Health Care Bill Moves Forward


Well-Known Member
the senate voted 60-39 to allow the health care bill to move forward to debate. all 39 nay votes were republican, of course. the republicans don't want to debate healthcare. they think things are just fine the way they are. fail.


Well-Known Member
no we want to discuss health care and tort REFORM, not socialized medicine and forced insurance...
its fine though. When your old and have cancer and the govt denies you any help your gunna wonder who the hell thought that it was a good system. Honestly its just one more way for Uncle Scam to increase tax revenue and put his big giant thumb right on top of personal liberty and choice.
Insurance companies (multi billion dollar corporations) typically pay 90% of their claims. You can sue the insurance company in court. Good luck suing the Federal Government:wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
Insurance companies (multi billion dollar corporations) typically pay 90% of their claims. You can sue the insurance company in court. Good luck suing the Federal Government:wall::wall::wall:

Maybe you were still watching Sesame Street and missed the insurance companies failing to pay the Northridge quake victims and the Katrina victims and the many years it took them to settle after numerous lawsuits. These are the assholes you are defending.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you were still watching Sesame Street and missed the insurance companies failing to pay the Northridge quake victims and the Katrina victims and the many years it took them to settle after numerous lawsuits. These are the assholes you are defending.
I believe the only one's we are defending are those against a government run state. Our country was founded on limited government, we thrived under these policies, yet now somehow we can't live without government influence and control. Do you notice that the things that were flawed in our constitution were things that took freedoms away from the citizen, not things taking power away from the government.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ever notice how proponents of "free healthcare" always ignore or gloss over the whole growth of an authoritarian government and never have any comeback for questions about loss of freedom?

The simple truth is no matter what positive benefits can be derived from forced healthcare, they will be more than offset by the loss of liberty we will experience. This can only end badly. I feel sorry for those naive enought to believe that more government is the solution to anything. Sad.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare bill nothing. It's about control. Wake up people! This a trainwreck of the worst kind, and this country is seriously headed down the shitter. Fuck the brownshirts!


The simple truth is no matter what positive benefits can be derived from forced healthcare, they will be more than offset by the loss of liberty we will experience.
Exactly how I feel about it.

"Free health care" would be excellent, I guarantee it. But not at the expense of personal freedom. That is more important in my opinion.


Active Member
How are we going to pay for yet another Big Gov't program? Oh yea, put it on our credit card. My vision of of a better america begins with a Much smaller Govt. Govt=Inefficiency.

I would love for everyone to have affordable health care. I am a landlord and I see people who can't "afford" healthcare, but they have a LCD flat screen and PS3 video games, drive a Jetta maybe. Come on. PS: most of my tenants have TV bigger than mine, haha

Illegal Smile

Don't worry. The upshot of all this will be, as usual, a bill that doesn't cost as much as it might have, doesn't do as much harm as it might have and does very little good at all. There can be no public option without Lieberman's vote and he isn't going to give it.


Active Member
Maybe you were still watching Sesame Street and missed the insurance companies failing to pay the Northridge quake victims and the Katrina victims and the many years it took them to settle after numerous lawsuits. These are the assholes you are defending.
I think we want the same thing... The most people covered for as little money as possible. I think we also would agree that there should be some entity that looks after the medical needs of impoverished people.

For me, the only way to build this kind of system in any kind of sustainable way is in a free market. It is important to note that the problems we currently see (insurance industry oligarchies and extremely high medical costs) have nothing to do with the free market.


Well-Known Member
The got their cloture vote Saturday. Paid good money for it, too. $300 million to convince Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) to go along - by her own admission.

Now let's see it pass. Many Conservative Democrats went with the party for the procedural vote, but have repeatedly said they will not support the bill.
Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% now oppose the plan.


Well-Known Member
12 trillion in debt, of course we should add another crazy massive gov program that's pretty much guaranteed to be underfunded. I swear if this gets passed and I'm fined for not having insurance someone will pay. Most of the costs are carried by fat lazy people who don't take care of themselves, I always thought democrats support Darwinism so they shouldn't have any problems with letting those die off.


Well-Known Member
Funny how republicans fight to protect unborn children but have no problem letting them die of sickness once they are born.


Well-Known Member
Funny how republicans fight to protect unborn children but have no problem letting them die of sickness once they are born.
Republicans are not the only politicians uncomfortable with the abortion provisions in the bill.

It doesn't matter. Deflection will do you no good in this instance. Republicans do not seek to dismantle CHIP so the precious little ones are safe.

We are pondering this massive shift of our economy ostensibly for the uninsured in America.

Let's noodle this out...

Remove the Illegal Aliens.

Remove those who can afford health insurance, yet choose not to purchase it.

Remove those who are currently eligible for government health care, yet for whatever reason, do not take advantage.

And we are left with 10 million people.

Democrats propose to fundamentally change the way health care is administered in America for ten million people! But assisting those 10 million is an easy fix. Just expand existing programs a little.

This tells me the Democrats do not really care about health care at all. It about control. They want to control the delivery of health care I now control.


Well-Known Member
Funny how republicans fight to protect unborn children but have no problem letting them die of sickness once they are born.
that's such a fucking dumb talking point from liberals. "Vote for this monolith of destruction we call a healthcare bill which gives the federal government more authority to tell me what to do with my own body or your against children" Children are the cheapest demographic to insure and we already have low income insurance programs ( for them. Maybe you should focus more time on thrashing the parents of these children instead of those who want to keep what they earn. Look at the stats smartguy and you'll realize a huge majority of the costs are incurred by fat lazy people who choose not to take care of themselves and not children.


Well-Known Member
that's such a fucking dumb talking point from liberals. Children are the cheapest demographic to insure and we already have low income insurance programs ( for them. Maybe you should focus more time on thrashing the parents of these children instead of those who want to keep what they earn. Look at the stats smartguy and you'll realize a huge majority of the costs are incurred by fat lazy people who choose not to take care of themselves and not children.
You seem to know a thing or two about children....

11 year old pussy must be SOOOOOOO tight, lucky guy!


Well-Known Member
^^^^^I can play this game.
Quote from "flylikeadouche"

Be nice and take her to a very nice restaurant. Drink up and have a good meal and when you're done tell her you have to go to the bathroom and leave her ass there with the bill. Even better if you know she has no cash and no ride."
Hmmmm receiving goods/services and making someone else pay for it, no wonder he supports a government run/subsidized health-care plan.

does anyone take you seriously and do you know what context is?

BTW when people having nothing intelligent/rational to say they resort to those tactics which you seem very familiar with.