Are there any black people on this forum that didn't vote for Obama?


Well-Known Member
There is this argument going around that black people only voted for Obama because he is black. Isn't that stupid? I guess if I was black I probably would have voted for him too though. When I first saw Obama speak I thought to myself this guy seems pretty cool and I hope he doesn't get an unfair shot because he is black. Then I learned about his policies and agenda and I didn't like him anymore. However, I still thought if he wins at least we can get past the race BS. Now doesn't it seem like the race thing is more of a problem now?

Illegal Smile

Obama is exploiting race, that was the central strategy of his campaign. Race was going to be a shield from any criticism. It worked for the campaign and for the first year. But now he has gone to that well too many times.


New Member
**There is this argument going around that black people only voted for Obama because he is black. Isn't that stupid? I guess if I was black I probably would have voted for him too though.** When I first saw Obama speak I thought to myself this guy seems pretty cool and I hope he doesn't get an unfair shot because he is black. Then I learned about his policies and agenda and I didn't like him anymore. However, I still thought if he wins at least we can get past the race BS. Now doesn't it seem like the race thing is more of a problem now?
**There is this argument going around that black people only voted for Obama because he is black. Isn't that stupid? I guess if I was black I probably would have voted for him too though.**

These sentences directly contradict each other.


Active Member
Fuck EM!! (Obama that is) No reason why I didnt even vote! Im just sick of hearing about obama all the time. Who cares he is in there and theres nothing anyone can do about it for 3 more years. so until then get over Obama and live your lives. Thats why I dont vote! Plus anyone out there that votes and thinks it has any control over anything is stupid! I dont follow polotics but even I know the electoral votes count not the popular vote. Your vote didnt count for shit and was probably thrown in the trash right before the election! HAHAHA!


Well-Known Member
I can't remember what show it was on, but during the election I saw something where they had people fill out a long survey that would determine their political views. Before they told them the results they asked them who they were voting for and why. Then they revealed who they should REALLY be voting for based completely on their political views.

It was funny to see how many people weren't really voting based on the politics.

Illegal Smile

I can't remember what show it was on, but during the election I saw something where they had people fill out a long survey that would determine their political views. Before they told them the results they asked them who they were voting for and why. Then they revealed who they should REALLY be voting for based completely on their political views.

It was funny to see how many people weren't really voting based on the politics.
That reminds me of when some Obama supporters were asked what they thought of his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate. They said they thought she was a very good choice.


New Member
**There is this argument going around that black people only voted for Obama because he is black. Isn't that stupid? I guess if I was black I probably would have voted for him too though.**

These sentences directly contradict each other.
hmm i don't see contradiction...he's just saying he'd be suckered into the whole psychological "vote for my guy cuz he represents me, because i can identify with him" mentality


Well-Known Member
hmm i don't see contradiction...he's just saying he'd be suckered into the whole psychological "vote for my guy cuz he represents me, because i can identify with him" mentality
So he's stupid? :lol:
When he said "isn't that stupid" was he referring to blacks voting for obama just because they're black, or to the fact that people are arguing about it?

Because if it's the former, he pretty much said "that's stupid...but I'd do it" :neutral:


Well-Known Member
There is this argument going around that black people only voted for Obama because he is black. Isn't that stupid? I guess if I was black I probably would have voted for him too though. When I first saw Obama speak I thought to myself this guy seems pretty cool and I hope he doesn't get an unfair shot because he is black. Then I learned about his policies and agenda and I didn't like him anymore. However, I still thought if he wins at least we can get past the race BS. Now doesn't it seem like the race thing is more of a problem now?
I'm black ... and I didn't vote for obama ... I have this terrible habit of going by what people do rather than what they say ... and obama's voting record said he was for corporate interests ... he's nothing more than a puppet ... like bush only smarter ... you know who are really for the people ... the corporate media will shut them out each and every time. So no ... all black people didn't vote for obama. Of course racism still exist ... electing a half white guy isn't going to change that.:-P


Well-Known Member
I can't remember what show it was on, but during the election I saw something where they had people fill out a long survey that would determine their political views. Before they told them the results they asked them who they were voting for and why. Then they revealed who they should REALLY be voting for based completely on their political views.

It was funny to see how many people weren't really voting based on the politics.

Ha, Imagine if in the future, you went into a voting booth and voted on a poll like that. Then the computer would figure out which candidate you REALLY want based on those criteria and submit it without you ever knowing who your voting for. It would completely eliminate the superficiality of voting based on appearance and persuasion. Imagine how fair and honest that would be. Same reason why it could never happen in the US. It would even make it fair for the slightly stupider bracket of people who have no idea who their voting for or why. They could still vote effectively without ever listening to the candidates or knowing anything about politics.

scary isn't it....


New Member
What needs to really happen is the core economic model needs to be set in concrete. You can elect anyone you wish to, but they must all use the same economic model.

Keyesnian economics needs to be kicked to the curb, permanently.

Then the social inequities could truly be addressed without damaging the very society Govt. is trying to help.


Well-Known Member
This is true for alot of people every black person I know voted for him because he was black they didn't know a damn thing he was planning on doing.I myself personally didn't vote this election and most likely wont next election aswell.But I know if Obama runs again he will more than likely win again because of this.


Well-Known Member
hmmmmm did people vote for Mccain because he white......did they vote for Bush because he white.......did they vote for Clinton because he white....did they vote for Papa Bush because he white.....did they vote for Reagen because he white....did they vote for Carter because he white....this whole conversation is dumb...


Well-Known Member
hmm i don't see contradiction...he's just saying he'd be suckered into the whole psychological "vote for my guy cuz he represents me, because i can identify with him" mentality
Maybe you should have studied harder in English classes.
Premise 1. Black people voted for Obama because he was black.
Premise 2. This makes them stupid
Conclusion: Black people are stupid for voting for Obama.

Then says he would have voted for him too if he was black.