Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

Look at the question! What is amazing is the answer that came in his perfect time. ( a few days later).

One thing is certain. I, and many others, walked through a door or gateway and you, who have never walked through that door and seen what we've seen and heard what we've heard say that it does not exsist.
Kind of like those that said the world was flat and that we'd never go to the moon.

You are only as good as the questions you ask in life. And it's sad that of all the answers you received from the many people on this site- you have never learned from their answrs.

One day you will see what many of us already have. You too will hear what many of us have but.... when you do- that will be when there is no time left for a second chance. It will be too late for you and many others who mock what and who they don't know. Even though you've had plenty of time to meet him and get to know him

BTW... the bible is the only book that reads you as you read it. But some people are just afraid to look in the mirror of their own lives or see themselves through Gods eyes.

God is not a religion. He is someone with whom you can have a relationship with. He is the creator of the Laws of Nature and is Natures God. And only those that seek him- find him. He's not hiding. No matter how much you want to bury him. You can't hide him. But you can hide from him.

I'm not afraid of existence. Keep your religion to yourself and there wouldn't be a problem.
Maybe we should make anyone who follows a religion wear a yellow star or something to warn the government-approved atheists to avoid them?
We'll always have opinions but here's my suggestion...Maybe we shouldn't do anything. Maybe those that are religious can be left alone and those that aren't can be left alone.
We'll always have opinions but here's my suggestion...Maybe we shouldn't do anything. Maybe those that are religious can be left alone and those that aren't can be left alone.

The problem with that is clearly, many here who are not religious consider the religious as an imposition just because they are there, openly flaunting their faith without shame. If they were in your face gays that would be fine, but people of faith? Just disgusting.
Maybe we should make anyone who follows a religion wear a yellow star or something to warn the government-approved atheists to avoid them?

the sad thing is on here and the present climate it would be the crescent moon displayed on people. theres already several cries on here for Muslims to be rounded up.
apart from that i couldnt care what any of you of "faith" do
the sad thing is on here and the present climate it would be the crescent moon displayed on people. theres already several cries on here for Muslims to be rounded up.
apart from that i couldnt care what any of you of "faith" do

I get it. You want to protect the muslims and persecute all the other faiths. Bigot.
I get it. You want to protect the muslims and persecute all the other faiths. Bigot.

i dont think any faith should be persecuted show me once where i said they should?

i just want each faith recognised for being what they are not focusing on one particular group within a religion and using that to claim the whole religion is "evil" which is exactly what some people are doing on here
i dont think any faith should be persecuted show me once where i said they should?

i just want each faith recognised for being what they are not focusing on one particular group within a religion and using that to claim the whole religion is "evil" which is exactly what some people are doing on here

This, more than any other statement, cuts to the root of the issue.

Notice the fallacious use of the word "persecuted."

(verb) persecute
to pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict; to beset with cruelty or malignity; to harass; especially, to afflict, harass, punish, or put to death, for adherence to a particular religious creed or mode of worship

During the Holocaust, Jews were persecuted. They had done nothing wrong and they were systematically murdered for no reason. The Germans had nothing to fear from Jews - in fact their society benefited immeasurably from their Jewish citizens. They probably would have won WWII had they not focused their efforts on eradicating a portion of their own citizens.

What we are facing here in America is wholly different. Nobody is suggesting "persecuting" Muslims. What we are suggesting is that we face a very real threat from radical Islam and that we must begin to discuss way of safeguarding against terror while being cognizant of the rights of our peaceful Muslim citizens.

We also must face the reality that there is a segment of our own Muslim population that is hostile toward America and our allies. To what extent they are hostile is also an issue that must be taken into account.

While it is correct that some measures may eventually be taken that may result in discomfort for some of our peaceful Muslims, this can not rightfully be defined as "persecution." Having to wait in long lines at the airport is not persecution. Special screening measures for people of middle East origins is logical, not persecution.

If we imposed special measures against Muslims for the sole reason of them being Muslims, it would indeed be persecution. But, when such measures are logical and backed by sound reason, they are not persecution and should never be confused as such.
Just an FYI,

Among President Clinton's first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones.

What kind of numb skull passes a law like this? Another wise decision by Dumbocrats.
What was Clinton, or any other person, so concerned about?? Army personel carrieing weaponds on a base?? Who would know better how to handle their weapon? Or, did they want to maintain control over the fire arms at all times due to fear? Fear of what? And what prompted that 'fear' to begin with??

Just wondering why a law had to be passed to make them unarmed on a military base??
This, more than any other statement, cuts to the root of the issue.

Notice the fallacious use of the word "persecuted."
well i certainly do not thank you for taking my reply to illegal smile out of context
During the Holocaust, Jews were persecuted. They had done nothing wrong and they were systematically murdered for no reason. The Germans had nothing to fear from Jews - in fact their society benefited immeasurably from their Jewish citizens. They probably would have won WWII had they not focused their efforts on eradicating a portion of their own citizens.

