Well-Known Member
Hello RUI! This isn't another "looking for stoners" thread. I just need some advice on how to meet new people. I moved to Grand Junction a while back, but managed to keep myself busy for a while. Then I came to the realization that I don't know a soul up here! I don't go to school and I'm currently unemployed. Those were the only places I got to know someone well enough to befriend them. I'm a pretty shy guy. The only thing I can think of is to spark up a blunt and hope the wind is blowing in another stoners direction. Come to think of it, thats how I remember breaking the ice with my old friends. You smoke? Me to. Lets blaze! But I'm not gonna go around askin people if they blaze. I'm only 18, so bars are outta the question. Who wants to go to the bar by themselfs anyways? Anyways, I'm just looking for suggestions. Believe it or not, I'm gettin tired of blazin by myself.