Standing your ground in court


Well-Known Member
So okay lets just say for an example there was marijuana growing in my back yard.

So My door gets kicked in they take the plants and now im facing a judge in court who is asking me if im so&so,

I reply are we on the record? Judge says yes.
I say i am a Man of the people representing that person and I am here under threat of duress and I am reserving my rights as a man of the people. Are there any objections to me reserving my rights?
Record shows no objections.
I say for the record do you have an oath to uphold and protect the rights of the people?
Judge says yes
I say for record the court takes judicial notice of the judge’s oath.
Judge asks than what is your name?
I say on the record I am not a name but am known to be called Tim
Judge says is this your name on my paper? Hand the paper to the defendant
I say for the record im not the defendant and no that’s not my name.
Judge says well Mr. TIM the defendant has to sit over there in that chair.

I say as stated for the record I am not a Mr. or the defendant but may I sit there while reserving my rights?
Judge says yes.
Judge says where you manufacturing marijuana?

I say I don’t understand the question, how can anyone manufacturing something that grows in nature?
Judge says okay enough of this your in contempt of court!
I say what kind of contempt? Civil or criminal?
Judge says criminal I tell ya!
I say will the court bring forth the injured party?
Judge says were not here to discuss the case.
I say the presumption of facts are without evidences, this court lacks subject matter jurisdiction and can not proceed with out a case. I waive all benefits and release the court of its duty to perform.

I am now closing the record.

Anyways that somewhat how I would standup for myself in court although it could go many different ways. I do not operate in commerce contract.

If you don’t know your rights you don’t have any.
Did you do this in court already or is it just a theory?And are you a lawyer?
Because if not and you tried that shit in court you would end up doing way more harm then good.And if it was your lawyer that tried this it seems like you would be better off with a PD
lol right. I said hell no to a PD though. I got arrested for disorderly conduct on my birthday for calling a cop a "fucking pig". he then proceeded to slam my head onto a table. Once i got to court i asked the jusdge if my rights gauranteed by the first ammendment were voided and he said obviously they are not. Seeing as how it was all on tape and i wasnt making a ruckus i literally just looked at him an smiled an said fucking pig. As far as im concerned i hadnt broken any laws. I even had the owner of the bar testify that i was not acting in a disorderly manner and that the force used by the officer was excessive. I got the charge dropped and now i have to go back to the cxourthouse and apply for an arrest warrant hearing to press assault charges on the cop. We will see what comes of it but at this point the officer in question is on administrative leave pending investigation. Im proud to say that the system actually worked for me and protected my rights. Thats what i call standing up for my rights.
excuse me. As far as im concerned I can say whatever i please. And apparently as far as the courts are concerned thats how it is. Im not too sure how it works in the bass ackwards Ausie courts. I bet you feel better about yourself for being an internet tough guy. You must be a cop. oh well guess what FUCK THOSE PIGS AND FUCK ANYONE WHO DOESNT LIKE WHAT I GOT TO SAY. you dont have to listen to it but i do have the right to say whatever i want in any manner i please as long as it does not incite violence.
No - the point is you are making the mistake of putting the law above common sense and decency, which is what the whole issue is to begin with.
The law is above common decency. He shouldnt have been following us around all night from bar to bar if he didnt want to hear my opinion of him. Im glad i said what i did and if i could go back and do it again i would. I took one more thug with a badge off of the street. I did a service to decent people in my area who dont deserve to be harassed simply because the officer can. Ill be a nice guy when its called for, until then FUCK THE POLICE
What a huge load of crapp. If I was that cop I would have bitch slapped so hard into your disrespectfull face as well ! Running your mouth off will be dangerous when you are not safe behind a keyboard mr computer strength man. If it was not for your mothers computer to hide behind you would be having much respect and shutting your mouth. and learn some respect son.
persistant troll is persistant. Why not get a life loser. We dont want you on these forums and making twenty plus usernames doesnt change that fact. And coming from a user like you im glad. Go hop on your POS zuki and ride with your "bike gang" lol
edit: and what makes you think i cant backup anything i say. You dont know me. Obviously i dont have a problem saying something to someones face and had it not been a cop I would have stomped a mud hole in his ass.
What a huge load of crapp. If I was that cop I would have bitch slapped so hard into your disrespectfull face as well ! Running your mouth off will be dangerous when you are not safe behind a keyboard mr computer strength man. If it was not for your mothers computer to hide behind you would be having much respect and shutting your mouth. and learn some respect son.

