DEMz debate tonight


New Member
Who's watching this? does anyone here like Hilary? Obama? Kucinich?
Your thoughts.
As an anti-socialist, Anti-Marxist, I wouldn't vote for any of the above. Every one of them if elected, especially if Congress stays in the hands of the Dems, will destroy the economy, raise taxes to an unprecedented level and institute ever more onerous regulations upon our lives in their evil march toward creating the total Federal Nanny State. :blsmoke:


Sweet Mattness

Active Member
those of us who know should be as vigilant as the religous fanatics who will not rest until we are all saved and we should not rest until everyone understands the truth about "The greatest story ever told". Look up zeitgeist the movie, all one word dot com. C'mon, type it in your browser if you dare...


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting here watching the pre-debate coverage and all I'm hearing about is Clinton and Obama. Both of whom have consistantly voted for the war, both who claim they want to end it, Obama firing shots at Clinton, Clinton talking about being the first woman POTUS, ahhhhhh! where are the other candidates? I know, I know, the majort media is pushing their candidates but gad dam...


Well-Known Member
Im not a republican by any means, but it just seems that the media sees clinton and also rans.

Yes the UFO comment dropped my jaw... WTF was he thinking?


Well-Known Member
How did Obama do? I'm for Dr. Ron Paul. But on the dem side it's going to come down to Hilary or Obama so I really want Obama to get the nomination.


Well-Known Member
How did Obama do? I'm for Dr. Ron Paul. But on the dem side it's going to come down to Hilary or Obama so I really want Obama to get the nomination.
Yah I'm in the same boat as you, umm he did well, stumbled a few times for the wright words but overall I think it was a "focus on Hilarys' shortcomings " kinda night. He was asked a lot of questions so...


Well-Known Member
Yah I'm in the same boat as you, umm he did well, stumbled a few times for the wright words but overall I think it was a "focus on Hilarys' shortcomings " kinda night. He was asked a lot of questions so...
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Hilary. She gets bashed by the Republicans and lately I've been noticing every chance one of the Dem candidates get they try to separate themeselves from her and her views. She can't get love from anybody. It makes me wonder how she's leading the polls:confused:


Well-Known Member
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Hilary. She gets bashed by the Republicans and lately I've been noticing every chance one of the Dem candidates get they try to separate themeselves from her and her views. She can't get love from anybody. It makes me wonder how she's leading the polls:confused:
She's leading in the gallop polls which are name recogition polls.

Sweet Mattness

Active Member
Same ole shit. We keep electing democrats and republicans through our electorial system. when will any of us wake up and realize, your vote does not count any longer. Whomever is elected will follow the world banks orders. they have to or they will be killed. change the system first. go independant. think for yourself and not what others want you to think. I thought his was America? a land in which I've given a father, a sister and now my own 18 yr old daughter is over there. when will it stop? zeitgeist the movie, all one word dot com. Type that into your browser if you really want the truth.


Well-Known Member
yes ziegiest is a compelling documentary, the Fed,CFR,Bilderberg,what a bunch of scary shit. people are starting to wake up, but I fear it's too late.


New Member
As an anti-socialist, Anti-Marxist, I wouldn't vote for any of the above. Every one of them if elected, especially if Congress stays in the hands of the Dems, will destroy the economy, raise taxes to an unprecedented level and institute ever more onerous regulations upon our lives in their evil march toward creating the total Federal Nanny State. :blsmoke:

Destroy the economy,HAHAHAHOHOHOHEHEHE~LOL~, Like Bush hasn't already.


New Member
It always comes down to Bush, doesn't it Med? I'm sure its raining somewhere right now ... must be Bush's fault. ~lol~
