Islam is Stupid!!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any threads bashing muslims, though there are a lot against Christianity, so I thought I would do the politically incorrect thing and level out the playing field. For those who believe that Christianity or religion in general is dangerous, I say the most dangerous of these is Islam. These people are still going around to this day killing non believers, following sharia law, not allowing women to do pretty much anything, and yet they are the religion of peace. ???. When is the last time you have heard of a person killing another over religion, besides Islam? I haven't heard many instances where jews or christians killed non believers, yet it is happening in the muslim world everyday. Before you go out and say I'm a hater, look at all the threads against religion, Christianity in particular, and ask yourself why shouldn't Islam be on that list. So all those I offend, I don't care, Islam is stupid, Muslims are stupid, and the whole sharia law is garbage. :finger: Islam.:lol:
I haven't seen any threads bashing muslims, though there are a lot against Christianity, so I thought I would do the politically incorrect thing and level out the playing field. For those who believe that Christianity or religion in general is dangerous, I say the most dangerous of these is Islam. These people are still going around to this day killing non believers, following sharia law, not allowing women to do pretty much anything, and yet they are the religion of peace. ???. When is the last time you have heard of a person killing another over religion, besides Islam? I haven't heard many instances where jews or christians killed non believers, yet it is happening in the muslim world everyday. Before you go out and say I'm a hater, look at all the threads against religion, Christianity in particular, and ask yourself why shouldn't Islam be on that list. So all those I offend, I don't care, Islam is stupid, Muslims are stupid, and the whole sharia law is garbage. :finger: Islam.:lol:
Ever hear of the Crusades? Google it.


Well-Known Member
Well That's Not A Nice Thing To Say! Why the hatred Jack? :-)
What's up Brev, I see south park is doing well. I haven't been on here too much lately, but I was talking about religion with some people today(most my friends are athiests) and we started having this debate about why it was ok to mock Christianity, yet it is a horrible act to even mention Islam. I think we were watching the south park that mocks family guy, and how they wouldn't air muhammed's face, lol, and that got us on the subject. I just didn't want the muslims to feel left out of the ridicule, that just wouldn't be fair to them.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
for sure christians killed hundreds of thousands. and althoe they arent anymore they still condem and ridicule all non believers, isnt that a sin in its own ? damn hypocrits dont mean to ofend anyone but how can u go to church on sunday and tell your mother on monday she is going to burn in hell if she is not saved.

just do right by your fellow man right will b done to u KARMA! peace yall


Well-Known Member
for sure christians killed hundreds of thousands. and althoe they arent anymore they still condem and ridicule all non believers, isnt that a sin in its own ? damn hypocrits dont mean to ofend anyone but how can u go to church on sunday and tell your mother on monday she is going to burn in hell if she is not saved.

just do right by your fellow man right will b done to u KARMA! peace yall
I'd prefer to keep this an Islam bashing thread, if you want to knock Christianity, you can choose one of the other 5,000 threads there are on that subject. My point is that Islam is the stupidest, most brutal religion out there,

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any threads bashing muslims, though there are a lot against Christianity, so I thought I would do the politically incorrect thing and level out the playing field. For those who believe that Christianity or religion in general is dangerous, I say the most dangerous of these is Islam. These people are still going around to this day killing non believers, following sharia law, not allowing women to do pretty much anything, and yet they are the religion of peace. ???. When is the last time you have heard of a person killing another over religion, besides Islam? I haven't heard many instances where jews or christians killed non believers, yet it is happening in the muslim world everyday. Before you go out and say I'm a hater, look at all the threads against religion, Christianity in particular, and ask yourself why shouldn't Islam be on that list. So all those I offend, I don't care, Islam is stupid, Muslims are stupid, and the whole sharia law is garbage. :finger: Islam.:lol:

two words buddy, the crusades...:cuss:


Well-Known Member
BTW I'd have to say the Aztecs where more prolific in their homicide. I mean come on, one year they killed 100,000 of their own people in 3 days. But the Mayans were more outright brutal. Their sacrifices must have been something to behold... Look it up, crazy shit.
Well according to the mayans, we're all gonna be dead in 2012. Oh my god!!!