What we are facing here in America is wholly different. Nobody is suggesting "persecuting" Muslims. What we are suggesting is that we face a very real threat from radical Islam and that we must begin to discuss way of safeguarding against terror while being cognizant of the rights of our peaceful Muslim citizens.
persecution does not start at the gas chambers theres many degree's that must come before it gets to that stage.
while you have the problem of terrorist you must note that whenever anyone stops separating Islam as a whole with the act's of the few individual terrorists then they are surely on the slippery slope of spreading hatred/ persecution.
people most definitely here on this board have crossed that line. people arent suggesting persecution in as many words but its still there

If we imposed special measures against Muslims for the sole reason of them being Muslims, it would indeed be persecution. But, when such measures are logical and backed by sound reason, they are not persecution and should never be confused as such.

logical thought seems along way from people showing isolated incidents from a religion of what 1.3 billion people and claiming that is what ISLAM stands for.
personaly i think doing that is an "act of persecution" or will fully spreading dangerous religous propaganda
There's a difference between saying all muslims should be suspected as terrorists and saying the Ilamic terrorists are muslims and their brand of islam is not a coincidence but central to their jihad brand of terrorism. The former is false and the latter is true.

Also, I would call it clear persecution when someone says, as has been said in this thread, that christianity should be practiced indoors, in hiding with drawn curtains so as not to offend anyone with an image of a cross. Bigots.
Also, I would call it clear persecution when someone says, as has been said in this thread, that christianity should be practiced indoors, in hiding with drawn curtains so as not to offend anyone with an image of a cross. Bigots.

i never said that either. your assumptions and insults at me where they come from?
... stops separating Islam as a whole with the act's of the few individual terrorists then they are surely on the slippery slope of spreading hatred/ persecution.
people most definitely here on this board have crossed that line. people arent suggesting persecution in as many words but its still there

logical thought seems along way from people showing isolated incidents from a religion of what 1.3 billion people and claiming that is what ISLAM stands for.
personaly i think doing that is an "act of persecution" or will fully spreading dangerous religous propaganda

a few isolated incidents? really?

when a gay kid is dragged across a desert behind a pickup truck by some fucking animals...thats an isolated incident.

when some fucking nut kills a doctor because of his abortion business....thats an isolated incident.

when some jackass working for the govt in kentucky paints shit on his chest and hangs himself from a tree...thats an isolated incident.

when people of a certain "background" gather by the thousands across several continents, plotting to cut your head off then cut your head off on television, blow up subways, sky skrapers, airplanes, disco clubs, warships, school buses, shopping malls, sports stadiums ....

isolated? not so much eintstien
What we are facing here in America is wholly different. Nobody is suggesting "persecuting" Muslims. What we are suggesting is that we face a very real threat from radical Islam and that we must begin to discuss way of safeguarding against terror while being cognizant of the rights of our peaceful Muslim citizens.
While it is correct that some measures may eventually be taken that may result in discomfort for some of our peaceful Muslims, this can not rightfully be defined as "persecution." Having to wait in long lines at the airport is not persecution. Special screening measures for people of middle East origins is logical, not persecution.

OK, the floor is yours, how do you suggest we do this? Seperate the bad from the good? I've been agreeing with you about this the entire time, that there are dangerous ones among normal ones, just like Christianity, just like any religion, I disagree with you on your mechanism for seperation. Any method I can think of, or that you've brough up, is unacceptable to our current justice system and individual rights involved, even if they are "suspected terrorists". Everyone deserves the right to the rule of law, wouldn't you agree?

Also, I would call it clear persecution when someone says, as has been said in this thread, that christianity should be practiced indoors, in hiding with drawn curtains so as not to offend anyone with an image of a cross. Bigots.

...this just keeps getting better with you IS... you sir are calling Jesus Christ himself a bigot.

Mathew 6:5-6 - And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Pwned. Now go listen to Jesus and stop bein' a hypocrite.
...this just keeps getting better with you IS... you sir are calling Jesus Christ himself a bigot.

Mathew 6:5-6 - And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Pwned. Now go listen to Jesus and stop bein' a hypocrite.

jesus is talking about praying....doofus. show me the verses where he says to preach in private. if jesus practiced his religion behind closed would anyone know about him? :idea:

you really do have trouble processing and comprehending what you read. practice, you will get better.:wall:
jesus is talking about praying....doofus. show me the verses where he says to preach in private. if jesus practiced his religion behind closed would anyone know about him? :idea:

you really do have trouble processing and comprehending what you read. practice, you will get better.:wall:

So you've never bitched about kids not being allowed to "pray" in school? Seems to me people tend to pray a lot in church... at national sporting events, at international olympic events, all in public.

You, or any of your equally as insane counterparts of other religions, preaching in public about shit I do not believe infringes on my right to be in a public place without having to deal with such shit. Why do you think you have this right, but I don't? And you might try to turn this around and act like an idiot and remark about how that doesn't "harm" me, and I'm just bitching because I'm intollerant of others beliefs, but what you always seem to miss is the fact that there are BILLIONS of believers with insane beliefs that affect me even though I don't believe them. You miss the big picture. My goal is to stop the idiot shit from the start, at the retard in town square spitting nonsense at the gullible masses with an agenda in mind that he himself probably doesn't follow, just like all the other "religious leaders" - that fuckin' phrase should be in the dictionary next to oxy-moron... religious leaders :roll: ... lmfao...