Smoking vs. Drinking


Well-Known Member
So on this three day weekend I've had nothing to do. I have just ran out of weed this morning and won't be getting some till at least sometime Mon. Since I didn't have weed me and my friends just drank some beer. While drinking beer I realized how much I rather smoke weed then drink.

For me personally smoking is something I do when I want to chill and relax where as drinking is more for parties and not just chilling.

Just a thought.

Any one else feel the same way?


Well-Known Member
I don't like to drink plus I know to many ppl that have been hurt/died to young behind the wheel after a drink night. Thats why I like you like to puff and chill-
How many ppl die from over smoking?
Sorry for being so neg.


Well-Known Member
You have to look at the effects from drinking as well. It is not good for the body. The next day is a bummer unless you start drinking again. You are more likely to get hooked on drinking. I am a recovering alcoholic and have never been hooked on pot the way I was on drinking. I was mostly a weekend drinker, but alot of times would drink to much. With pot you have alot more control of when to say I have had enough.


Well-Known Member
If you go to a party and the weed is on the left side of the room and the keg is on the right.999 times out of 1000 if there is a fight it will be on the right side of the room.

Case Closed.


Well-Known Member
totally with all of you on this one.....weed trumps alcohol for me.....its not even in the same ballpark. I could go without alcohol if it were'nt so damn difficult to get weed...and alcohol is legal...WTFWT.....problem solved....grow'n my own. not that a cold beer at the lake or a glass of wine with that puff is awesome BUT.....weed is much more my type of buzz.


New Member
I don't drink at all. :-| I don't like the feeling it gives me mentally as well as physically. Its nothing at all like being high. I also like to relax and chill or toke and get busy and focussed working on something, but drinking just doesn't do it for me.

Yuck! :spew: (very opinionated on this one:?)
So on this three day weekend I've had nothing to do. I have just ran out of weed this morning and won't be getting some till at least sometime Mon. Since I didn't have weed me and my friends just drank some beer. While drinking beer I realized how much I rather smoke weed then drink.

For me personally smoking is something I do when I want to chill and relax where as drinking is more for parties and not just chilling.

Just a thought.

Any one else feel the same way?


Well-Known Member
i been a hardcore drinker,,most of my life,,beer,,I mean,,not spirits,,i have won drinking contests and drank over 30 beers at one sitting,,but recently decided that 12 beers a night,,just isn't regular,,,so boom,,just like that,,I stopped drinking Mon to thursday,,so right there I save 80 a week,,so 2 weeks ago was the first friday,,and I didn't even want a beer,,but was working for a friend ,,and it was there,,so i had some,,again this past weekend,,I drank friday,,but because I'm not,,errr,,,regular any more,,i felt crap saturday,,since I have slowed drinking down,,I enjoy my weed,,not more of it,,just it itself,,and as for this weekend coming,,I don't know if beer is gonna be on my agenda,,anyway,,to answer the question beer vs pot,,I am gonna go with the weed,,no one gets hurt or charged for killing someone,,and the next day is shiny and new and welcome everytime:hump::mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Active Member
I drink only because I haven't had weed in a long time. After I get my steady supply, I plan to cut way back on drinking - or quit altogether. When I drink, I can feel it really is a depressant - I get so slow. And the headache afterwards - it's not worth it. I can't wait "to get my grow on" so I can get relaxed and not have to worry about my liver.


Well-Known Member
Not much of a drinker myself. I will on very rare occasions have a small glass of wine or a beer. I don't get drunk. I think it has to do with coming from a long line of alcoholics. Seen a lot of unpleasantness due to alcohol. Weed rules.


Well-Known Member
I like the taste of beer, and I love me some gin & tonic, but It really is a take it or leave it type of thing for me. I would much prefer a glass of water and a joint!


Active Member
Weed is way better, just imagine if you drank like you smoke weed, youll end up dehydrated, the only alcohol i like are beer and wine, but not for getting drunk, wine is good for eating meat, and beer is not that bad. i honestly almost never drink at all. i rather smoke weed and wake up the next day to wake n bake, refreshing:mrgreen:.
instead of a hangover after heavy drinking:spew:.
nothing beats weed.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those who drank WAY to much and then turned in to an asshole--my way too much is a case or more of beer and a two-six of Jack Daniels a night-- and I used to do this multiple times a week. That was till my wife (not at the time) kicked my in the beets and told me to get my sh*t together. I guess what I`m trying to say is that I too prefer a good joint and a glass of water as well. If you so choose you can drive after, you dont act like a dick and you smell a hell of a lot better than beer and whiskey. The next day you dont hurt (or regret) and chances are your buddies are not going to laugh at you, unless you drank the bong water, that is.


New Member
Yes when alcoholism runs in the family, its makes it much less appealing. :?
Not much of a drinker myself. I will on very rare occasions have a small glass of wine or a beer. I don't get drunk. I think it has to do with coming from a long line of alcoholics. Seen a lot of unpleasantness due to alcohol. Weed rules.


shawarma king

who gave you these perceptions?

why does every drink have to end in me being drunk?

or every bowl in me be completely baked?

i like -- no -- i love -- a good beer


Well-Known Member
Well yeah I correct myself. I love a tall glass of beer with my lunch sometimes or a glass of wine with a good meal. Other than that though -- hate liquor.


Master of Mayhem
So on this three day weekend I've had nothing to do. I have just ran out of weed this morning and won't be getting some till at least sometime Mon. Since I didn't have weed me and my friends just drank some beer. While drinking beer I realized how much I rather smoke weed then drink.

For me personally smoking is something I do when I want to chill and relax where as drinking is more for parties and not just chilling.

Just a thought.

Any one else feel the same way?
I agree.....


Just some idiot
You have to look at the effects from drinking as well. It is not good for the body. The next day is a bummer unless you start drinking again. You are more likely to get hooked on drinking. I am a recovering alcoholic and have never been hooked on pot the way I was on drinking. I was mostly a weekend drinker, but alot of times would drink to much. With pot you have alot more control of when to say I have had enough.
Good luck bud, me too almost two years my weed and I don't think I could have beaten the drink without it. I feel better everyday mentally and physically...I haven't been sick since I quit, not once. Good luck with the recovery, if you are like me just take a puff if you get the itch.