Hey guys! A little help please!


hey ya'll, so ill start first by saying thanx for taking the time to read this,
secondly ill say im a total newbie to this so any critisism would be very helpfull!:lol:
so my current position is i have 1 x LR2 & 1 x LA confidential (feminised) confined within my homemade grow box.
the grow box consists of 2 x 125w CFL's and 2 computers fans for intake/exhaust
the box itself is 15" wide x 24" high covered inside by aluminium foil
my LR2 is now 6 days old and i currently dont know what to make of it
It hasnt grew much height in the last 2-3 days although its first set of leaves are getting bigger but also begging to droop?
is this a natural occurance?
i have studied alot about cultivation but i always think its alot more helpfull if i can get sum direct comments.

My LA & LR were both planted at the same time into 1, 5L pot (both seeds)
is it ok to grow 2 (suposedly) female plants in the same pot?
I watered when planted and have watered 1 since.
for sum stupid reason i used my nutes on the 1st water and at full strength
the lr has stop'd growing height and 1 of the leaves on the LA was chopped at the end due it been dead.
daft question but can i flush out my nutes without hurting them anymore?
please look through my pics and give me some feedback!


Regards, Jacko (no, not the 1 that is dead!)


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Just leave them alone let the soil dry out then water dont feed at this age I wouldnt recomend a flush unless they start going brown.


the stem on the LR has turned brown, is this normal?
and will cutting off the dead leaf on the LA cause any majour damage? the 2 1st inner leaves are still growing

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
It looks purple which is fine dont cut anythink off at this young age they are best left alone just water when soil is dry.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
firstly welcome to RIU!

ill just run through and comment i think it'll be easier.

hey ya'll, so ill start first by saying thanx for taking the time to read this,
secondly ill say im a total newbie to this so any critisism would be very helpfull!:lol:no probs man we all started somewhere!
so my current position is i have 1 x LR2 & 1 x LA confidential (feminised) confined within my homemade grow box.
the grow box consists of 2 x 125w CFL's your going to need some more cfls a little way down the line or the end product wont be too great. red spectrum for bloom( there are really detailed things in the FAQ about CFL growing you should read to get the right amount of lumens etc)
2 computers fans for intake/exhaust good work, airflow is most common thing overlooked in the beginning.
the box itself is 15" wide x 24" high covered inside by aluminium foil
as soon as you can replace the tinfoil its not really all that great for reflecting, if your short on cash some flat white paint would be better or you can get cheap mylar from a variety of things from those sheets you get in first aid kits to stop you getting hypothermia to shiny wrapping paper the less see through the better.

take the bit from the top of the soil off, you dont need to bounce light to the underside of leaves
, you can improve root growth to the top of the pot by putting something lightproof on top with a slit like you've done , card will do (apologies if that's what you were doing with the tinfoil)
my LR2 is now 6 days old and i currently dont know what to make of it
It hasnt grew much height in the last 2-3 days although its first set of leaves are getting bigger but also begging to droop? dont worry too much your girls will droop and perk when you water its natural
is this a natural occurance?
i have studied alot about cultivation but i always think its alot more helpfull if i can get sum direct comments.

My LA & LR were both planted at the same time into 1, 5L pot (both seeds)
is it ok to grow 2 (suposedly) female plants in the same pot? seperate them into 2 as soon as you can for a number of reasons, most importantly they will drink different nute strength and volume of water, and if one gets a problem the other will suffer from it most likely.
I watered when planted and have watered 1 since.
for sum stupid reason i used my nutes on the 1st water and at full strength
the lr has stop'd growing height and 1 of the leaves on the LA was chopped at the end due it been dead. ok back off the nutes for a while the plant will be getting all it needs form just water and the soil at least for the first week or so. id refrain from removing leaves at this stage however dead looking.
daft question but can i flush out my nutes without hurting them anymore?
please look through my pics and give me some feedback!
yes you can flush but its a bit risky at this stage, if the full strength nutes haven't burnt them too much id just go back to plain water for a week or so

Regards, Jacko (no, not the 1 that is dead!)

hope this helps man! get your grown on!!!!



Lol, don, what a guy! this is the exactly pointers iv been looking for and hope i could ask u to point me in the right direction through out my grow as i will be keepin this updated.
the idea with the foil under the leaves, yes was for light improvment and will now be removed after what you'v just explained, but you intreeg'd me when u mention about the lightproof card for helping uper-pot root growth, any chance just explaining a bit more? is this a usefull technique?
im also misting the foliage with distilled water 2-3 times daily, is this advised?
i keep a very close eye on these 2 as obv im a new grower, im bound to, but just fear caring too much for them.
im sure as a grower yourself, u can apreciate new growers notice everything thats happenin lol, and ill apologise in advance for pestering this whole forum!
i have done alot of reading on cultivation but putting it all into practice seems to be a diferent story.
if i was to seperate the 2 (as there in 1 pot) when would be the best time to do this and how could the actual transplant be tackled without damge?

Once again, apologise for all the Q's, but im taking full advantage of my site registration :D !

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no worries man, yeah basically you put something lightproof round the base of the plant which encourages the roots to grow to the very top of the soil rather than an inch or so underneath, roots don't like light!

i wouldn't bother misting when your cloning to keep the humidity level up its fine but your babes are pulling water through their root system now so its not necessary.

its better to ask the questions now than wonder why your buds poor in a couple of months time man.

i was the same on my first grow and most other folks are man you'll worry like it's a newborn baby. but don't fear dopes a resilient plant. you obviously care for them so i'm sure you'll find your feet pretty quick.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
touch and go but yeah it still looks pretty green. if it survives the full strength nuting. you'll know in about 2-3 days


it was waterd with the nutes on sun afternoon, that was both of them
the outside of the pot is fairly dry but the centre is still moist so i rekon 2mora or thurs will be watering day.
is it possible to grow these plants without any nutes whatsoever? (autoflowering that is)

iv currently got 1xLR2 and 3x??? seeds in germination, once again ill try and be more carefull with these

is there anything i can give these that isnt a specialized nutrient? (like home concoctions?, soil mixes? things around the home if u like)

now i am beginin to sound cheap, but were all living in these shitty financial times people!


MY NEXT 1, sorry guys!
since planting 6 days ago, iv had my 2 125w cfls on for 24/0 constant
Is it advisable to drop my lighting period down to 18/6?
once again, there both auto flowering, Lowryder 2 & LA confidential

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah you can grow without nutes but its not recommended especially with cfls you will be disappointed with the end result.

you dont need to go overboard with the nutes but some will definately improve things build up slow and watch for signs of burn.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Any soil based feeds will work just start feeding with very weak solution and not untill a few weeks old.
Depending on what soil your using the soil could have feed in it which will feed up to 4 weeks. What soil is it?
Yes its fine to go 18/6 now.