First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member

O yes... we actually use it at workplace to test some adhesives and related chemicals (UVB-Helped Bonding). I usually keep it approximately 3.5 ft away so according to the link you provided about OSRAM UltraVitalux, that is a good enough distance to emulate sun UV rays.

Blue cheese is doing good so far. Nirvana Chrystal I put in jiffy pellet cracked her shell when I checked today which is good *still crossing fingers :)*

Thanks for the links :)


Well-Known Member
Damn you got all kinds of room you lucky bastard. I guess the bulb will be just fine if you have that much room to work with.


Active Member
Yep, I have room but it is because I am not using grow tent. I am using the corner of my study room at home :)


Active Member

So far things are going well. In addition to BioBizz BioGrow and Flower I bought Biobizz Fish Mix and Superthrive. I am thinking of adding fishmix to her feeding mix.

Nirvana Chrystal is half popped out. She is under CFL light in my cabinet for now. For her superthrive all the way till flowering :)

I have a question though. What would happen if I use Superthrive on my Blue Cheese once or twice?



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I like French Rap. I am not happy with the direction US Rap going recently.


Well-Known Member
I dont like the directionits goind in either. I live in the US:( i would recommend listening to the new Slaughterhouse album. REAL Hip-Hop. 5/5 stars.


Active Member

I watered her yesterday with added molasses. She looks fine and smell is so good to me :) I am crossing my fingers for things to go well so I could have some fun with the final fruits of my labor :)


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
thats some ugly N def. check your PH and add more high N fert next time.
there are tons of things that can be used as an N fert if you don't have a specialized fertilizer. Like urine (dilute 1 part in 15 parts water).


Well-Known Member
thats some ugly N def. check your PH and add more high N fert next time.
there are tons of things that can be used as an N fert if you don't have a specialized fertilizer. Like urine (dilute 1 part in 15 parts water).
I agree. You don't want to stunt the growth. Check pH first.


Active Member
I don't know, I always water with 6-6.5 ph water. I was guessing there is a deficiency issue. It might be N. Last week I watered with biobizz bloom+growth mix on thursday so I am waiting for thursday to use the same mix. I don't wanna use a period less than 1 week for fertilizing even if it is organic substance. Or would it be ok?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
You can run by the charts and fert every watering with biobizz.
at your stage the recommanded dose is 2 biogrow, 1 alg-a-mic, 2 biobloom and 2 topmax, if i recall correctly. thats ml\L.
However, in your case I'd go with 3.5 biogrow and 2 biobloom. if you have alg-a-mic, add 1. again, ml\L.

If you don't have the chart yet, print it out and hang near your ferts :D

If you go STRAIGHT by the chart, you should get pretty neat results.

Your PH is too low. For soil you want a ph of 6.5 at soil level. That means solution PH of around 6.7. (as the water evaporate the salts build up and lower the PH overtime)

6.0 PH is way too low for soil. I use 6.0 for my hydro.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I always water with 6-6.5 ph water. I was guessing there is a deficiency issue. It might be N. Last week I watered with biobizz bloom+growth mix on thursday so I am waiting for thursday to use the same mix. I don't wanna use a period less than 1 week for fertilizing even if it is organic substance. Or would it be ok?
What strength did you start with? Ive learned 1/4 strength bio-bizz is way too weak. I ended up with 3 chlorotic plants because of this. Ive since upped it to full strength a couple of days ago and plants are starting to look better already.