I cant believe you can really read his original post and not smile a little. Way to go Smokey, anytime a cop can actually get disciplined for his actions is a good day in my book.

Way to flex your rights! :joint:
Yeah defending our freedoms! Who else did that again?
Your fucked up 'us against them' mentality creates conflict, it doesn't achieve shit.
well thats your opinion and ill call any cop a pig to defend it :bigjoint:
It shouldnt be "us against them" so i am glad it all happened. Maybe it will send a message to his colleagues that they shouldnt abuse the power that WE have entrusted in them. And then again maybe not. Maybe ill simply become the latest greatest target of their shit storm. Who really even cares. I say what i mean an mean what i say. It usually seems to work out in the end.

sure you can its a free country just dont be surprised when you get your head slammed into a table. lol.
hahahaha oh man that was exactly what i was thinking at the time. but its kind of a dick move to bam someones head while their in handcuffs. oh well eff dem bacon factories
LOL yea and you would be missing a spleen after the beating you would take from the man after that move. cops rarely travel alone...rember rodney king? i say just aim for the face.....oh my!
well you did let a pig punk your ass. so why didnt you knock the fucker out right there if your such tough shit? if some pig slammed my head into a table he would be eating through a straw for the next 6 months.
lol because yes i was pretty drunk but not dumb enough to break any laws. I think i won in the end. I live through a lil bump on the noggin. that fucker wont have a job by the end of this year. Besides it would have given them a reason to take me down for a felony. I dunno about you but I'd rather keep my pistols and not be a felon!:bigjoint:
The law is above common decency. He shouldnt have been following us around all night from bar to bar if he didnt want to hear my opinion of him. Im glad i said what i did and if i could go back and do it again i would. I took one more thug with a badge off of the street. I did a service to decent people in my area who dont deserve to be harassed simply because the officer can. Ill be a nice guy when its called for, until then FUCK THE POLICE
amen to tbrother to many times they think that badge gives them the right to be pricks to us glat shit got flipped for once
any judge worth his weight is going to gag your ass... stuff a sock in your mouth and put duck tape over that shit.....

try it, i dare you....
any judge worth his weight is going to gag your ass... stuff a sock in your mouth and put duck tape over that shit.....

try it, i dare you....
really? so thats why my charge was dropped and i was advised by a judge to persue criminal charges against said cop?

so a pig slams your head into a table and then he gets put on administrative leave aka paid vacation. big fucking deal you didnt win shit. he will get a slap on the wrist at the most and be back on the street by 2010. :wall:
and Im not sure about your area but around here when an officer is on admin leave pending investigation they aren't paid. And from my last recollection anyone guilty of ANY violent crime cannot be a cop... Maybe thats just me using my common sense though. I sure hope you dont let the cops around ya push you around like you imply i should have. It only makes for a bigger ego from someone who should only be interested in crimes. Not abusing his position to harass innocent people. I dunno about you but i refuse to live in fear of the people that are supposed to protect me. Not once has a cop shown an interest in my complaints. My home was broken into and they took over 5 grand in jewelry. I literally had to show the cops a video of the thieves breaking my window to get the police to fingerprint anything. Im sorry but thats a joke. They are only interested in the things that further their career. Its as bad as any politician.
i think the whole point of this thread was knowing your rights. i personally know alot of cops and they r not all bad. i mostely keep a low profile these days for obvious reasons but if the time ever did come all b dammed if im gonna tuck and run fuck that !!! get up stand up my brothers
and i usually do too man. In fact my cousin is a cop in FLA my uncle is the VP of a security firm in Cali so i completely understand their motives. BUT it was my birthday and he really was following us around. I wasnt even the one who noticed it was my girlfriend that mentioned it. I dont think that a cop should be SITTING at a bar while on duty and in uniform. Especially not "coincidentally" four different bars that our group just so happened to be at, as he claimed. So i do appreciate the people who become an officer to protect and to serve just as i do our military personel, but there needs to be a line between the job and the personal interests. IMO they should be completely unbiased in their investigations. But then again I fully understand that this life isnt fair. If it was i wouldnt have had to spend the noght in jail.
you can stand up for yourself, but no one disrespects a judge... no one.....

if a judge asks you a question, and you start babbling your mouth like that you're getting gagged....

at least where I'm at... the conversation would be:

Judge: what's your name
You: I am a man of the
Judge: You are not to speak unless it's a yes or no. Is you're name so and so?
You: I am not a name. I have....
Judge: One more word and you're going to get gagged!!
You: I am.... * sock in the mouth, you handcuffed to a wheelchair...... PERIOD...