Matanuska Tundra


Well-Known Member
Matanuska Tundra is this the strain known as alaskan thunderfuck i found it on a seed site but it says it is 100% indica i thought it was sativa and at 100 euro is this a rip off if it is does anyone know where i can get alaskan thunderfuck seeds thanx
It used to be that the only way you could get Alaskan Thunder Fuck was by clone. Then a month or so ago I heard about these seeds. I don't know if they are the same as the ATF clones. The jury still seems to be out on that issue. I don't know of anyone that knows the answer to that question. But I know a lot of people that have the same question as you do and I am one of them.

If those seeds are a new breakthrough and that is the same as the clones then the seeds are worth every penny. ATF is the best stuff I have every smoked. And I mean EVER. Except of course stuff that was laced with a drug.

Alaskan Thunder Fuck is in my opinion the best weed out there.
If you order those seeds I think there are several people from this site that would love to hear your progress with your grow. I would hang on every word. Please let me know what you intend to do.
Okay I've done some searching and this is what I have found out. People can't agree on if this is Alaskan Thunder Fuck or not.

"According to The Big Book of Buds #1, by Ed Rosenthal, Matanuska Thunderfuck was given to Sagarmatha Seeds from growers in the Matanuska Valley of the great Alaskan northland. Formerly known as Matanuska Thunderfuck, Sagamatha decided to change the name to a more prudent one, Tundra, the Alaskan word for "grassland".
According to The Cannabible #1, by Jason King, the strain that Sagamatha sells as Matanuska Tundra is NOT related to the Thunderfuck. It claims that Sagamatha's Tundra is more indica based and generic. Peace. Puffin13"

Also ATF is different then most pot. Here are the details:
Grow-tips for Matanuska Tundra

Matanuska Tundra is a unique plant. It originates in the valleys in Alaska where it grows outdoor, and that probably influenced the following characteristics.


The leaves of Matanuska Tundra are very distinctive. The first 3 or 4 sets of leaves can be variegated. This means that they will have white stripes through the leaves. They will grow out of this phase, it's nothing to worry about. Sometimes it will come back later, but also that is normal.
The leaves are very big.
Sometimes the inner part of the leaf seems too big, causing the leaf to be a bit bubbly. This is also natural characteristic of Matanuska Tundra. It resembles the symptoms of overwatering, but it looks a bit different. A photo of a leaf will be exhibited later.
When are the buds ripe?

Most marijuana plants show that they are ready for harvest by the hairs which have shriveled up and turned brown. Matanuska Tundra is different. Very few if any hairs will turn brown.
Here are the signs that show that the plant is ripe:
  • The female flower consists of a seed pod and two hairs. The seed pod will swell up during the flowering period. When the flower is ripe, the seed pod stops getting bigger. If the seed pods on the top bud are shrinking, the top bud is a bit over-ripe and the rest of the plant is perfectly ripe.
  • The crystals on the seed pods are transparent during the first 4 to 6 weeks of flowering. When they ripen, they first turn milky-white. A week later they will turn amber. When the crystals on the top bud have turned amber, the top bud is a bit over-ripe and the rest of the plant is perfectly ripe. Look at the crystals on the top bud with a magnifying glass to observe the crystals turning from transparent to milky-white. Keep an eye on the seed pods to measure their size.
that is the same instructions as sagarmatha give for their thunderfuck, it says that it will come out with white stripes down the early leaves but it will outgrow it, it also said not to judge its ripeness by the colour of the hairs, as most if not all will remain the same colour.
Okay I got curious and spent several hours trying to find out any and everything possible on ATF.

Sagarmatha is the only seller that has the real deal. They are in Alaska and they do not send seeds to the US.

Real Alaskan Thunder Fuck is still available only by clone.

This is rumor "
The DEA a few years ago tested a busted crop of MTF in the States that produced the highest THC levels they'd ever tested on record - 32%THC."

ATF made it unto International Cannagraphics Elite Clone list.

Check the strainbase under Peak 19 and Mantanuska, There should be ample info on Thunderfuck there. If I recall correctly, T-fuck is a forebearer to Mantanuska, which is a forebearer to Peak 19, which was specifically bred to incorporate the characteristics of the T-fuck.

And that is pretty much the most I could find. Unless you count the page after page of rumor and speculation.
as always i am utterly amazed... (still in awe...)

in all honesty (lord and all),
my first grow i had one oddball seed that grew with some -bubbly is not the word- midget penguin fingered leaves i mean it was like a fist more than fingers, i took the seed out a bag of super-duper it was shorter than my other 12 plants then and had more nodes...

i always figured that it was some very indica shit like kush but thats all i could figure. helli was 15. wish i still had that seed now...
my first grow i had one oddball seed that grew with some -bubbly is not the word- midget penguin fingered leaves i mean it was like a fist more than fingers, i took the seed out a bag of super-duper it was shorter than my other 12 plants then and had more nodes...

i always figured that it was some very indica shit like kush but thats all i could figure. helli was 15. wish i still had that seed now...

bet you do mate i wish i had some already ordered them but im very impatient i wanna fly now my tolerance is heavy so i wanna get the good buzz back from less pot n i wanna own a rare strain
i got mine at a club last year. vegged indoors Jan 1 - Feb 28 then put outside in a green house. the leaves were dense and heavy due to the cold. but the high was everything it is said to be. this is a photo just before harvest. early May.


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thats some ill lookin dank faded...

so what has those leaves that lookike ivy and is supperrrr dark healthy green? kinda short and bushy grows well with limit light really dense..?
it survived a month of poor rain and freezing temps outdoors. i had to wear hip waders to get thru my backyard. under all that leaf were rock solid nugs. stashed it away for special occasions.