looks good so far the only thing i would suggest is arcging the 2 outside lights towards the plant, because right now they dont seem to be helping too much
hope i helped :)


any one? should I go 24 hour cycle or what!!!!!
If your plant is auto-flowering you want to have a steady 18/6 or 20/4 light cycle from seed to harvest. If your plant is not auto-flowering you want to use 18/6 or 20/4 light cycle for vegetative stage; once you want your plant to start budding, you can make it do so by switching it to a 12/12 light cycle. Hope this helps.

*quick reference: 18/6 means 18 hours on 6 hours off and so forth*


how does the plant look and it was a clone from a place down the street so just wondering about that...also bought a ph tester and the water came out to 7.2-7.8 mixed that with Jumpstart and water it with 200ml. is everything cool


how much should i water it
Ideal water ph should be between 6.3 and 6.9, you may want to just go out and get distilled water because it will be 7.0 ph which is just fine. As for watering, just water it as you think you should, don't drench the plant because that will suffocate the roots. You should usually water every 2-3 days or when the soil is dry. You can tell if the soil is dry by pushing your finger into the soil about 2 inches. BE CAREFUL OF THE ROOTS! If the soil on the average feels dry, water it. If it is nice and moist, dont water it.

By the way distilled water is usually available at any cvs, walgreens, or grocery store.


Dude thanks so much i have some distilled so ill use that also when i got the clone it hand like that weird moss stuff dont really know what to call it so i left that on and just put the whole thing in the soil is this ok just want to make sure


Dude thanks so much i have some distilled so ill use that also when i got the clone it hand like that weird moss stuff dont really know what to call it so i left that on and just put the whole thing in the soil is this ok just want to make sure
Are you talking about the root hormone? I believe clones can begin to root without a root hormone if the "moss stuff" wasn't a root hormone, but if it was or wasn't, the cutting is good to be placed right in the soil.


Hey guys in the pics i posted those are the soft white 100w cfls is this ok? or should i get something brighter? help please


Hey guys in the pics i posted those are the soft white 100w cfls is this ok? or should i get something brighter? help please
When you say 100W I am assuming you mean 100W equivalents, which would mean that they are 26W each. If i were you I would get some more of those but 3 is fine if you dont have the cash. Also, If you really have the cash to spend (It wont cost a whole lot), head over to home depot and get a set of 6500k (Color tempurature, it will usually be called "cool white", just ask an employee or something if it doesnt say on the box) lights for your vegetative stage. I would recommend 4 6500ks for veg and 4 2400ks (soft white) for flower. Also, If you can put up some mylar coating on those walls, some windshield heat reflectors from Autozone will do just fine.


Ok just got back from HD and got the 6500ks i dont have the money right now for mylar or to go to AZ anything eles i can use?


Ok just got back from HD and got the 6500ks i dont have the money right now for mylar or to go to AZ anything eles i can use?
Your good for the rest of your grow dude :) Post some updates over the next couple of days on how the plant is doing! Hope it turns out nice :-P


thanks man you have been the most help so far im really excited about my first grow i just want to do good.


hey dude how much do u think i will get off this plant have you ever seen hindu kush? when should i go from veg to leaf? also when should i use nuets?