibly easy to make)... I decided to isolate my mothers so that I can give them exactly what they want to keep them happy. I'll be using one of my totes as a cloning tank. As of right now, those are the only 2 plants I have vegging. Once My valkyrie plant is done flowering, i'll use her bucket to start another mother plant, prolly a sour creme, or a SINGLE seed that I found in my bag of blueberry i've been smoking, prolly the latter. I also put a pic up of some brown spots I was mentioning to MC the other night, I'm really hoping that the cal mag takes care of this because everything else in my water seems ok. Some pix of my R/Odi system, the PH pictured is of the water coming from it. Well, that's it.



Active Member
thanx, no one's more surprised than me. lol. I've just sampled the plant I harvested and it's a very heady high. The only way I can describe it is by saying i've never played pink floyed on my strat before today..... but the inspiration just arose. :bigjoint:


Active Member
you called it. I harvested waaaayy early. main downfall is the short lived effects. 1-2 hrs max. I'll let the rest of my girls go long, I need some insomnia medz.